2� 1 ���372
<br /> CR�SS C4LLATERAL�GATZ�N. [t is �he expressed intent of �rantor to cros� collateralize a[] af st�
<br /> lndebtedness and obligations to �ender, huwsae�rer arising and whenso�ve�- incurz-ed, except any vb�igatian
<br /> existing or arising against the prin�ipal dw�liing af any Grantor.
<br /> �VA�2RAI�TYES. Grantor, for itself, its he�rs, persanai representatives, success�rs, arid assigns, repr�sents,
<br /> wan•ants,�o�enant�and agrees with Len�er,its successors and assigns,as follows:
<br /> Perforrna nce Qf�hligations. �rant�r promises to perf�nm all terms, conditions, and covenants of this
<br /> Security Instrument and Related Dacuments in a�Gordance w�th the terms cantained therein.
<br /> ]]efensc and Title to Property.At the time of executivn�nd deliv�ry of this instrumei�t,Grantor is lawfuily
<br /> seised af khe es#ate hereb}�c�nveyed and has the�xclusive right to moi-tga�e,�rant,convey and assign ihe
<br /> Prop�riy.Grantor covenants that the Praperry is unencumbered and free of all liens,exc�pt fvr encumbrances
<br /> of recflrd acceptable ta Lender.Further,Crantar c�venants that Grantar wil� warrant and defend generally
<br /> the title to the Pro�eriy against any �nd al� �laims and demands whatsoever, subaect to the easements,
<br /> restrictians, or other encumarances of record acceptab�e to Lender, as may be listed in the S�hedule of
<br /> ex�eptions ta co�erage in any abstract of title or title insurance poli�y insuring Lender's interest in the
<br /> Property.
<br /> Conciition of Property. Grantar�rvin�ses at all times to preser�e�nd to maintain the Prapert}►and every
<br /> part thereaf in good r�pair,wotking order,and�ondition and wi ll from tim�ta time,make a�1 needfu�and
<br /> prop�r repairs so that the value af the PrQperty shall not in any way he impaired.
<br /> �t�m�val uf s�ny Part of the Property.Grantor promis�s nvt to r�m�ve any part of the Praperty from its
<br /> present location,e�ccept for r�p�acement,maintenance and reloGa#ian in the vrdinary course of business.
<br /> A�terativns to the ProPerty. �rantor promises t� abstain from the commission of any waste on or in
<br /> connectian with the Property,Further,Grantar sha�l make na material alteratians,additians or imprQvements
<br /> of any type whatsoever ta th�Praperty,regardless of whether such alterations,add�tian�or improvem�nts
<br /> would increase the�alu�of the Froperty,nor permit anyone to do so�xcept for tenant improvements and
<br /> coinp��tion of items pursuant to eppro�ed plans and specifications,without Lender's prior written consent,
<br /> tivhich cansent may be withheld by �,ender in tts sole discretion. �'rrantor will c�mply with all laws and
<br /> reguratians of all publi�authorities having jurisdiction o�er the Praperty includin�,without Zimitation,those
<br /> relating to the use, accupancy and maintenance thereof and shall upan re9uest prarnptly submit to Lender
<br /> e�idence of such complian�e.
<br /> Due on Sa��-Lender's Cansent.Grantor st�all not se�l,further encumher nr oth�rwise dispose of,�xcept as
<br /> herein pTavided, �ny ar all af its interest in an�part of or a]1 of the Property withQut first❑btaining the
<br /> written cansent of Lender. 1f any encumbrance, lien, transfer ar sale or agreement for these is created,
<br /> Lendet may dec�are immediately du�and payable,the entir�balance of the Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance.Grantor promises io keep the Property insu�ed against�uch risks and in su�h form as may within
<br /> - the sale discretion af Lender be acceptab]e, causing Lender to be named as loss payee or tf re9uested by
<br /> Lend�r, as rnortgagee. 'I'he insUra.nce �arnpany shalI b� chosen �y Grantor sub3ect to Lender's appro�a�,
<br /> which shall not be unreasQnably withhe�d. All insurance palieies must provide that L�nder wiil get a
<br /> miniinum af�0 days notice prior tv cancellation.At Lender's discretian,Grantor ma�be r�quired to produce
<br /> rec�ipts of paid premiums and renewal pa�icies.lf Grantor fai[s to obtain#he re�uired ca�erag�,Lender ma�
<br /> do so at Grant�r's�xp�nse.Grantor h�reby directs each and every insurer of the Property to make pa�ment of
<br /> loss to Lender with the proce�ds to be applie�,on�y at Lender's�ption,tv the repair and repiacement of the
<br /> damage�r loss❑r to be appjied.tv the Indebtedness v�r�th the surplus,if any,to be paid by Lender to Grantor.
<br /> payment of Taxes and Other Appli�abre Charges. Grantor promises to pay and ta dis�harge liens,
<br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessment�,leas�pa�ments and any other�harges relat�ng to the Properry when�evied
<br /> ar assessed against Grantor or the Properly.
<br /> Environmental Laws and �azardous �r Toxi� Mat�rials. Grantor and ever� tenant hav� be�n, are
<br /> presently and shall cantinue ta be in strict compiiance with an� applicable lacal, state and #'edera!
<br /> enviranmental Iaws and i�egulations.Further,nei#her Gr�ntor nor any tenant sha11 manufacture,stare,handle,
<br /> discharge or disp4se of hazardous or toxic maYerials as may be defined by any state or federal law on the
<br /> i'�r�;�c;��C�', i'x�:�'��' [t� l�ic: rxtrii( 11i:: �xi�;tc��Z�:c t�l�sucj� �i��[Lri.�l� l��as Ur�:r� E�!'esLiti�}� tl;��icr��:�i itt ►�ri[ir1�; [c?
<br /> i.�:�,;l�r�.t�r.�ritr�r��s�fil it.����cr�iat��4•��util�ti�L4n�it�r in�tirit:n�;��f ar7y,�sti�rtit�:��a�cl�i�n i7�adc hy�a�zy E�.�r:�•:�s ct�
<br /> r�tL ���7tisi��i�: �•iui�i�iv�� �t' <�pp�ica�1� stat�: a�i�3 t�tfer-al t.t���irc»lmi::lt,�[ �aws lrEc;lk�il��i� �t��: locatic�:� c+f�rty
<br /> Ez�7rircic�a3���r���xic•=i���trri;tl5 ftiz�nt'�:l�c,�,;�hc���ri�F,�•n�.(_T���,i�tar in��i»r}i4icti�t��ci��t�':�9�,I..erici�.r hF�rz��l����t'rni�i,
<br /> V�1itYi7ill iirt�i[:�cic�+�,aziy� lE�s�silit••i�r ex�i+nsc;nt��vti�tsuc:vc:��r�;�tssr� tncitrred cii�c:ctly or ��ti�i�r�:ctiy r��it��;-car iri
<br /> ;.o►�itcc��c�}��ti�icl�:��ij�:r�����.ri���roisi]�c;n?$1��i�v�.it-��c:�i;:��i�l ur-�ii��F�7��t����t��r}��t��zrny cfr C�rs���tnr-.[l��f�i.��}�is�,
<br /> ��tt:�t'tlY Ui� f�lilll�� ��:ti[�Il�'C��C��tty flt�ft������1�ti]�tti;��r�ly �I],c)rl, �lit(�f'i'.ii�z[)Li[,tf1'�.[il��il�iti[��� fri3I11 0;"�)�iSSil��t
<br /> i�tt'n�i��s tfit I�rc���Crt1�� t�i'�333� �]�rt t���:�:c�t't�r�in_y �z'����t�y tldj���:�:��[ i1�rrLtcr; �c) .�t�}� ��.�st. ��;'�s��iE ctir f����tlt'c�
<br /> 3ia�tt��fu�f�.�cc����tl� a!nr��i c:ui�nc;�:t�c�i> >���tlt ti�� I'r��Eac�r+y���� ,�r�}����irt it�!•�c��l;�ftcl f.�iy Ih��ri��nc'vn��liar�c�c !;}�
<br /> C�t'a».ur-ur[rr�,,3t��r's t�til��rt�io�t�i��E�t}�ftill}�.3rtt�[irt�c:lv z��•ith c.•t}virt�r�r�xr,tit+��l�i�vs.
<br /> Financii�l i��Tarm�tii���,�;r�r��c7r agrees to�upply Lender such financial and vther inf�nnatian cancerning its
<br /> affairs .:r i:! t}�e �t���u ti a f�a n v ����ts assets as Lender, from time to time,may reasonab ly r�quest. �'rranior
<br /> Further�����c�s [3� �►��rs��i I.�r�tfc�: to verify accounts as we�l as to insp��t, cvpy and to�xamine the books,
<br /> records i�r�cl iixc;ot'Crr.3r�ti���.
<br /> �3004-^015 Com�li�ner Syuenu,int 391 A-ACOE-Z015.1 Z 2 IQ]b
<br /> Cammerc'�l Re�l Es1a[e Securiry�nstrunxns-��pp7 P�c Z of 5 ►v►vw comnlun;,esyslerns cvm
<br />