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2� 1 ���347 <br /> fflr�he repairs and rest�ration �n a s�ng�e paym�nt�r�n a s�r�es af progre�s payments a�the work is <br /> comp��ted. �f the insurance�r�ond�mnati�n pra�eeds are not sufficz�nt ta re�a�r�r restare th�Praperty, <br /> Barrower is no�reliev�d of Bnrr�w�r's obiigat��n for�he�ompietion of such r�pair ar res�orat�on. <br /> Len��r or its ag�n��na�make reasonable entri�s upon and inspectians af the Proper�y. �f it has reasonabl� <br /> cau�e, Lender ma�inspect�h�int�rior of the imprav�ments on the Proper�y. Lender sha�� gi�e Borrower <br /> n���ce at th�time of or pr�or�� such an interior inspec�ion specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> S. Borrov►�er's L�an Applicativn. Borraw�r shall l�� in defau�� if, during�h���ca��on pro�es�, <br /> Borrower or an�persons�r en����es act�ng at the d�re�ti�n of Borrower ar with Barraw�r's knov�i�dge flr <br /> consen�gave material�y false, m�s�ead�ng, or znaG�ura��inf�rmation�r stat�ments �o Lender�or faii��l to <br /> provide Lender with ma�erial infarmat�on} xn cann�ctian vv�th th�L�a�. Mat�rial r�prestntatznns �n��ude, bu� <br /> are not lim�ted�o, represen�at�ons cancern�ng Borrov�er's o�cupancy�f th� Prop�rt�as Borro�v�r's prxnc�pal <br /> residenc�. <br /> 9. Protection �f Lender's Inter�st �n the Property and R�ghts Under this Se�urity Instrument, �f�a� <br /> Borro�v�r fails�a perf�rm�he co�enar�ts and agre�men�s conta�ned�n�h�s Secur�t��nstrumen�, �b� th�r�is a <br /> legal pr�ceeding that m�ight s�gn�f��a.nt�y affect Lender's interest in the Proper�y andlor rzghts under this <br /> Securz�y �nstrum�n� �such as a pro��eding in bankruptcy, proba��, for condemnat�an or forf�i�ure, for <br /> enfflrc�ment of a li�n which may a��a�n pri�r�ty av�r�his Security Instrum�nt�r to�nforce laws�� <br /> regu�ations}, flr��}Borrovv�r has abandnned�h� Pr�per�y, then Lender may d�and pay f�r u�ha�ever zs <br /> reas�nab�e�r appropr�ate�a protec�Lender's in���es� in�he Property and rights un�.er this Se�urxty <br /> I�zstru�nen�, �ncludxng protec�ing andlor assessxng the�alue af the Prflperty, and securing andlor r�pa�ring <br /> �h�Pr�per�y. Lender's actinns can include, but are na���mited to: �a) paying any surns secur��by a lien <br /> wh��h ha�priority o�er this�ecuri�y Ins�rumen�; �b} agpearing in caurt; and�c}pay�ng r�asonable attorne�s' <br /> fees�o pro��ct its �nter�st in the Proper�y andlor righ�s under�his Securi�y �nstrument, including ��s secured <br /> pos�t�fln�n a bankruptcy proceed�ng. Securing �he Property includes, bu�is no�lim�ited ta, en��ring the <br /> Prape�.y to make r�pairs, Ch�7.g��.DC�S, replace or board up doors and windows, drain vvater from pzpes, <br /> elimina�e bu�lding�r o�her code Wio�atzons or dangerous condi�ions, and have utilities turn�d an or off. <br /> Al�haugh Lend�r ma� tak�actian under this Sect�on 9, Lender does n��ha�e�o do so and �s na�und�r any <br /> duty or obligation ta do so. ��is agr�ed that L�nder�ncurs no ��abx�i�y for not�aking any or a�� actians <br /> authflrized und�r this Section 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Se�tion 9 shali become additiona� d�bt of Borrawer secured by <br /> th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�. These amounts sha��b�ar xn�erest a� the Nate rate from th�date of disbursement <br /> and shal� be pa�abl�, �vith such in�erest, up�n not�ce fr�m Lender to Barrawer requ�sting payment. <br /> If�h�s Secur�ty Instrument�s�n a Ieaseho�d, Borro�ver shal� comply with aIl the pra�isxons of�he lease. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee tit�e to�h�Property, the leas�hoid and�he f�� tit��sha.�.� not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees t� �he merger in wri�ing. <br /> 'i�. Mortgage Insurance. If L�nder r�quired Mortgage �nsurance as a condit�on of making the Loan, B�rrower <br /> shall pay th�premiums requir�d to ma�ntain�he M�r�gage Ynsurance �n eff�ct. If, for any reas�n, the <br /> Mortgage Insurance cn�erage required by L�nder ceases t�be aWailable from the mortgage insurer tha� <br /> pre�iaus�y pro�id�d such insurarxce and Borrower was required to mak�separately desigr�a�ed paymen�s <br /> tavvard the premiums for Mortgag��nsurance, Borrovver sha11 pay the premiums r�quired���btain co�erage <br /> substantially equ�valen�t� the Mortgag� �nsurance pre�i�usly in effect, at a cos�substantia�Iy equivalent to <br /> t�e cost to Barrovver Qf the Mor�gage Insurance pre�ious�y in effe��, from an alterna�e mar�gage insurer <br /> se�ected by Len�i�r. �f substantial�y equivalent Mortgage Ynsurance coverage xs not avai�ab�e, Borrower shall <br /> NE6RASlCA-5ir�gle Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac fJNIF4RM ENSTRUM�NT �orm 342$�I�i <br /> VMP� VMPS{N��413Q2} <br /> Wv�cers Kluwer Financ�al Ser�ices Pag�$of 17' <br />