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' 2� 1 ���294 <br /> . <br /> , , . <br /> , , <br /> . <br /> S <br /> the real property described is located in HALL C�UNTY,NEBRASKA and being set forth as follows: <br /> L�T�NE�1}ARG[7 F�URTH�UB�IVISIQN,VILLAGE�F ALDA,HALL C�LTNTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties heretv agree as follows <br /> �notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Note or Security Instt�ument}: <br /> 1. Bonrower agrees that certain amounts owed will not be capitalized, waived, or addressed as part of this <br /> Agreement, and will remain owed until paid. These amounts owed are referenced in the Cover Letter to <br /> this Agreement,which is incorpvrated herein,and are to be paid with the return of this executed Agreement. <br /> If these amounts owed are not paid with the return of this executed Agreement,then Lender may deem this <br /> Agreement void. <br /> 2. As �f, �CT�BER 1, Z41� the amoun� payable under�he Note and the Security Instrument �the "Unpaid <br /> Principal Balance"} is U.S. $5Z,85Z.U9, consisting of the arnount�s} laaned to Borrower by L�nder, plus <br /> capitalized interest in �he amount of['T.S. S3,G93.5� and o�er amaunts capitalized, which is limited to <br /> escrows and any iegal fees and related foreclosure costs that may ha�e been accrued for work completed. <br /> 3. Borrower promises to pay�he Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest, to the order nf Lender In�erest w�Il <br /> be charged on the Unpaid Principal Balance a�the yearly rate of 3.75U�%,fr�m UCTDBER 1,Z�16.The <br /> Borrower prorni5es to make monthly payments af principal and interest of U.S. $244.77, beginning on the <br /> 1�T day of N�VEMBER,Z416,and continuing thereafter an#he same day of each succeeding month until <br /> principal and interes�are paid in full. If on �CTOBER 1, 2D46 �the "Maturity Date"}, the BQrrower still <br /> owes amounts under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreement, Borrower will <br /> pay these amounts in full on the Maturity I]ate. <br /> 4. If all or any part of the Praperty or any interest in it is sold�r transferred �or if a beneficial interest in the <br /> Borrower is soid or transferr�d and the Borrower is not a naiural person} without the Lender's prior written <br /> consent,�he Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured b�this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> If the Lender exercises this option, the Lender sha�l gi�e the Borrower no�ice of accelerat�on. The notice <br /> shal� pro�ide a period of not�ess than 30 days from the date the notice is deli�ered or rnailed within which <br /> the Barrower must pay a�I sums secured by this Security Instrument.�f the Barrower fails to pay these sums <br /> prior to the expiration of this periad, the Lender may in�ake any remedies permitted by this Security <br /> Instrumen�without further notice or demand an the Borrower, <br /> 5. The Borrower agrees to rnake and execute such o�her documen�s or papers a5 may be necessary or required <br /> to effectuate�he terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br /> 5. The Borrovver alsa will comply with aIl ather co�enants, agreements, and re9uirements of#he Security <br /> Instrument,including wi�hout limitation,the Borrower's co�enants and agreements to make all payments of <br /> taxes, insurance premiums,assessments,escrow iterns,impounds, and all other payments that the Borrower <br /> is obligated to make under the Security Insirurnent;hawe�er,the fallowing terms and pm�isions are fnre�er <br /> cancelled,null and�oid,as of the date specified in Paragraph No. 1 abv�e: <br /> �a} alj terms and pro�isions of the Note and Security Instrument�if any} providing for, implementing,or <br /> re�ating to,any change or adjustment in the rate of interest payable under the Note;and <br /> �b} a�I ferms and pro�isions of any adjustable rate rider,or other instrumenf ar documen�that is affixed <br /> tv, whatly or partially incorparated into, or is part of, the Note or Security Instrument and that <br /> Wells Fargo Custom Loan Mod DSZ42U 16_77 7�81������������ <br /> Page 2 <br />