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2� 1 ��� 174 <br /> ASSIGNIVIENT �F F�ENTS <br /> Laan Na: 'I D'I�989�?5 ���nt�tlued� Pag� � <br /> fi[e e�idencing Lender's securi�y interest in the Ren�s and the Praperty. Any terminat�an fee required by Iaw shall be <br /> paid by Grantor, i�permitted by applicab[e law. <br /> LENDER'S E�CPENDITUR�S. f� any act�on vr proceeding is cvmmenced that wau�d mafierialiy affect Lender's interest in <br /> the Praperty or if Grantvr fails to camply with any pra�ision af�his Assignment❑r any Re[ated Documents, inc�uding but <br /> not limited to Gran�or's�=ai[u�-e to discharge or pay when due any amounts Grantor is required tv discharge❑�r pay under <br /> this Assignment ❑r any R�lated Dacuments, Lender on Grantor's behalt may {but sha11 no� be abligated tv} take any <br /> action that Lender deems appr�priate, Enc�uding but no# limited tv dis�harging or paying aE� taxes, �iens, security <br /> interests, encumbrances and ofiher claims, at any time ie��ed ❑r placed ❑n the Rents ❑r the Proper�y and paying alI cas#s <br /> for insuring, maintaining and preser�ing �the Property. AI[ such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender fa� such <br /> purpases wilf then hear interest at the rate charged under the Note firom the date incurred vr pa�d hy Lend�r to the date <br /> of repayment by Grantv�r. AEE su�h expenses wi[[ become a pat-�t vf the lndebtedness and, afi Lender's ❑ption, wil! �Ay <br /> be payable vn demand; {B� b� added t❑ the balance ❑f the Nv�e and be appor�ioned amvng and be payable wixh any <br /> insta[Iment payments tv he�vme due during either {1} th� �erm of any applicable insurance policy; or {2� the <br /> �emain�ng term of the Note; or �C� be treated as a ballovn payment which v►riif be due and payab[e a� the No#e's <br /> matur�ty. The Assignment also wil[secure paym�nt of these amaunts. 5uch right sha11 be in addition tv a�l other r�ghts <br /> and remedies to which Lende�may be en#it[ed upon Default. <br /> DEFAIJLT. Each af the foElowing� at Lender's ❑ptivn. shall canstitute an E�en�t af❑etault unde�-this Assignment: <br /> Payment Default. E�orrower fails to make any payment when due under th� Endebtedness. <br /> Uther Defau�#s. Barrower vr Grantar faiEs t❑ camply with or to pertvrm any other term, obiigat�on, ca�enant ar <br /> cvndition contained in �his AssEgnment or in any of the Related Dacuments o� to comply with ❑r tv perfiorm any <br /> term, vbligation, ca�enant or cvnditivn contain�d in any other agreement be�ween Lender and Borrower vr Grantor. <br /> Default on �ther Payments. Failure o� Grantor within the time required by this Assignment to make any payment <br /> fiar taxes or insurance, or any❑ther payment necessary to pre�ent f�fing of or to effect discharge❑f any lien. <br /> False Statements. Any warranty, representa�ion or sta�emenfi made or furnished ta Lender by Bvrraw�r or Grantar <br /> ar vn Borrower's or Grantor's behalf under this Assignment vr the Re�ated Da�uments is fa[se ❑r misleading in any <br /> materia! respect, �ither naw vr afi the time made or furnished or becomes false or mis[eading at any time <br /> therea#ter. <br /> Defecti�e Collateraiizafiion. This Assignment❑�any o�the Related Documents ceases ta be in �ull force and e�fec� <br /> tincluding fai[ure❑f any cal�a�era�document tv create a �alid and perfected security interest or lien} at any time and <br /> �ar any reasan. <br /> Death or Inso��enc�r. The�eath vf Bvrrower ar Grantor, the inso[�ency of Bvrrower or Grantor,the appvintmen�o� <br /> a recei�er for any part❑fi 6orrvwer's vr Grantor's property, any assignment far the benef�t af creditvrs. any type �� <br /> creditvr workout, o�-fihe commencement❑f any p�-viceeding unde�any bank�-uptcy ❑r insv��ency laws by a�' against <br /> gorrvwer❑r Grantor. <br /> CredE#vr vr Forfeiture Prviceedings. Commencement of �oreclosure �r forfeiture proceedings, whether by judi�ial <br /> proceeding, se[�-h�lp� repassession or any other methvd, by any creditor of Barrower ❑r Granta�- or by any <br /> governmental agency against th� R�n�s ❑r any property securing the [ndebtedness. This inc�udes a garnishment of <br /> any of Borrower's ❑r Gran#or's accounts, including d�posit accounts, with Lender. H�we�er, �h�s Evenfi nf Default <br /> shall not apply i� fihere is a gavd faith disput� E�y Barrower vr Grantor as to the vaEidity or reasvnableness of the <br /> claim whi�h is the basis of �he credi�ar ❑r #vrfeiture praceeding and if Bvrrower or Grantor gi�es Lender written <br /> notice o�the creditor❑r for�e�ture proceeding and depvsits wifih Lender manies or a surety band tor the creditvr or <br /> forfeiture proceeding, En an amaunt de�erm�ned by Lender, in its sole discrefiivn, as being an adequate reser�e or <br /> bond fvr the disput�. <br /> Property Damage or Loss. The Property is Ivs�, stv�en, substantial[y damaged, sold, or borrvwed against. <br /> Events Affect�ng Guarantor. Any o�fihe preceding e�ents �c�urs with respe�t to any guaran�ar, endorser, surety, <br /> ar accvmmadation party of any af fihe Indebtedness or any guaran#vr, endvrser, surety, o� accommndation party <br /> dies ❑r becomes incompefient, or revokes vr disputes the �alidity of, ❑r [iability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> lndehtedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in Grantar's financiai condition, or Lender believes the <br /> prospe�t o�paymenfi ar performance of the [ndebtedness is impaired. <br /> �nsecuri#y. Lend��-in govd fiaith belie�es ifiself insecure. <br /> Cure Pro��sions. I�f any defau[t� other fihan a default in payment, is curable and i� Grantvr has nat heen given a <br /> natice of a breach v� the same pro�isivn of this Assignment within the pre�eding twelve t'[2} m�n�hs. it may be <br /> cured if Grantor, after Lender sends written notice to Borrower demanding �ur� of such de#ault: {�y cures the <br /> default within#ifteen {�5� days; or ��y if the cure requires more than�ifteen t 15� days, immediately initiates steps <br /> which Lender deems in Lender's sale discretion tv be sufficient #v �ure the default and thereafter continues and <br /> completes all reasanab[e and necessary steps suf�icient tv produce comp[iance as soon as reasanably practicaf. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIE�� �N DEFAULT. Upan the❑ccurrence of any E�ent vf De�ault and at any time the�eafter, Lender <br /> may exercise any ane or mare of�he �rollvwing righ�s and �emedies, in add�tian to any o�her rights❑r remed��s pra�i�ed <br />