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2� 1 ���344 <br /> � �EE� �F -r�usT <br /> �Go�7tinued} Page 3 <br /> � <br /> �he maximum policy limi�s s��und�r�he Na�ional FIood Insurance Program, or as otherwise required by Lender, and <br /> �a main�ain such insu�ance for fhe term of�he laan. <br /> Appfica�ion af Proceeds. Trus�ar sha11 promp��y n�tify L�nder of any Ioss ar damage �o fhe Praperty if fhe <br />� estimafed cos�o�repair or replacemen�exce�ds $'1�DQ�.��. Lender may make proo�❑�Iass if Tru��ar�ails�❑ do <br /> so wi�hin fif�een {15� days ❑f�he casualty, Vllhether or- nat Lender's se�urity is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's <br /> election, recei�e and re�ain �he pro�eeds a-� any insurance and apply the praceeds fo the reduction o� the <br /> Indeb�edness� paymen� Qfi any lien affecting �he Property, or the restora�ion and repair❑�F�he Property. 1�Lender <br /> �iec�s t❑ �pply the praceeds �o res-�ora�ian and repair, Trusfor shall repair ❑r replace �he damaged nr desfrnyed <br /> Impr��ements in a manner safisfac�ory t� Lender, L�nder shaII, upon safisfiactory proaf o�f such expendi�ure, pay <br /> or reimburse Trus�or�ram �he proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair ❑r restoration if Tr-us�ar is no�in defaulf <br /> under �his Deed of Trust. Any praceed� whi�h ha�e na� been disbursed wi�hin �18n days after�heit- re�eip� and <br /> whxch Lender has no�cammitted�o �he repai�❑r restaration ❑f the Property sha�i be used firs�to pay any amount <br /> awing�o Lend�r under�his ❑eed ❑f Trust, �hen to pay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied. <br /> to �he p�in�ipaf baIance of the lndebtedness. If Lender holds any pr�oceeds after payment in fu�! of fhe <br /> Ind�b�ednessr su�h p�oce�ds shall be paid�o Trustor as Trustor's interes�s may appear. <br /> Comp[ianGe with Existing Indebtedness. ❑uring the period in which a�ny Existing lndeb�edness des�ribed below is <br /> in ei�ec�� compliance wifh tf�e insu�-ance pro�isions contained in �h� ins�rumen� e�[dencing such Exist[ng <br /> Indeh�edness shall consti�ut� �ampiian�e with the insuran�e pro�isions under �his Deed of Tr-ust,�to �he exten� <br /> compIian�e with the �erms ❑f�his ❑eed ❑f Trust woulc� cansti�ute a dupl�cation o� insurance requ�rement. �� any <br /> proceeds �From the insurance �ecome payable on loss{ �he pro�isions in this ❑eed of Trust for d��ision �f pr'o�eeds <br /> sha11 apply onIy�v�ha�portion o�F�he proceeds�ot payable�❑the holder vf the Exis��ng lndebtedness, . <br /> LENDER'S EXPE1VDjTU�ES. If Trus�or farjs {A} to keep the Properry fr�ee o� a!I faxes� Iiens� secu�ity in�erestsr <br /> en�umbrances, and ❑ther claims, {B} t� provide any required insurance on �he Property. �C� �o make �-epairs �o the <br /> Prvperty or to �ampIy wi�h any obiiga�ian to ma��rtain Existing lndebfedness in gaod standing as required below, �hen <br /> Lende�- may do so. I� any ac�ion or proc�eding is commenced tha� would materxalIy affect Lender`s interes�s in fhe <br /> P�oper�y, -then Lende�- on Trusto�'s behaI� may, but is not required to, take any action �hat Lender belie�es to be <br /> appropria�e tv protec� Le�der's �nferes�s. All expenses incurred or paid �y Lender fa� such purposes w��j then bear <br /> �n�erest a� �he r-ate charged under �h� �r�dit Agreem�nf �rom �he dafe incurred or paid by Lender �o �he date o� <br /> repaymen� hy Trus�ar. AII such expenses w;ll became a part nf tf�e Indebfedness andr at Lender's optian, will {A} be <br /> payable �n demand; �B} be added �Co �he balance of the Credi�Agre�men�and be appartioned among and be.payable <br /> with any ins�allment payments to become due during either �'f} �he term ❑�any applicable insurance policyr or {2� �he <br />� remaining �erm o��he Credit Agreement; ❑r {C� be�reated as a baIIoon paymen�which wiII be due and payab�e at�he <br /> Credi�Agreeme��`s maturity. The �eed o�T�-ust alsa w�rl secut-e payment of�hese amou�ts. The r�ights pra�ided for in <br /> �his paragraph shali be in add"r�ion to any other righ#s or any rem�dies to which Lender may be enfi�led o� account o� <br /> any de�auIt, Any such ac�ian by L�nder shaII na� be constrUed as curing �he de�ault so as to bar Lender fram any <br /> re�nedy tha�i�o�herwise would ha�e had. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFEN�E DF TITLE. The�alIowing provisions relating to ownership ofi�he Property are a part o�F�his De�d <br /> a�Trus�; ' <br /> TitIe. Trustor-warran�s that: {a� Trus�or holds good and marke�able �i-�I� �f record to ��e Proper�y in fee s�mple, <br /> �Free and �lear o� aII iiens and encumhrances othet-than tho�e sef fiorth in the ReaI Praperty des�rip�ian ar in the <br /> Existin� lndeb�edness sec�ion bel�w or in any�i�Ie insurance policy,�i�Ie repnrt, or�inal tit�e opinion issued in fa�or <br /> of, and accepted by� Lender in �vnnec�ion with th[s ❑�ed o�T�us�� and �b� Tru��or has�he fu�l right� pnwer, and <br /> authvrity to execute and deli�er�his Deed o�Trus�fi❑ Lender. <br /> Defense of Ti�fe. Subject to the exception in �he paragraph abo�e, Trustor warran�s and wilI �orerre,r de�Fend the <br /> �ifle to �h� Property agains��he iawfui claims o�al! p�rsans. ln�he e�en�any a�tion ❑r proce�ding is commenc�d <br /> �ha�questions Trus�ar's ti�le or�he in�e�es�of Trustee or-Lende�under-�hrs D�ed of T�us�{Trus�or shaII de�end fhe <br /> � action at Trus�or's expense. Trus�or may be fihe naminal �arry in such proceeding, but Lender$ha�j be �n�i�led to <br /> par�ic�pa�e in the pro�eeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own chaice,�and <br /> Trus�or wiII deliver, or caus��o be delirrered,to Lender such ins�rumenfs as Lender may request from�ime to time <br /> �❑ perm��such participation. � <br /> CompIian�� V�Iith Laws. Trus�or warrants that �he Praperty and Trusto�-'s use ❑f�he Praperty compIies wl�h alI <br /> exis�ing appIicable laws, ot-d�nances, and reguIa��ons of go�er�menta! authori�ies. <br /> Surv�vaI of Promises. AII pramises, ag�eements, and statements Trustor has made in �his Deed o� Trust shall <br /> sur�i�e the execu�ion and deli�ery of�his De�d afi Trus�, shaII be con��nuing in na�ure and shall remain in fuII force <br /> and effect un�iI such�ime as Trust�r's Indebtedness is paid in�ull, . <br /> EXiSTING INDEBTEDNESS. The fvllowing pr�o�isions concerning Exis�ing lndebtedness are a part of this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Exisf�ng Lien. The lien of this Deed of Trus� securing the �ndebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an <br /> exis��ng Iien, Trus�or expressly co�enants and agrees to payf or see to the payment❑f,th� Exis�ing lndebtedness <br /> and�o pre�en�any defau��on�uch indebtedness, any defauI�under the ins�ruiments evidencing such indebtedness, <br /> ❑r-any defauIt under any security documen�s for such indebtedness, <br /> No Madifi�afiion. Trus�or shall not enter in�o any agreement with �he halder o-F any mortgage, deed of�rus�, or <br /> o�her security agreemen� which has priority o�er this Deed af Trust by which that agreemen� is modified, <br /> am�ndedr ex�ended, or renewed withou� �he pri�� written cnnsen� o� Lende�, Trus�or shaIl neither request nor <br /> accepfi any�Future ad�anc�s under any such security agreement without�h�prior writ�en consen�o�Lende�-. <br /> G�NDEMNATI�IV. The fallowing pra�isions r�iating�o candemna�ion proceedings are a par-�o�this ❑eed o�Trust: <br /> Proceedings. I�F any proceeding in �ondemnation is �jIed, Trusto�- shaIl promptly natify Lender in wri�ing, and <br /> Trus�or shail prompt�y�ake such s�eps as may b� necessary to defend �he ac�ion and obtain the aw�rd. Trustor <br /> may be�he nominaI par�ty in such proceeding, but Lender shall be en�i�led�o par�icipate in the proceeding and t❑ be ' <br /> represented in the pt-aceeding by cau�seI o� its ❑wn cf�oice� and Trustor wil� deli�er ar �ause �v be deIi�ered ta <br /> Lender such ins�r`uments and documentation as may be reques�ed by Lender from time to �ime `to p�rmit such <br /> par�icipatian. <br /> AppIica#ion ❑f Net Proceeds. lf a1l or any part o�F�he Property�s �ondemned by eminen�damain proceedings ❑r�by <br /> any prv�eeding or purchase in I�eu of candemnatian, Lender may at its elec�ivn require�hat all ar any portion vf the <br /> net proceeds ❑f�he award be appIied �❑ �he �ndebtedness o�r �he repai� or restoratian o-��he Property. The ne� <br /> pro�eeds o��he award shall mean�he award af-�er payment o�al� reas�nable cosfs� expenses, and attarneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lende�in cvnnec�ion wi�h the condemnation. <br /> I1V1P�S�T[DN DF TAXES, FEES Al�D GHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The �al�ow�ng pro�isions t-ela�ing <br /> �o governmental taxes,fees and charges are a parr of this Deed ❑�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upor� request by Lend��-� Trus�vr shall execu�e such documents in addifion �o <br /> �his Deed �t Trus�and�ake wha�e�er other actian is reques�ed by Lender�v per-�fect and continue Lender's �ien on <br /> �he Real Properry, Trustor shaII reimburse Lender for aII taxes, as describsd beiow, toge�he� with aII expenses <br /> incurred in recordingr perf�c��ng or aontinuing this Deed of Trustr incfuding wi�hout limita�ion ail �axes� fie�s, <br /> documentary s�amps,and o�her charges�ar reco�rding❑r rec�is�Cer-ing th�s Deed�f Trust. <br />