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� 2� 1 ���225 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> �oAN #: o��s�o7� <br /> sale, the fol�owing descri��d proper#y Iocat�d in the County <br /> [Type vf#�ecvrd+ng Jurisdiction��f Hafl [Name of ReCording Jurisdictivn�: <br /> SEE LE�AL ❑ESCRIPTI�N ATTACHE❑ HERET�AN❑ MADE A PART HEREC]F A5 "EXHIBIT A". <br /> APN#: 4��'�Q83s4 <br /> which currently has the address of '17�3 W Koeni� St, Grand Island, <br /> {5treet][City] <br /> Nebraska S88D3 �"Praperty Address"}: <br /> [Zip Code] <br /> T�GETHERVVITH allthe impro�ements nnworhereaft�rerected onthepraperty,and alleasem�nts, <br /> appurtenances,and fixtures now or hereafte�-a part of the property.A�I replacemen�s and additions sha1� <br /> also be co�er�d by this Security Instrument.All nf the fv�egoing is re�erred t�in this Security Instrument <br /> as th� "Property." Barrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only legai title to the interests <br /> granfed by 8orrower in this 5ecurity �nstrument, bu#, if n�cessary ta��mply with law or�ustom, MERS <br /> �as nomEnee for Lender and Lender's successo�s and assigns} has the right: to ex�rcise any or all of <br /> those inte�ests, including, but not limit�d to, th� r�ght tv for�cfose and sel!the�rope�ty; and to take any <br /> action required of Lender including, but not lim�#ed to, re��asing and �anceling this 5e�urity lnstrument. <br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS that Borrower �s lawfully seised of the estate hereby con�eyed and <br /> has the right to grant and con�ey the Property and that the Property is un�ncumbered, �xcept for <br /> encumbrances �f record. Barrower warrants and will defend generally the titie ta the Property against <br /> all claims and demands, subject to any encumbran�es�f record. <br /> TH1S SECURiTY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�enants for nationai use and non-uniform <br /> co�enants with limited�ariatians by�urisdic#ion to constitute a uniform security instrument co�ering real <br /> proper#y. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. Bo�row�r and Lender co�enant and agr�e as follows: <br /> '1. Payment of �rincipal, Interest, Escravu ltems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. <br /> Borrower sha�� pay when due the principai of, and interest on, the debt e�idenc�d by the Note and any <br /> pr�payment charges and late charges due under th� No�e. 8orrower shal! also pay funds ��r Escrow <br /> tt�ms pursuant to 5ec�ion 3. Payments du�under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument shal!be made in <br /> U.S.currency. How��er, if any check or other instrument rec�i�ed by Lender as payment under th�Note <br /> nr this Security instrum�nt�s returned to L�nder unpaid, Lender may r�quire that any or all subs�quent <br /> payments due underthe Note and this Se�urity lnstrument be made in one or mor�af the follawing forms, <br /> as se�e�ted by Lender: �a} cash; �b} maney a��er; �c} certified check, bank check, treasurer's check ar <br /> cashier's check, pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an ins#itut�an whose depvs��s are insut�ed by <br /> a federal agency, instrumenta�i�y, �r entity; or�d} El�ctronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece��ed by L�nder when recei�ed a# th� Iocation designated in th� Note <br /> or at such other locatian as may be des�gnated by Lender in ac�ordance with the na#�ce pro�isians in <br /> Section 15. L�nder may return any payment or par�ial payment if the paym�nt o�pa�tial payments are <br /> insufficient to bring the Laan current. L�nde�may a�cept any payment or partial payment insufficient�o <br /> bring the Loan curr�nt, without wai�er of any rights hereund�r ar pre�udice to its rights to refuse su�h <br /> payment or partial payments in the future, but Lender is not vbiiga�ed to app�y such payments at#he�ime <br /> such payments are accepted. �f each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due da#e, then <br /> Lende�need nat pay in�erest on unapplied funds. Lend�r may hold su�h unapplied funds until Bo�rower <br /> makes payment to bring the Loan current. �� Bnrrower daes nvt do so within a reasonable period �f <br /> time, Lender shall either apply such funds vr return them to Bo�rower. If not applied earlier, such�unds <br /> will be applied to th��utstanding pr�ncipat balance under the Note imm�diately prior ta far�closure, No <br />. offset or claim which Borrower might ha�� now or in the fu�ure aga�nst Lender shal� re�ie�e Sorrower `� <br /> from mak�ng �ayments due under�he Note and �his Security Instrument or performing #he �ov�nants <br /> and agreemen#s secured by this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> NEBRASKA--Singie Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IVlac UNIF�RM tNSTRUMENT Farm 3�Z8�I�O�f <br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 3 ot 11 NEEI]EEi] �315 <br /> NEE�EED�CLS} <br /> . �811912015 12:25 PM P5T <br /> .r� .. <br /> � � <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> r r <br />