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2� 1 ���229 <br /> tC3 "Lender" is �ame F�d�ral Sa�i n�s and Loan Assn af Grand I sl and <br /> Lend�r is a Sa�i ngs and Loan <br /> organized and exist�ng under the laws of The St�te of N�b r a s ka . <br /> Lender's address is 2�1 South Locust St �rand Is�and NE 688a1 <br /> . <br /> Lender is the bene�c�ary und�r this Secur�ty �ns�ru�nent. <br /> �D} "Trustee" i� Arend R Baa�k, Att�rn�y <br /> €E} "Note" means �he pr�missory nat�signed by Borrower and dated September' l6, 2�1� . The Note <br /> sta�es that Borrower owes L�nder F I FTY F I V E TF��USAN D AN 0 ��I 1�4 <br /> Dollar5 �U.S. $�5,��4.D� } p�us �n�eres�. B�rrower has pramised ta pa� thzs deb� in regular <br /> Per�odzc Payments and ta pay�h�debt in fu��n���a��r than flcto)�er �, 2�46 , <br /> �F3 "Property" m�ans the property tha� �s descrzbed�ei�w under the hea�iing "Tran�fer of Rights in the <br /> Property." <br /> �G� "Loan" means �he debt evidence��y the Nate, plus �nter�st, any prepayment�harges and late charges du� <br /> under th� Note, and all sums du�und�r this Securi�y �ns�rumen�, plus int�res�. <br /> �H} "Riders" means a11 Riders to this Securit� instrument tha� are�xecuted by Borrower. The fol�ow ing Riders <br /> are�a be executed by B�rrower �ch�ck box as appl�cabl�]: <br /> [] Adjustable Rate Rider 0 CandQm�n�um Rider 0 Sec�nd Hom�R�der <br /> [� Ball�on Rid�r 0 P�anned Un�t Dev��opment Rider [� �-4 Fami�y Rider <br /> 0 VA Rider C.� Bi�ve�kly Payrnent R�der C� �th�r�s} [specify� <br /> �I� "App�icab�e Law" means alI contral��ng app�i�ah�e federai, sta��and�aca� s�atutes, regulations, �rd�nances <br /> and admin�strative ru�es and ord�rs �that ha�e the�ffec�flf Iaw} as vve�� as all app��cabie fina�, non-appea�able <br /> jud�c�a� �p�nions. <br /> 4J} "Cnmmunity A�s�c�ation Dues, Fees, and Assessmer�ts" m�ans all dues, fees, ass�ssmen�s and other <br /> charg�s tha�are impos��an Borrovver or�he Property�y a Condominium associa�ion, homeotivner� <br /> a�sociat�on or sirn�i�ar flrganiLa�ion, <br /> �K� "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, o�h�r than a transaction�rigxnated by check, <br /> draf�, �r sxmilar paper instrument, which�s initiat�c�thr�ugh an e�ectronic term�nal, te�ephonic ins�rument, <br /> �ampu�er, �r r�agne�ic tape so as to order, �nstruct, �r authorize a financial inst�tution�o debit ar credit an <br /> a�coun�. �uch�erm in�Iudes, �ut i�n���im��ed�a, poin�-of sal�transf�rs, autama�ed te�ler machine <br /> �ransacti�ns, transfers initiated b�telephone, w�re transfers, and automa�ed clearingh�use transfers, <br /> �L; "EsGrow �tems" means those�tems ��at are descrxbed�n�ectior�3. <br /> �M� "Mis�e�lanevus Proceeds" m�a�.s any campensat��n, set�lement, a�vard af damages, or proc�eds paid by <br /> any third party �o�her�han insurance pr�ceeds paid ur�d�r�h�coverages described zn 5ect�on 5} far: �i} <br /> damage to, nr destruc�ion af, the Property; ������ndemnation or oth�r taking of a�� or any part of the <br /> Property; ����}Con�eyance in lieu af candemnation; or��v} misrepresentati�ns of, ar omiSsiflns as ta, the <br /> va�ue andlor cflnditi�n of the Pra er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3028 Z 101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE�t1342� <br /> Walters Kluwer�inanciaE Services Page 2 af 17 <br />