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2� 1 ��� 154 <br /> ful� of a�� sums secured by �his Security Tns�rumen�. Hovu�ever, �h�s opti�n shall not be exerc�sed by Lender if <br /> exerc�se�s prohibi��d by f�deral Iaw as of the�ia�e of th�s SecL�ri�y Instrum�n�. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his opt�on,�.der sha�� g�ve Barrawer n��ic�e af arcelera�ian. The no�ic� shal� �rovide a <br /> p�riod of not less �han the mxnimum number of days establi;�hed b�Appl�ca��e Lav� fram �he da�� ��ae n�t�ce is <br /> delzvered or ma�Xed wi�hin which S�rro,wer �ust pay alI surns sec�ar-ed b.y �h�s Se�urity Instrumen�. ���Borrovsrer <br /> fai�s �o pay these sums prior to the exp�ra�ion af this period, Lend�r may invoke any remedies permi�ted by this <br /> 5�curx�y�nstrume�xt w�triout fur�her n�tice ar de�and on Borrower. <br /> Borrovver's I��ght �a R��nstate. �f Borrawer mee�s cer�ain �ondit�ons, Borrovver sha11 have the righ� �a have <br /> enforcemen�of�h�s Securit��nst�ument d�scontiznued at any time priar to �he earl�er�f: (a} S days �or such o�her <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify far re�ns��tement�bef�re sale nf�he Property pursuan�to any power of sa�e <br /> contazned �n �hxs Secur�ty �ns�rumen�; ar (b} en�ry of a j�.dgmen� enfarcing this 5�cur�ty �ns�rum�nt. Thase <br /> co�d����ns are tha�Borr�wer: �a} pays Lender a�I sums wh�c:h �hen vvou�d be due under �his Se�urifiy Ins�rument <br /> and the Con�rac�as if n�ac�elera�ion had�ccurr�d; �b} cures any defau��o�'any other covenan��or ag�re�m�nts; (c} <br /> pays a��expenses incurred in enforcing this Securi�y�ns�rumen�,�nc�ud�ng,but no�limit�d to,reasanabl�at�orne�s' <br /> f�es �o �he e�tent perm�itted by�avv; and �d} ��kes such ac�i�n as�ender m.ay reasonably require to assur��at�he <br /> ��en of�his Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and�3orro�aer'�o�Iigati�n ta pay the sum.s secured <br /> by this 5ecurity Ins�rument sha�l �antinue unchanged. Up�n:reinstatemen� by Borro�ver, �h�s Security�nsfrumen� <br /> and �he ob��gations secured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�y effect�ve a� if�o accelera�ian had occurred. �iQ�rever, thxs <br /> rzght to reinstate shall not app�y i.n�he case of acceleration un�3er�he sectio�n�i��ed Transfer vf�he Property or a <br /> �en�ficia�Interest xn Borrower. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances.Borro�ver sha��no�cau�e or perm���:he pre�ence,use, d�sposa�, s�arag�, ar reiease flf any <br /> Hazardous 5ubstan�es on ar in th�Proper�y.�orraWer sha�l n�t da,��ar alloW anyan�else to do,anythir�g a�fecting <br /> the Property �hat is in v�olatio� of any E�.v�ronmental Law. The p�-eced�ng two sen�ences sh�.l� no� apply �o the <br /> presence,use,or stflrage on�he Proper�y of sma�1 quan���ies of Hazardous�'ubs�a.nces tha�are generally recognized <br /> to b�approprxate to normal resider�tial uses and ta main�enance of�he Property. <br /> �arroWer sha�X prompt�y give Lent�er wri���n not�ce of any investiga�:ian,claim, demand, �av�sui�or o�ier ac�ion by <br /> any governmen�al or regula��ry agen�y or pr�vate party involving �he Pra�per�y and any Hazardaus 5ubs�nce or <br /> Env�ra�men�a.l Lavv of �vhich Borrower has actua� knnw�.edge. �f Borrov�rer �earns, or i� notzf�d by any <br /> g�v�rnmen�a� or regulatory au�h�ri�y, �ha�any rcrntiva�or oth�r rem�d�at�an of any Hazardous �ubs�ance a�fecting <br /> the Property �s necessary, Borrovver sha�� pr�mpt�y �ake ��1I n�Gessary remed�al a�tians i.n accQrdance v�r�th <br /> Enviranmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are�hose substances defrned as to�ic or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmental Lavv and �he fa��awing sub��ances: gasoline, k�rosen�, flther flammable ��r taxi� pe�r�leum <br /> prQdu�ts, �oxic pesticides and herbicides, vola�i�e so�vents, �naterz�.ls cantazn�ng asbes��s ar f�rmald�hyd�, and <br /> rad�oac��ve ma�er�a�s.As used�n this paragra�h, "Enviranmental La�v" rn�ans federal laws an�i la�rvs�f�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�ha��e�ate to hea�th,safety�r environmen�al protec�ifln. <br /> Accelerat�on; Remedies. Lende� sha�� g�ve n��ice t� Borrvwer pri�r to acce�era��ion follovvxng �flrrower's <br /> breach of any�ovenant�r agreement�n this Security Instrurnent or th�e�nntract under v�h�ch �c�e��ration <br /> �s p�rmitted �but no�prior to a�c��eratxon und�r the secti€�n �it��d Tr��nsfer of the Prope�ty or a Bene�ci.a� <br /> Int�rest in B�rr�wer, unles5 A�p��.cab�.e Law pra,v�ides o��erwis+e}. Th� not�ce sha�� specif�: �a} t�e d.efauit; <br /> �b} th� a�t�or� required to �ure the d�fa�i�; �c} a da���, m�� �ess than the minYrnum number of days <br /> establ�shed by Appl�c�ble Law frflrn th�da�e thQ noti�e is gi�e��o Borrower,by which th� default mus�be <br /> cured; and �d) that fa��ure to cure the �ef�uit �n or befaire �he date speci�ed in the no�xce may resu�t �n <br /> accel�rat�on of the sums secured by this S�cuxi�y In�tr�ument a�ad sale of the Prop�r�y. To �th� extent <br /> permxt�ed by�aw, the notice shal.i furth�r i�f�rm Borrov���r �f the right�o reins�ate af�er acce�ex•ati�n and <br /> the r�ght to bring a co�rt ac�ivn to assert th.e�.�n-existence of a�efau�n or any�ther defense of�orr�vver�o <br /> acce�era�ion and sa�e. If the default xs n�� �ured on flr bef�r� th� da�e spec�f�ed in �he nv�ice,Le�der at�.ts <br /> option may requ�re imr�ediate payment irn full of alI sums se�ure�i �by this Securit� In�trument v�ithout <br /> fur�her dema�d and may invoke the p�wer af sa�e and a��y o�h�r r�medies permit�ed b��Appli�abl� Law. <br /> To ��e extent p�rmitt�d �ay IaYv, Lemder sha�i be ent�t�ed t� coiiect ail expenses xncurre� in �u�suing �he <br /> remedies prov�ded in this Sect�.arn,in�iud�ng,�ut not limit��d t�, reasornable attorneys'fee� and�ost� of ti�ie <br /> e�v�dence. <br /> If the power �f sale is inv�ked, Trustee sha�l �ecord a no�i�e af default in ea�h ��un�y xn�vvhi�h any�ar��f <br /> �he Pr�perty�is Io�ated and 5ha1�mail c�p�es of such nfl�ice in the manner prescrib�d by.�ipp��c�.��e Law to <br /> B�rr��ver and ta the other p�rsQns pre��ribed by App1i���ble Law. A.ftQr �he �ime requ�r�d by Appli�able <br /> Lavv, Tru�tee sha�l public nvt�ce �f sale �� the per�ons an�. in the manner prescribQd by .�.p���icable <br /> Law. Trustee,w��hvut d�mand on Borr��v�r, shall se�I.the Prop�rty at publ�e auction to t1�e hi.�h#est bidder <br /> a�the time and�pl.ace and under the terms de5�gnated�n the n�ti�e��s�.�e i�n one or mvre par���s�nd in any <br /> ord�r Trustee determines. Trustee may �o�tpflne sa�e a}f al�. or an� par�el of �he Property by pub�ic <br /> a�n�u�cem�nt at the tin�e and�la�e of any previously schtedu�eC�sale.Lender or it�de�ignee may purcha�e <br /> �he Prvp�rty at a�y sa�e. <br /> I�pvn �-e�eipt vf payment flf the price bi�, T'r�.stee shall d������r t� the purchaser TruStee's d�ed �cnnveying <br /> the Property. The recita�s in �h�TruSteers deed shall be p�•�ma f�cie�v�idence of the�ruth of the s�tat�ment� <br /> made therefne Trustee sha�I apply �he pr�c��ds of �he 5ale �n �he f�nl�owing flrder: �a) to al� �o�ts and <br /> e�pen�es of e�ercfsing the power of sa�e, ar�d the sa�e, in�l.uding the p,�ayrnent of the Trustee's fe�s a�tua��y <br /> C�204�-2�i 5 Campliance Systems,�nc.CBEB-E275-2a15,12.2.1112 <br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Instniment DL2436 Page�af 5 www.campIiancesyste�ns.�vm <br />