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2� 1 ���325 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lnan No: ']�'1�98�79 {Continued� Page � <br /> Fur�her Assurances. A� any time, and fram time to fi�me, upon re�{uest of Lender, Trustor wii� make, execute and <br /> deli�er, ar will cause�o be made, execu�ed ❑r delivered, ta Lender❑r fio Lend�r's d�signee, and when reques�ed by <br /> Lender, cause �a be �iied, re�orded, refiled, ❑r rerecarded, as the case may be, at such times and in such of�ices <br /> and places as Lender may de�m appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds ❑f trusfi, se�urity deeds, se�urity <br /> agreemen�s, �inancing statemen�s, continuatian statemen�s, ins�rumen�s of further assurance, certi-�i�ates, and <br /> other d�cuments as may, in the sole op�nian of Lendet�, be n�cessary ar desirable in arder�v efifiectuate, compl�te, <br /> per�ect, can�inue, ar preser�e ��} Trustor's �bliga�ions under the Note, this ❑eed o� Trust, and the Related <br /> ❑v�uments, and �2� the liens and security in�erests created by this Deed of Trust as firs� and prior fiens on �he <br /> Property, whe�her naw owned or hereafker a�quired by Trustor. Llnless prohibi�ed by law �r Lender agrees to th� <br /> c�ntrary in wri�ing, Trustor shall reimi�urs� Lender �or all cos�s and expenses incurred in connec�ion with the <br /> matters re�erred�ko in this paragraph. <br /> Att�rney�in-Fa�t. if Trus�or tai�s to do any o�the �hings referred ta in the pr�ceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> far and in the name ❑f Trus�or and at Trustor's expense. Far such purp�ses, Trustor h�rei�y irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lend�r as Trustor's a��orney-in-fact far the purpos� ofi making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, recording, and doing all <br /> ❑ther things as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lender's sale ❑pinion, fio accompiish the ma�ters referr�d to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. if Trusfivr pays all �he Indebtedn�ss when due, and otherwise per�orms alI the ❑b[igations <br /> imposed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trus�, Lend��- shall execute and deliver fio Truste� a reques� for full <br /> rec�nveyance and shall execu�e and deli�er to Trustor sui�able sta�tements of term�natian Qf any#inancing sta�tement❑n <br /> file e�idencin� Lender's security interest in the Ren�s ar�d the Personal Property. Any recvn�eyanc�fee required by law <br /> shall b� paid by Trustor, if permitt�d i�y applicable law, <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of the following, at Lender's option, shall constitute an E�ent of ❑efault under th�s Deed <br /> af Trus�: <br /> Payment DQfau[t. Trusfor fiails ta make any paymen�when due under the indebtedn�ss. <br /> flther De�aults. Trusfiar fails �o comply wi�h or ta perfarm any o�her term, ❑hliga�ion, ca�enan� or condition <br /> �vn�ained in this ❑eed af Trust or in any ofi the Re�ated D�cuments ❑r �ka comply with or to perfarm any term, <br /> ❑bliga�ion, co�enant❑r condition contained in any fl�kher agreement between Lender and Trus�or. <br /> Compl�ance ❑efault. Failure ta comply wi�h ar�y nther �erm, obligati�n, cv�enan� ❑r c�ndition �on�ained En this <br /> �eed of Trus-k, the Note or in any af fihe Related Documents. <br /> Detault on�ther Payments. Fai[ure vfi Trus�ar within the time required by�his ❑eed ot Trust fi❑ make any paymen� <br /> for taxes ar insurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent fifing o�or to e#fecfi discharge o�any lien. <br /> Fa[se Statements. Any warran#y, representation ar stafiement mad� or �urnished to Lend�r by Trustor ❑r on <br /> Trustor's behalf under�his Deed o-�Trust or�he Related Documents is false �r misleading En any mat�rial respec�, <br /> either now or at the time made or�urnished or becomes false or misleading at any time ther�after. <br /> Defe�ti�e Co�[a#eraliza#ivn. This Deed af Trusf or any af the Rela�ed Documen�s ceases �o be in full fvrce and <br /> ef��ct {in�luding �ailure ❑f any callateral da�ument to create a �alid and perfec�ed security interest or lieny at any <br /> time and for any reason. <br /> Death or Insolvency. The dea�h of Trustor, �he insnl�ency af Trustor, fihe appointment❑f a recei�er for any part of <br /> Trustor's property, any assignment for the benefit o� creditors, any type of creditor workout, or �he <br /> cvmmenc�ment o�any proceeding under any bankruptcy❑r insol�ency laws by or against Trustor. <br /> Credifior or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencement a� �o�e��osure or forfeiture prviceedings, whether by jud'+cial <br /> proceeding, self-help, repossession or any❑fher method, by any creditor❑f Trustor or by any go�ernmental agency <br /> against any property securing the indebtedness. This includes a ga�nishmen� ❑f any of Trust�r's accounts, <br /> inc�uding depasit ac�oun'�s, with Lender. Howe�er, this EWen� ❑f Default shall not apply if there is a good faith <br /> dispute by Trustor as t❑ �he �a[idity ar reasonab[eness ot the c�aim whi�h is the basis ❑#the cr�di�or or forfeiture <br /> proce�d�ng and if Trus�vr gEWes Lender writ�ten nv�ice of �khe creditnr or fvrfeiture pr�ceeding and d�posits wi�h <br /> Lender man�es ❑r a sure�y band #a�-the �redi�tor❑r farfeiture pra�eeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in i�s <br /> sole discretEon, as bein� an adequa�e reser�e❑r bond for the disput�. <br /> Breach ot�ther Agreement. Any breach by Trus�ar �nder the terms v�any other agreement between Trustor and <br /> Lend�r that is nvt rem�di�d wifihin any grace period pro�ided �her�in, inc�uding withflut �imi�a�ion any agreement <br /> concerning any indebtedness ❑r other abfigation o�Trusfivr to Lender, whether existing now❑r la�er. <br /> E�ents Affec�in� Guarantor. Any of the preceding e�ents occurs wi�h respect to any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, <br /> ❑r accommfldatian party ofi any v� the lndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, or acc�mm�dation party <br /> dies or becomes incompe-tent, flr re�akes ar disputes the �alidity �fi, or liabili�y under, any Guaranty ofi the <br /> Indelatedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse change �ccurs in Trustor's financial conditifln, ❑r Lende�- believes �he <br /> praspect of paymen�or per�orman�e of�he ind�b-tedness is impaired. <br /> Inse�urE�y. Lender in good �aith belie�es i�self insecure. <br /> Right to Cure. I�any d��aul�, ❑�her�han a default in payment, is curable and if Trus�ar has na�b�en gi�en a no�i�e <br />