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<br />When Recorded, Mail To:
<br />Exchange Bank, PO Box 5793, Grand Island, NE 68802
<br />C
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<br />In consideration of one dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is
<br />hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, ELIZABETH BAXTER, a married person, herein referred to as
<br />"Elizabeth ", TOM BAXTER, Elizabeth's husband, hereinafter referred to as "Tom" and GIAN BAXTER
<br />ROBERTS, a single person, hereinafter referred to as "Gian ", being the holders of an Agreement For
<br />Restrictive Convenants, Easement and Right of First Refusal, recorded on October 30, 2014 as
<br />Instrument No. 201406877 in the recorder's office of County of Hall, State of Nebraska, upon the
<br />following premises to wit:
<br />Lot Two (2), Baxter Acres Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />For themselves, their successor and assigns, Elizabeth, Tom, and Gian do hereby waive the priority of
<br />their Agreement For Restrictive Covenants, Easement and Right of First Refusal referenced above, in
<br />favor of a certain Deed of Trust to Exchange Bank, its successors and assigns, executed by Gian Baxter
<br />Roberts, being dated the 20 of September, ,2 in 2016 � m /unt not to exceed $310,000.00 and recorded
<br />in official records as Instrument Number (lam in recorder's office of County of
<br />Hall, State of Nebraska, and upon the premises above described. Agreement For Restrictive Covenants,
<br />Easement and Right of First Refusal shall be subordinate to the Deed of Trust to Exchange Bank, its
<br />successors and assigns, in the same manner and with like effect as though the said later encumbered
<br />had been executed and recorded prior to filing for record of Agreement for Restrictive Covenants,
<br />Easement and Right of First Refusal, but without in any manner releasing or relinquishing the lien of said
<br />earlier encumbrance upon said premises.
<br />Tom Baxter
<br />2016 by
<br />This foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the day o
<br />Gian Baxter Roberts.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at 1204 Allen Drive, Grand Island, Nebraska in said County, the date
<br />aforesaid.
<br />My Commission Expires:
<br />aga°I9
<br />GENERAL NOTARY • State of Nebl1Sii$s
<br />JFN qua CHER
<br />M Loren ikp?lletober 28, 2019
<br />3
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