� 2� 1 ���341
<br /> FUTiTR.E ADVANCES,Tv the exten�permYt�ed hy�a�r,this Security Inst�umen�wi�l secure future advances as if
<br /> such advances were made on the da�e of�h�s Securit�Instrumen�regard�ess af�he fac�that fr�m t�me tn t�.me�here
<br /> may�e no ba�ance due under�ie no�e and regardless uf�hether Lender�s�b�igated t�make such fu�ure advances.
<br /> �RUSS CULLATER.ALIZATIUN. I� �s �he expressed 3n�ent of �ran��r �a cross ���lateraii2e al� �f i�s
<br /> Indebtedness and ob�igatians to Lender, ho�saever arising and v�rhens�ever incurred, except any obligation
<br /> e�isting�r ar�sing against the principai d�nrelling vf any�rantor. �
<br /> C�NSTRTJ�TI�N L�AN AGRE�MENT.This Securi�y Instrument is made in conjuncti�n with a Constructi�n
<br /> Lvan Agreement da�ed the same dat� as �h�s Security �nstrument and �s subj ec� to aIl of�he prv��sians of the
<br /> Canstruction L�an Agreemen�as rf those provisions were ful�y se�forth in th�s security�nstrument and made a part
<br /> of it. _
<br /> �ARRANTI�S. Grantur, f�r itse�f, I�5 he�rs, persona� representati�ves, succ�ss�rs, and assigns, represents,
<br /> �varrants,ca�enan�s and agrees v�ith Lender,its successors and assigns,as f���ows:
<br /> Performance of �bligation5. �ran�ar prom�ses �� perform al� �erms, c�nditi�ns, and covenants �f this
<br /> Se�ur��ty Instrument and Related I]ocumen�s in a�cordanc�with the terms cvn�ained there�n..
<br /> Defense and TYtIe to Proper�y,At the time�f��ecu�ion and de�ivery�f this instru�n�nt, Grantor is�av�rfu�ly
<br /> seised of the es�a�e hereby c�n�eyed and has�he e�clus��e right to mflr�gage, grant, convey and assign�he
<br /> PrQperty.Gran�or c��enan�s that the Properry is unencu.mbered and free of aII�iens,e�cept for encumbrances
<br /> af recard acCeptabXe �� Lender. Fur�her, Gran�or�ovenan�s that�ran�or�il�vvarran� and defend �enerally
<br /> the tit�e t� the Praperty against any and a11 c�aims and d�mands v�hats�ever, subj ect �o �he easements,
<br /> restriCtYans, or o�her encum�rances �f re�ard acceptab�e �v Lender, as may be I�s�ed in 1:he schedule of
<br /> e��ep�ions t� co�rerage �n any abstrac� of tit�e �r �i�le insu.rance po1i�� insur�.lag Lender's interest in �he
<br /> Proper�y. �
<br /> �ondition of Property. Grantar promises at a���imes �o preser�e and�fl maintain�he Praperty and every
<br /> par�thereof�n good repa�r,�varking order, and cond�tian and�vill from time�� time, make a�l needfu� and
<br /> praper repairs s��ha��h�e valu��f�he�'roperty shall n�t�n any v�ray be�mpaired.
<br /> Remo�a� af any Part of the property. Gran�or promises no�to rean�ve any pa�-t of t��e Prvperty from its
<br /> presen�loca��on,except f�r replacemen�,lnai.n�enar��e and re�oca�ian in�l�e�rdinary course�f 1�usiriess.
<br /> Alterations to the Property. Grantor pr�mises �� abs�ain from the camm�ss�on of any was�e fln or �r�
<br /> connec�ion wi�h the Pr�perty.Further,Gran�or sha11 make n�mater�a�al�era�ivns,addi�i�ns�r impr�vements
<br /> af any type �vha�sae�rer to the Prvpert�, regardle�s of�hether such alterat�ons; additions or improvements
<br /> �vou�d i�ncrease �he va�ue �f�he Praper�y, nor permi� an��ne�❑ d� so e��ept for t�nan� �mprovements and
<br /> cvmplet�on of��ems pursuant�o appro�ed plans and specif�cations, wi�hout Lender's prior v�rri�ten c�nsent,
<br /> wh�ch consent may �e �ithheld by Lender in i�s sa�e d�scre�ion. Grantor wi11 coinply v�i�h ali �av�s and
<br /> regulations af a��publ�c author�ties having jurxsdic�ivn��er�he Pruperty including, wi�hou��im�tat��n,those
<br /> rela�Yng �a �he use, o�cupancy and main�enance thereaf and sha�I upon reques�promp�ly submit�o Lender
<br /> �vidence af such c�mpl�an�e. .
<br /> I�ue on Sale--Lender's��onsent. Grant�r sha11 not sel�,fur�her encumber�r ot,�ierwise dispose�f,e�cept as
<br /> herein prQvided, any or a�� �f��s interest in any part of or all of�he Property w��hout first �btain�ng the
<br /> wri�t�n consent uf Lend�r. IF an� encumbrance, I�en, transfer or sa�e or agreement for �hese is creafed,
<br /> Lender may d�clare immediately due and payab�e,the�ntu e ba�ance�f the Inde��edness.
<br /> Insurance.Gran�or promises��keep�h�Prvpex�y uYsured against such risks and�n such form as may wi�hin
<br /> the sole d�scre��on af Lender be a�cep�ab�e, causing Lender t� he named as Iass payee ar if requested by
<br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. �The insuranc e c�mp any sha�� b e �ho s en by �ran��r s�xbj e c� �o Lender's appra�al,
<br /> wh�ch shal� not be unreasnnably v�it�iheid. AI� insurance pol�c�es must pro�ide �hat Lender will get a
<br /> minxmum of 1 U da}�s no�ice prior t��ancel�ation.At Lender's discre�i�n,Gran��r may be requ�red ta produce
<br /> � receipts of pa�d prem�ums and renewai policies.If�rantor fails to abtain the required co�erage,Lend�r may
<br /> do so at_Grantor's��pense. Grantar hereby direc�s each and every insux er af the Prapert�ta make payment�f
<br /> 1o�s to Lender�x�h�he proceeds ta be appl�ed, �nly at L�nder's �p�ion,to�he repair and rep�acement of�he
<br /> damage.or��ss or to be app�ied t��he Indebtedness vvith the surplus,�f any,ta be pa�d b�Lender�o Gran�vr.
<br /> _
<br /> Pa�m�nt uf Taxes and ��her App�icable �harges. Grantor promises to pay and t� discharge �iens,
<br /> encumbrances,ta�es,assessmen�s,1�ase pa�men�s and any other�harges rela�i.ng t�#he Pr�pert�vt�hen levied
<br /> or ass�ssed against Gran��r vr�he ProperCy.
<br /> Environmental Laws and I�azardaus ar T��i� Mater�als. �ran�or and e�ery tenant have been, are
<br /> presen��y and shall con��nue ta be in str�ct compl�ance v�rrth any app�icab�e ��cal, state and federai
<br /> environmen�a�laws and regula�ions.Fur�her,nei�her Grantor nor any tenant sha�l manufacture,s��re,hand�e,
<br /> discharge or disp�se af ha�ardous or to�ic ma�erials as may l�e de�ned by any s�ate ar federal �a� an the
<br /> Praper�y, except to �he ex�ent �he existence of such ma�erials has been presen�iy disclosed in �rrit�ng t�
<br /> Lender. Grantvr vvi��unmed�a�ely no��f�Lender in.wri�ing af any assertion ar claim made by an�par�y as�a
<br /> the possib�e v�ola�io�i of app�icable state and federal �n�r�ronmenfal laws including �he loca�i�n of any
<br /> hazardvus �r t��ic materials on ar ab�ut f.he PrQpe�-�y. Grantor indemn�fies and holds Lender harmless fram,
<br /> v�r��h�u� limitation, any 1�abili�y or e�pense of whatsae�rer nature �ncw-red direct�y or indirectl� ou� of�r in
<br /> connec�ian with: �a}an}�enviranmen�al�av�s affecting a1I or any part of�he Property or Gran�or;[h}�he past,
<br /> �resen� or futur� existence of any hazardous mater�a�s in, on, under, abaut, �r emana��.ng frvm or passing
<br /> thraugh the Prvper� �r an�r par� th�reof�r any proper�y adj acen� �here�o; ��} any pas�, present or future
<br /> �2004-2015 Complian�e Systems,Inc.3914-FSEF-20I5.12.2.1435
<br /> Commercial Real Estate Security Instrument-DLqUD7 Pagc 2 vf S wu+w.campliancesystems.�om
<br />