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: 2� 1 ���229 <br /> in the Froperty and rights under�h�s Securi�y �nstrur�ent; and�d� takes su�h ac�ion as Lender may <br /> reasonab�y r�quir�to assure tha�Lender's �n�ere�t in th�Pro�erty and r�ghts under this Securi�y Ins�rument, <br /> and Borrnwer's ob�iga�ion to pay�he sums secured by this S�cur��y Ins�rument, sha�l c�ntinue urichanged. <br /> Lender may requ�re that B�rrawer pay such reinstat�ment sums and expenses in one or m�re of the fo�lavving <br /> farrns, as selec�ed by Lender: �a} cash; �b� money order; �c� cer�if�ed�heck, bank check, treasur�r's check ar <br /> cashier's check, pro��ded an�su�h check is�rawn upon an xnstitution whose depos��s ar�insured�y a <br /> fed�ra� agency, ins�rumentali�y or enti�y; ar�d} Ele��ronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstatement�y Borro�r�r, <br /> �h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument and�bligations secured her�by sha�� rema�n fu�ly effec���e as if n�accelera��on had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, this r�ght t� reinsta�e shal�not app�y in�h�case of acce��ra�ion under Sec��an I8. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Ser��cer; Notice of Gr�e�ance. The N��e or a par�ia� interes�in the <br /> Note�tagether with�h�s S�curity Instrumen�} can be so�d one ar m�are t�mes withou�prior not�c��o <br /> Barrow�r. A sale migh�r�su1�in a change �n�he en�ity �known as�he "Loan Servicer"} �ha�coliects Period�c <br /> Payments du�under the Note and this Securit�r �nstrument and perfarms�ther mar�gage loan ser�icing <br /> obiigations under the Nate, �h�s Security �nstrument, and Applicahle Law. Th�re a�so might�e one or m�re <br /> changes�f the Loan Serv�cer unre�ated�a a sa��of the Note. �f�here is a�hange af th�Loan Servicer, <br /> BorrovWer vv�ll be g��en writ�en no��ce of�he change�rh�ch w��l s�ate�he name and addres�af the new L�an <br /> 5erv�cer, the address to which paymen�s should�be made and an� o�her informa�ion RESPA requires in <br /> conne��ion wi�h a notice�f transfer of serv�cing. If the No�e is so�d and thereaf�er�he Loan is ser�iced by a <br /> Laan Servicer�ther�han the purchaser af�h� N�o�e, �h�mor�gage�oan servicing a��igations ta Barr�wer w�ll <br /> remain v�ith the Loan Servicer ar be transferred to a success�r L�an 5er�icer and are no�assumed by the <br /> No�e purchaser unless o�herwise pra��ded by the Nate purchaser. <br /> N�ither Borr�wer nor Lend�r may commenc�,ja�n, ar be jo�ned to any judiGial action�as either an <br /> �ndi�idual l�tigant ar�he member of a class} �ha�arises from�he o�her par�y's acti�ns pursuan�to this <br /> S�curi�y Instrument or�hat alleges that the other par�y has brea�hed any provision of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason�f, this Secur�ty �nstrument, unt�l such Barr��rer or Lender has no��fied�h�o�her par�y �with such <br /> na�ice�i�en in campl�ance w�th�h�requ�remen�s af S�ction 15� of such a�leged br�ach and afforded the <br /> ather party heze�a a reas�nab�e peri�d after the���rin�;of such not�c��o tak�cax-r�ct��e ac�ion. If Applicable <br /> Lav�provides a time periad which rnust elapse before certa�n ac�xon can be�aken, tha�time period vvill be <br /> dee�ned to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The no�ice of acCeleration and oppartunit�to cure <br /> given�o Borrower pursuant to Sect�an�2 and�he not�ce�f acceleration gx�en to Borrav�rer pursuant�a <br /> Section 1 g shall be deemed�o sa�isfy the notice and oppor�un�ty to take carrecfi�v�action prov��ions of�his <br /> Sec�ion 2�. <br /> ��. �tazardous Substances. As used in th�s Section 2�.: �a} "�azardor�s Substances"are�ho�e subs�ances <br /> defined as�oxic or hazardaus �ub�tances, pol�u�ax�.ts, or wastes b� En�ironmen�al Law and �he following <br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, ather��ammable or�oxic petro�eum�roducts, �oxic pesticides and herbicides, <br /> �fl�a�ile salvents, materia�s containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radi�acti�e materia�s; (b} <br /> ".�"nvirort��rental Lavv"means federal �aws and �aws of�he jurisdic�ion vvhere the Propert� is lacated that <br /> relat��o h�al�h, safe��or env�ronmental pro�ec��on; �c} "Env�ron�nental �leanup"inc�udes any response <br /> a�tion, remed�a� ac�ion, or rem��al act�on, as def�ned�n Env�ronmenta� Law; and�d} an ".�n�iror�jnet�tal <br /> C"or�ditior�"means a cond��ion tha�can cause, contrxbute�o, or otherw�s�trigger an En��ronm.ental Cleanup. <br /> Borrovver shall not cause ar permi��he presence, use, disposa�y S��I'd��7 or release of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threa�en to release any Hazardous Su�stances, �n ar�n the Property. Borrower shal� no�do, <br /> nor allow an�one else to da, an�thing affecting�he Proper�y �a}that is �n�iola�i�n of an�En�ironmen�al <br /> Law, �b} which cr�a�es an En�ironmen�al Condition, ar��} vvhich, due�a the presence, use, or releas�nf a <br /> Hazardous Substance, crea�es a candi��on�hat adverse�y affects the va�ue af the Praper�y. The preceding twa <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NlFORM€NSTR#JM�NT F�rm 3028 11Q� <br /> VMP[� VMPfi(NEf{13Q2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!5er�icas Page 13 ot'�7 <br />
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