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The United States of America, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, <br />as owner and holder of special restrictions contained in the Warranty Deed from Clifford W. <br />Williams and Loretta A. Williams, Husband and Wife, Grantor to Doniphan Economic Development <br />Corporation dated November I, 200() and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of ball <br />County. Nebraska as Instrument Number 0200009587 on November 3. 2000 as Exhibit "A ", <br />discharges and releases these special restrictions of Doniphan Economic Development Corporation <br />and any successors, assigns or subsequent title holders to said real estate, legally described as: <br />The Easterly Fifteen (I5) Feet of Lot Eight (8) and all of Lots Nine (9), Ten (10) <br />and Eleven (I 1) Excepting the North Ten Feet (N10') of Lot Eleven (I 1), as shown <br />in Quitclaim Deed, recorded in Book 167, Page 351 in Block One (1), Rief s <br />Addition to Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the United States of America has caused this Release of Special <br />Restrictions to be signed this 10 day of September, 2016. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)ss: <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) <br />On this 16th day of September, 2016, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public. in and for <br />the above County and State, appeared Maxine Moul, known to me to be Nebraska State Director, <br />United States Department of Agriculture, and the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and <br />she acknowledged 'to me that she executed the same as the free act and deed of the United States of <br />America, for the uses and the purposes mentioned in it. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal at Lincoln, Nebraska, the day and <br />year listed above. <br />X NEIVIL Nara( - State of Nebraska <br />RADLEY S BREUER <br />*Comm. hp. Meth 15, 2020 <br />RELEASE OF SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS <br />(SEAL) <br />My commission expires: 3 r i 5 - 2-0 <br />UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />.- <br />BY <br />Maxine Moul, Nebraska State Director <br />Agency: Rural Development <br />United States Department of Agriculture <br />Notary Public <br />201606350 <br />