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2� 1 ���347 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay ta L�nd�r th�am�unt necessary to znake up the def�ci�ncy �n <br /> a�c�rdance w���.RESPA, bu� in no more than 1 Z m�nthty paymen�s. <br /> Upon payment in full af a�l sums s�cured b� this Security Instrument, Lender sha��promp��� refund�o <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Li�ns. Borrower sha��pa� aI� �axes, assessments, charges, �n�s, and�m.pos�t��nS attr�butab�e to <br /> �he Praperty which can attazn pr�ority over this Security �nstrument, ��aseho�d payments ar ground rents an <br /> the Pr�per��r, �f any, and�om�mun��y Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. T� �he extent tha� <br /> th�se items are Es�row ����m.s, Barr�wer shall pay them in the xnanner pro��ded �n Secti�n 3. <br /> Borr�wer sha��promp�ly discharge any ��en which has priarity over�his S�cur�ty �nstrun�en�un�ess <br /> Borr�vv�r: �a} agrees in writ�ng�a t�Z�pa�men�of�he obligation s�cur�d by the��en �n a manner ac�ep�able <br /> to Lender, but anly so I�ng as Barrower�s perform�ing such agreem�nt; �b} cont�st� th��zen�n g�od faith by, <br /> or def�nds agazns�enforcement of�he�ien�n, �e�a� pr��eedings which in Lender's apinion opera�e�o prev�nt <br /> the enf��rc�ment of the l�en v�hile�ho�e pra�eed�ngs are pending, but onl�untii su�h praG�edi�gs are <br /> concluded; or�c} s�cures fr�m the holder of the��en an agreemen� satisfact�ry to Lender subordinating the <br /> l�en�o thxs�ecuri�y �nstrumen�. �f Lender de��rmuines �hat any par�of the Pr�per�y�s subje�t ta a��en whxch <br /> �an attain pri�rity a�rer th�s Securit� �nstrumen�, Lender may gz�e Borraw�r a n���ce�d��t�fy�ng�he��en. <br /> Within �4 days of the da�e on wh�ch�hat no�ice is g�ven, Borrawer sha�� sat�sfy�he��en or�ake an�or mare <br /> of�he a�ti�ns set f�rth above in thzs Sec�ion 4. <br /> Len�ier may require B�rrower to pay a on�Ttime charge f�r a rea� es�a�e�ax�er�fzcatz�n andlor r�portzng <br /> servi�e used b� Lend�r in�onnec�ian with this Lnan. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. B�rr�v��r shail k�ep the improvements novv ex�sting�r h�reafter�r�cted�n the <br /> Proper�� insured aga�ns��oss by fire, ha�ards �ncluded v�i�hin the term "ex�ended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards �ncluding, but not��mz�ed to, �arthquak�s and flo�ds, for whi�h Lender requires insurance. Th�s <br /> �nsurance shall be mainta�ned �n the amounts �inc�ud�ng deduct�ble�e�els} and fflr the peri�ds tha�Lend�r <br /> requir�s. V�iat Lender requires pursuant t�the preceding s�ntences can change durzng the term of th�L�a.x�. <br /> The insurance�arrier providing the�nsuran�e shall be�h�sen by Borr��ver subject to Lender's righ�t� <br /> disapprave Borrflwer's chaic�, which righ�sha�� n��be exercised unreas�nably. L�nder may require <br /> Bnrr�wer ta pay, in connec�ion with�his L�an, ���her: �a} a one�time charge for flood zone determina�ion, <br /> cer�xf�ca�i�n and�rack�ng services; or�b} a one-t�me charge for flaod z�ne de�ern�ina�ion and c�r�xficat�an <br /> services and subsequent charges each time remappings ar s�mular�hanges accur wh�ch r�asonab�y migh� <br /> affec� such determinatian or�ertif�cation. Borro�v�r shall�be respansibie for the payment�f any fees <br /> �mpns�d b�r�he F���ra� Emerg�nGy Managemen�Agency �n connection with the re�xevv of any f�aod zone <br /> determina�ion result�ng from an object�on b�r Borrower. <br /> If B�rr�wer fa��s to matntain any of the�overages describ�d aba�e, Lend�r may�b�ain insuranc�co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's exp�ns�. Lender xs under no�bligation ta purchas�any par�icular type ar <br /> am�unt of c���rag�. Th�refore, such ca��rage shal�co�er Lend�r, but migh�or might no�pro��ct Barro�ver, <br /> Borrower's equity in the Property, or the con�ents of�he Prop�rty, aga�nst any r�sk, hazard or lia�ility and <br /> might prov�de greater or lesser c��erage than was pre�iously in effec�. Borrower a�knawledges �hat�he cost <br /> of�h��nsuran�e�o�erag�s� ob�ained might significan�l��xceed the cos�af�nsuranc��ha�Borr�wer could <br /> have obta�ned. Any amaun�s d�sbur�ed by L�nder under this S��tion 5 shall be�ome additionai d�b��f <br /> B�rr�wer secured by this Se�urity �nstrument. These amounts shall bear xnteres�a�the No�e rate from�he <br /> da���f d�sbursement and shall be payable, w�th such xnterest, upan notic�fram L��der t�Borrow�r <br /> request�ng payme�t. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM tNSTRUMENT Form 3Q28 i 1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NEf�13Q2� <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financia!5er�i�es Page 6 of 17 <br />