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<br /> LC3AN #: �'�'1 fi8�78
<br /> S��tion 2� or otherw�se, Borrower her�by assigns to Lend�r �a} Borrower's rights to any insurance
<br /> proceeds in an amount not to exceed the am�unts unpaid und��the Note �r this 5ecurity �nstrument,
<br /> and �b} any other of Borrower's rights �other than the right to any refund o� unearn�d premiums paid
<br /> by Sorrawer} under all insurance policies co�ering �h� Property, insofar as such rights a�e ap�li�ab�e
<br /> to the ca�erage�f the Proper�y. Lender may use the insurance proceeds eith�r t� repair ar��stor�the
<br /> Prope�ty or to pay amounts unpaid und��-�he Note or this Securi�y Instrument, whether ar not then due.
<br />� �. �ccupanc . Sorrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal
<br />, Y
<br />� residence wt�hin 6�days after the execut�on of this Security Instrument and shall cantinue to occupy the
<br /> Property as Borrower's princ�pal res�dence for at least one year afterthe date of occupancy,unless L�nder
<br />� atherwise agrees in writing, which consent shafl not be unreasonably withhe�d, or unless exfenuating
<br />' �ircumstan�es exist whi�h are heyflnd B�rrovuer's control.
<br />�
<br />� 7. Preser�atian, Maintenance and Prvtectian of th� Property; Inspections. Borrow�r shall
<br /> not destroy, damage ar impair the Property, a��ow the Property to d�teriorate or commit waste on the
<br /> Property. Vllhether or not Barr�wer is r�siding in �he Prope�ty, Borrower sha�� maintain th� Property in
<br />, ord�r to pr��ent the Property from de�et�ia�ating vr decr�as�ng in �alue due to its conditEon. Unless it
<br />' is determin�d pursuant to Se�tivn 5 that repair or �estaration is not economtcally �easib�e, Bvrrower
<br />� shall promptly repair the Prnp�rty �f damaged to a�oid �urther det�rio�ation o�damage. �f insurance or
<br /> condemnation proceeds are paid �n conne�tion with damage to, ar the taking of, the Property, Borr�wer
<br /> shall be responsible fvr r�pairing or restaring the Property only if Lender has released procee�s for
<br /> such purpos�s, Lender may disburse praceeds fnr th� repairs and restoration in a single payment or
<br /> in a series of pragress payments as the work Es campleted. rf�he insurance❑r cona�emnation proceeds
<br /> are not sufficient to r�pair�r restore the Pr�perty, Sorrawer is not reli��ed o� Bor�awer's �bligation far
<br /> the campletion of such repair�r resto�ation.
<br /> L�nder or its agent may mak� reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, �f �� has
<br /> reasonable cause,Lendermay inspect�he�nteriorafthe imp�avements�n the Property. Lendershall�i�e
<br /> Sorrower n�tice at th�time of or privr to such an interior inspect�on spec��ying such r�asonable cause.
<br /> 8. Barrower's Lvan Appficati�n.Borrower shall be in de�ault if,during the Laan applicatian process,
<br /> Bvrrowe�or any p�rsons or en�i�ies acting at the directian af Borrower or w�th Borrawe�'s knowledge or
<br /> consent ga�e materially false, mis�eading,or inaccurate in�ormation or sta#ements to Lender�ar failed to
<br /> provide Lender with mat�rial information} in connec�ran with the Loan. Material representations includ�,
<br /> but are not limi#ed ta, representations conce�ning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's
<br /> prEncipal residence.
<br /> 9. Protection of Lender's lnterest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument.
<br /> If �a} Borrower fa�ls to perfo�m the ca�enants and agreements canta�n�d in this Security Instrument,
<br /> �b} there is a legal proceeding that might significant�y affect Lender's interest in the Fraperty andlvr
<br /> rights under this Security Ins�rument�su�h as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prabate,for condemnatian or
<br /> forf�iture, for enforcement of a lien whi�h may attain pri�rity over this Security Instrument or to enforc�
<br /> iaws or regulations}, or �c} B�rrow�r has abandaned the Prvperty, then Len�er may da and pay for
<br /> whatever is reasonable o�appropriate t� pra#�ct Lender's �nterest in the Prop�rty and rights under this
<br /> S�curity Instrument,including prot�cting andlor assess�ng the�a�ue o�the�roperty,an�securing andlor
<br /> r�pairing the Pr�perty. Lender's actEans can includ�, bu�are not iimited to: �a}paying any sums secured
<br /> by a�ien which has priority o�er this 5ecurity�nstrum�nt;�b}ap�earing in cvur�;and�c}paying reasonabl�
<br /> attorneys'fees to protect its interest in th�Property andlar rights under this Se�urity instrument,including
<br /> its se�ured position in a �ankruptcy proc�eding. 5ecuring the Property includes, but is not limited f�,
<br /> entering the Property to make �epairs, change focks, rep�ac� vr board up doars and windows, drain
<br /> vuater fr�m pip�s, eliminate buElding or vther code viola��vns ar dangerous cond�tions, and have utilities
<br /> tu�n�d vn vr off.Although Lender may take actian under this Section 9, L�nder does not ha�e to do so
<br /> and is no�under any duty or obiigativn ta do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs no iiability for nvx taking
<br /> any vr all actions authorized under this Section 9.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this 5ec�ion 9 shall became additianal debt nf B�rrvwe�
<br /> secured by this Security instrument.These am�unts shall bear int�rest at the Note rate from the date of
<br /> disbursem�nt and shall be�ayable,with such interest, upon noti�e from Lend��tv Bo�row�r requestEng
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this Security instrum�nt is on a leasehold, Borrower shall c�mply with al� �he provisions a�the
<br /> lease. Bor�ower shail nvt sur�ende� the leasehold estate and interests herein con��yed or termina#e
<br /> or canceE the ground I�as�. Borrawer shall not, with�ut the express written consent of Lender, alte�or
<br /> amend the ground I�ase. If Borrower acquires fee �i�le ta the P�op�rty, the I�asehold and the fe� �itle
<br /> shall not merge unl�ss L�nder agrees to�he merge�in vu�iting.
<br /> 1D. Mort�age insurance.If L�nder required Mortgage Insurance as a conditian of making the Loan,
<br /> Bvrrower sha�l pay the p�emiums requ�red ta maintain the M�rtgage Insurance in eff�Gt. If,for any reas�n,
<br /> the Mortgage Insurance co��rage required by Lender ceases to be available frvm th� martgage insurer
<br /> that p�eviously pro�ided su�h insurance an� Borrow�r was required to make sepa�a�ely designated
<br /> payments toward th� premiums for Mortgag� �nsurance, Borr�wer shal� �ay the premEums �equ�r�d
<br /> fo obtain co�erag� substantially equivalent to the Mo�tgage Insurance pr��iousEy in effect, at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalent�o the c�st to Barrower of the Mortgage Insurance pre�iously �n effect, from an
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM lNSTRUIUIENT Form 3�Z8 11�1
<br /> Ellie Ma�,Inc. pa��� �f�� NEEDEED fl315
<br /> NEEDEED(CL5}
<br /> 081191Z016�2:�5 PM PST
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