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201606213 <br />13. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately and shall not be <br />affected by the disability of the principal. <br />POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE <br />14. I authorize my attorney -in -fact appointed by this document to make health <br />care decisions for me when I am determined by a physician to be incapable of making my <br />own health care decisions. I have read the warning which accompanies this document <br />and understand the consequences of executing a Power of Attorney for Health Care. <br />I direct that my attorney -in -fact comply with the following instructions or <br />limitations: To conduct necessary health care decisions for me when I am either <br />temporarily or permanently incapacitated. Based on the degree of my physical and/or <br />mental incapacitation, my attorney -in -fact may obtain the necessary homemaker <br />assistance (shopping, meal preparation, laundry, bathing, and cleaning services), home <br />care with skilled, intermediate or unskilled nursing assistance, or long -term health care at <br />an approved facility for my prolonged illness or disability. As described above, this care <br />can range from assisted living for daily activities at home to skilled nursing care at home <br />or in a nursing facility. <br />I HAVE READ THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE. I <br />UNDERSTAND THAT IT ALLOWS ANOTHER PERSON TO MAKE LIFE AND <br />DEATH DECISIONS FOR ME IF I AM INCAPABLE OF MAKING SUCH <br />DECISIONS. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN REVOKE THIS POWER OF <br />ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE AT ANY TIME BY NOTIFYING MY <br />ATTORNEY -IN -FACT, MY PHYSICIAN, OR THE FACILITY IN WHICH I AM A <br />PATIENT OR RESIDENT. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN REQUIRE IN <br />