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2� 1 ���229 <br /> f�r the repairs and restorati�n in a s�ngle paym�nt�r in a series of pragress payments as the work is <br /> completed. �f the insuranc�or condemnation proce�ds are not sufficient ta repair�r res�ore �he Property, <br /> Barrower is not reliev�d of Borrower's o��iga�ion far the comp�etion of repair or restaration. <br /> Lender�r i�s agen�may make reasonable en�r�es upan and izaspections of the Prop�r�y. If it has r�asonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may xnspe��the interi�r of the�mpro�ements on th�Proper�y. Lender shall give Borrovv�r <br /> notice at�he time of or prior�o such an int�rior inspect�on specif�ing such reasana��e cause. ' <br /> 8. Borrow�r's Laan Applicati�n. Borr�wer sha1�be in default if, during the Laan applicati�n pr�cess, <br /> Borrov�er or any persons or�ntities ac�ir�g at�h�direction of Borrower or with Borrov�er's knawledge or <br /> consent ga�e ma��r�aliy faise, misleading, or inaccurat�informa�ion or statements �a Lender�ar fa�led to <br /> pravid� Lender wxth ma�erial informa���n} in�onne�ti�n wi�h�he L�an. Mat�rial repres�ntations �nc�ude, but <br /> are nat limited�o, r�presenta�ions��ncerning Borrower's accupancy�f th�Praper�� as Barro�ver's pr�nc�pal <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Prntecti�n of Lender's �nt�rest in the Prvperty and R�ghts Under this Security lnstrument. �f ta} <br /> Borro�ver faiis to perform th�ca�enants and agre�m�nts ennta�ned xn�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�, �b} there is a <br /> legal pro�eed�ng that might signifi�an�ly affect Lender's in�erest�n the Proper�y andlor r�ghts under th�s <br /> Securi�y �nstrument �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, pra�a�e, f�r c�ndemnation ar forfeiture, for <br /> enforcement of a�ien which may attain priority over this Security�nstrument or to enf�rce�aws or <br /> regulations}, ox�c} Borrow�r has abandon�d the Proper�y, then Lender may do and pa� f�r v�hatever�s <br /> rea�anab�e or appropria�e to pro�ec� Lender's interes�in the Property and rights under this Securzty <br /> �nstrument, including protecting andlor assessin� the value of�he proper�y, and s�curing andlor repa�ring <br /> the Praper�y. L�nder's ac�ians can �n�lude, but are not limi�ed to: �a}payxng any sums secuzed by a lien <br /> which ha�pr�ority aver this Security �nstrumen�; �b} appear�ng �n cour�; and �c� paying reasanab�e attorn�ys' <br /> fees ta protec�its interest in th� Pr�perty andlor rights under this Security Instrument, including its secured <br /> p�si�ion in a bankruptcy pro�e�ding. S�curing th�Prop�rty i�cludes, but �s not Iimi�ed to, en��r�ng the <br /> Prop�rty to m�ke repairs, char�g��oGks, r�pla�e or board up�ioors and vvindows, dra�n wa�er from pipes, <br /> e�imznate building or oth�r cade v�o�ati�ns�r danger�us cond���onS, ax�.d have u�x����e�turned on or off. <br /> Alth�ugh L�nder may take actian under�h�s Section 9, L�nder does not have to do so and is n�t under any <br /> dut�r or ob�igation�o do s�. It is agreed �ha�Lender incurs no l�ability for nat taking any or a11 ac�ions <br /> authorized under this Sec�ion 9. <br /> An� amounts disbursed b� L�nder under�h�s Section 9 shal�become addit��nal debt of Borrflvv�r secure�i by <br /> th�s S�cur�ty �nstrum�nt. Th�se am�unts sha�l bear�nteres�a��he Note rate from the date of disburs�men� <br /> and shal� be payab�e, v�v�th such interest, up�n notice from L�nder�o Borrawer requesting paym�nt, <br /> If this Securi�y �nstrument is on a�easeho�d, Borrower shal� Gampl�wi�h aI� the pro��si�ns�f�h�lease. �f <br /> Borrower acquires fee t�tle ta the Prnperty, the�easeho�d and the fee title sha�� nnt merge un�ess Lender <br /> a�re�s t��he merger in writing. <br /> 1�. Mortgage �nsurance. If L�nder required Mor�gage�nsurance as a c�nd�tian af making the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay th�premiums required to maintain�he Mortgage�nsurance in�ffe�t. If, for any reasnn, �he <br /> M�rtgage �nsu�ance coverage required��Lender ceases to be a�ailable from�he mor�gage insurer tha� <br /> pr��i�usly prov�d�d such insurance and Borrower was required to make separate�y designa�ed paym�n�s <br /> �owar�the premiums for Mortgage�nsurance, Borrawer shall pa�the premiums requir�d to obtain co�erage <br /> �ubs�ant�aliy equi�alent�o th�Mar�gage�nsurance pre�iausly in effect, at a cos� subs�antiall�equiva�en� to <br /> �he�ost to Borrower af the Mor�gage Insuranc�pre�iously in effec�, from an alternate mor�gage insurer <br /> sele�te�i by L�nder. If subs�an�ial�y equivalent Mor�gage Insurance co�erage is not available, Borrower shal� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac IJNIF�ftM IN5TRl1M�NT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNEy t�3�2y <br /> Wolters K[uwec FinanEial Ser�ices Page 8 af 17 <br />