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Record and return to: <br />Grand Island Abstract, Escrow & Title Co. <br />704 West 3 St., Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />An Undivided One Third Interest (1/3) <br />ae K. Kamler <br />NU. <br />4 <br />' <br />Kam er <br />Patrick <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF <br />Public, State an ounty }fei€ said <br />C <br />Notary Public Signature <br />My commission expires <br />pci <br />5462, <br />O t\-6(Q.A.,___(‘ ) 10/ 8 <br />W <br />ry <br />SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT, Renae K. Kamler and Patrick A. Kamler, wife <br />and husband, Grantor, whether one or more, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable <br />consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and <br />confirm unto Karl M. Quandt and Kim M. Quandt, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not <br />as tenants in common, conveys to Grantee the following described real property in Hall County, NE: <br />A tract of Land located in the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Two (2), Township Twelve (12) North, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as a tract of land <br />commencing at the Southwest Corner of said Section Two (2) thence running easterly on the south line of said <br />Section Two (2), a distance of 829.95 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence deflecting left 89 °25'45" and <br />running Northerly a distance of 336.80 feet; thence deflecting right 89 °56'30" and running Easterly a distance <br />of 468.30 feet; thence deflecting right 86 °34'45" and running Southerly a distance of 333.12 feet to the South <br />line of said Section 2; thence deflecting right 92 °54'30" and running Westerly along the South line of said <br />Section 2 a distance of 495.82 feet to the point of beginning. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and <br />appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the <br />survivor of them forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heirs and <br />assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from <br />encumbrance except covenants, easements and restrictions of record; all regular taxes and special <br />assessments, except those levied or assessed subsequent to date hereof; that grantor has good right and <br />lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will defend the title to said premises <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. <br />Dated this qIp (e. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /a1 ; of S2 pi Vrtx� o7C�/ <br />by Renae K. Kamler and Patrick A. Kamler, wife and husband. <br />GENERALNOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />DENNIS D DYE <br />My Comm. Exp. Oct 16, 2018 <br />c o° <br />( v <br />