2� 1 ���229
<br /> satisfaction, p�r��ided that such �nsp�ctian shal� �e undertak�n pr�mpt�y. L�nd�r may pay f�r th�r�pairs
<br /> and restora�ion in a s�ngle disbursement�r in a s�r�es�f progress paym�nts as the wark �s complet�d.
<br /> Un�ess an agreement xs made�n writing or App��cab�e Lav�r requires interest to be paid on such
<br /> Mzs�ellan��us Proceeds, Lender sha�1 not b�requ�red t�pay Borrower an� interest or earn�ngs on such
<br /> M�s�e��aneous Prflce��s. �f�h� r�storation or repa�r is not e�anomi�aliy feasibl�or Lend�r's securit�waul�
<br /> b���ssen�d, th� Misce��aneous Pro�eeds shall b�applied to the sums secure�i b��his Securi�y Instrum�nt,
<br /> wh�ther nr nat then due, v��th�he excess, if any, pazd t� Borrower. Such Miscellaneaus Proce�ds shall be
<br /> app��ed �n th�order pra�rzded for in 5ect�on�.
<br /> �n�he�ven��f a to�al ta�ing, destructian, or lass �n va�ue�f the Proper�y, th� Miscellaneous Proceeds shall
<br /> be app��ed to�he sum��e�ur�d hy thzs Security �ns�rument, whether ar n�t then due, with�he excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event�f a par�ial tak�n�, d�s�ruction, ar loss in va�ue of th� Pr�per�y �n whi�h �he fair market�a�ue�f
<br /> �he Property �mm�diatel�r befor��he par�ial taking, destru�tifln, �r loss in va�u�is�qual �o nr great�r�han the
<br /> amount�f the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrurnent immediate�y before the partia� takxngy ��St�G�I��7., �r
<br /> Iass in value, unxess Borrovver and Lender oth�rw�se agree in�riting, �he sums se�ur�d by th�s Secur�ty
<br /> Ins�rument sha11 be reduced b�the amaunt of�he Miscel�aneaus Proceeds mu�t�p���d b� �he fo�lowing
<br /> fra���on: �a} the tota� amaunt af the sums secured immediately before�he par�ial �ak�ng, d�estruc�ion, or�oss
<br /> in�a�ue divided by �b} th� fair market va�ue❑f the Prnper�y immediatel�before the partial taking,
<br /> destruc���n, or�oss in Walue. Any ba�ance shall be paid to Borr�wer,
<br /> Zn�he even�of a par�ial takzng, destruction, or loss in va�ue of th� Pr�per�y in which the fair mark�t�a�ue af
<br /> the Property imm�diately before the part�a� taking, destruc���n, or ioss in va�ue xs �ess �han the amount of rhe
<br /> sums secur�d immediately befor��he part�a� taking, des�ruct�on, or loss in vaiue, unl�ss B�rrower and
<br /> Lender atherwise agre��n writing, �he IV�zsce��aneaus Prace�ds shali be appl��d ta�he sums secur�d�y this
<br /> Se�urity �ns�rument whe�her�r n�� the sums are�hen due.
<br /> If th� �PrQp�r�y xs abando�.ed �y��rr���r, or i�, �a���r���i��by �end�r t� Borrovver tha��h��pp�sing P�.rty
<br /> �as defined in�he n�xt sen�ence} offers �o make an a�ard to sett�e a claim f�r damages, Borrovver fax�s to
<br /> respond ta L�nder w�th�n 3�days aft�r the da�e the n��ice is given, Lender is au�horiz�d �o co�lec� an�. app�y
<br /> the M�scel�aneous Proceeds either�o r�s�aratzon or repair of the Pr�per�y ar�o th�sums secur�d by this
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rument, whether�r n�t then due. "C]ppfls�ng Part�" means the third party�hat av�es Barrower
<br /> M�s�ellaneaus Proc�eds ar the part�r aga�ns�wham Borrower has a r�ght�f act�on in regard �a Misce��aneous
<br /> Pra��ed�.
<br /> Borro�ver sha�l be in default if any action or proceeding, wheth�r civil ar crim�na�, is begun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> �udgment, could resul� �n f�rfe�ture af the Proper�� nr o�her ma�eria� impairment of Lender'� interes� in the
<br /> Proper�y or righ�s under th�s Securzty�nstrument. Barrower can cure such a defau�t and, if a�ceieration has
<br /> accurred, reinsta�e as prov�ded in S�ct�on �9, by caus�n�the ac��on or pr�ceeding�o be dismissed w�th a
<br /> ruling that, in L�nder's judgment, pre��udes forfeiture of the Prop�rty or a�her ma�erial impairment of
<br /> Lender's interes� in th� Property nr rights und�r th�s Secur��y �nstrurnent. The prnceeds flf any award or
<br /> c�a�m fnr damages tha�are attributable to the�r�npairment af Lender's interest �n the Praperty are hereby
<br /> assigned and sha�l be paid to Lender.
<br /> A11 Miscellaneaus Prflce�ds that are no�app�zed to res�ora�i�n�r r�pair of�he Property shal� be app�ied in the
<br /> �rder proWide�for�n Se�tion 2,
<br /> NEBRA5ICA-5ingle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLIM�NT Form 3Q28 i 1�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NEf�1342y
<br /> Wolters KI�€wer Financial Services P�ge��Q�17
<br />