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2� 1 ���341 <br /> EVENT LENDER E�E�CI�ES ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNMEI�T �F I�EASES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LEND�R SHA.LL PR�VIDE ALL STATTJT�RILY RE�UIRED N�TICES �F SALE AND N�TI�ES �F <br /> JT_TDICIAL HEARINGS BEF�RE LENDER E�E�.CISES ANY �F ITS RI�HTS UNDER THIS <br /> INSTRUMENT. <br /> Upon�he occw.�ence�f an E�ent of Default,Lender may,with�ut n�tice unless requ�r�d by Ia�r,and at i�s option, <br /> declar�the en�ire Indebtedness due and payab�e, as��may e�ec�,regardless of the dafe ar dates of maturity�hereof <br /> and, if permitted by s�a�e 1aw; is au�horized and empowered�a cause the Prv�er�y to be sold at pu��ic auction, and <br /> to execu�e and deliver to the purchaser�r pu.rchasers at such sa�e any deeds �f conv�yan�e gaod and sufficient at <br /> 1avv,pursuant to th�s�atu�e�n such case made and,pro�ided. The Trus�ee shali app�y�he proceeds of the Trustee's <br /> sale, �irs�,to the cos�s and expenses of exercising#1�e pa�rer of sale and of the sale, ua�luding the paym�nt of�he <br /> Trustee's fees actua�ly �n�urrec�; 5�C�71CI, tfl payment o�the obligatian secured by �he trust deed; third, t� the <br /> pa�ment �f junior trust deeds, maY-�gages, or other �ienholders and the balance, if any, tv �he pers�n or pers�ns <br /> �egally entitled there�o. The�rec��als in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima fac�e ev�dence �f �he truth of the <br /> sta�emen�s made�n it.If Lender�hooses to invoke the povsrer of sale,Lender�r Trus�ee vvil�pro�ride no�ice of sa�e <br /> pursuan�t� applicable law. �ny suc�i sale �r a sa�e made pursuant to a judgment �r a decree fvr�he forecivsure <br /> hereof may, at the �pt�on of Lender, be made en masse. The commencement of pr��eed�ngs to forecl�se this <br /> Security Instrumen�in any nlanner au�h�rized by�a�shal.l be deemed as e�ercise of the abave op�ion. <br /> Upan the accurrence �f an Event of Defaul�, Lender shal� �mmediate�y be entitled�� make applicati�n fur and <br /> vbtain�he appouatment of a rece��er far the Proper�y and�f the earnings, income, issue and pr��ifs of it,vwith�he <br /> pawers as �he court making the appa�ntments canfers. Grant�r hereby irrevaGab�y consen�s to such appv�ntment <br /> and v�arWes natice of any app�ica�ion theref�r. <br /> N'� �'ANER. No de�ay �r fa�lure vf Lender ta e�er�ise any righ�, remedy, power vr privilege hereunder sha�l <br /> affec�that right,remed�,pav�er or pri�ilege nor shali any s�ngle or partia�e�ercxse thereof�rec�u�e the e�er�ise af <br /> an�right,remedy,povsrer ar pr���Iege.N�Lender de�a� or failure�o d�mand str�c�adherence�o�he�erms vf�his <br /> SeGurity Instrument sha�l be deenled to cans�itute a c�urse�f conduct�ncons�stent with Lender's righ�at any time, <br /> before �r a�er an event af defaul�, to demand strict adherence �o fihe terms �f�IiYs�S ecurity Instrument and�he <br /> Related Docum�nts. <br /> SUBSTITU'I'E TRUSTEE.Lender, a�its opt�on,may from t�me ta�une remove Trustee and appoint a successvr <br /> trustee to an� Trustee appain�ed hereu�der �y an instrument rec�rded in �he c�unty in �vhich th�s Security <br /> Instrument �s recorded. �iT��hou� can�e�an�e uf fhe Proper�y, #he successor trustee shali succeed to al� �he title, <br /> p�v�r�r and duti�es canferred upan Trus�ee herei�and b�app�i�able�a�. <br /> JUINT ANi�SEVERAL LIABILITY.If�.iis Secui-�t�Instrument shou�d be signed by mare�han one person,al� <br /> persons executing this Securit�r Instrument agree that�hey sha�l be j axntly and se�rera�ly bound,�rhere permitted b� <br /> law. <br /> SITRVIVAL. Lender's righ�s i�.�his Security Inst�rumen�wi�� cvn��nu�in its successors and ass�gns. This S�curity <br /> Instrument is buad�ng an all heirs,e�ecutor��,admin�strat�rs,assigns and successors of Gran�or. <br /> N�TICES AND 'L�VAI'�`ER���` N�TICE. Unless �ther��se required by app�icab�e 1av�; an}�notice �r demand <br /> given by Lender�o an}�par�y is c�nsidered effecti�ve: �i} when it is depos�ted �n the Un��ed States Mail w�th the <br /> appropria�e pos�age; ��i} when �� �s sent via elec�i�nic maY�; (ixi} ,vtlhen �t is sent �ria facs�mile; (iv} when it is <br /> deposited with a nationa�ly rec�gnized avern�ght cour�er ser�ice; (v} on t�ie day of persona�delrvery; flr (vi} any <br /> other cammercia�l�reas�nab�e�neans. A c�py of any natice sha�l�e sent to_ea�h par�y at the address �f�he par� <br /> g�ver� at�he beginning �f�his Security Instrument unless an a�terna�i�e address �aas been pro�xded tv Lender in <br /> writing. Tv the ex�en�pelm�t�ed by 1av�, Grantor�raives nvtice of Lender's acceptance❑f�h�s Sec�.u-�ty Instrument, <br /> defenses based�n sur�tysh�p,any defense ar�sing fr�m an�electi�n by Lender under�he Unr�ed Sta�es Bankruptcy <br /> Cade, Un�fvrm �omua�rcial C�de, as enac�ed in the state �vhere Lender is �oca�ed or �t�ler applicab�e 1aw or in <br /> equi�.y, demand, no�ic� �f accelera��Qn, n���ce af nunpaymen�, presentment, prates�, noti.ce of dishonor and any <br /> ` r <br /> o�he1�.no�ice. <br /> REQUEST F�R N�TI�ES: Gran�or requests fhat copies of�the nat�ce of default and n��ice of sa�e l�e sen�to the <br /> address of each part�gi�en a��he beginning ofthe Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> T� T�E E�TENT pER�.VIITTED BY LA'L7'L�, G�tA�T�R WAIVES ANY �tIG�IT T� N�TIC�, �T�R <br /> T�IAN TI�E. N�TICE PR�VIDED A13�VE, AND �AT'�ES ANY RI�HT T� ANY H�ARING, <br /> JUDI�IAL U�t �THER�ISE, PRI4R T� LE�I3E�t E��RCISING ITS �G�ITS UNDER THIS <br /> SECURITY INST�UMEI�T. <br /> 'PVAIVER �F APP]k�AIS�M�NT RIGHTS. Grant�r v�aiv�s all�appra�sement righ�s relating to the Pr�per�y to <br /> �he ex�en�perm�tted�by 1aw. � <br /> LEND�R'S��'�NS�S. Grantar agrees��pa�a��expens�s incurred�y Lender in connection�ri�h enf�r�ement <br /> af i�s rights under the Indel�tedness,this 5ecurity Instrument�r�n the event Lender is made par�y ta any�itigat�on <br /> because of�he e�is�ence �f�he Indeb�edness or th�s Securx.ty Instrumen�, as�el�as cour�c�sts, �ol�ect�on charges <br /> and reasonable attorneys'fees and disbursemen�s. <br /> ASSI�NA��ITY. Lender may assign or o�hervvise transf�r this 5ecu.rity Instrument or any �f Lender's righfs <br /> under this 5ecur��y�nsfrument wi�hou�na��ce t� �rantor. Grantor may not assign this Se�urity Ins�rument or any <br /> parti of the Security Instrument�vi�h�ut the e�press v�r�t�en consen�of Lender. <br /> G�VERNING LAW. Th�s Securily Instrument v�ii�be g�Werned by th� iavws vf�he S�a�e af Nebraska including <br /> a�l proceedings ar�sing fi urn�h�s Se�urit��nstrumen�. <br /> �2��4-2�15 Cvrnpliance Systerns,Inc.3914-FSEF-2415.12,2.1036 <br /> Ca►nmer�ial Real Estate Security Instrument-DL40a7 Page 4 Qf 5 w�vw.complianr.esystems.cnm <br />