2� 1 ��� 154
<br /> Appli�ab�e Law. As used �n this Secur�ty Instrurnen�, �he texm. i'App�zcable Law" sha�� m�ean a�l contro��ing
<br /> app��cable federal, s�ate and �oca� statutes, regu�at�ons, ord�n�nces �.nd admznis�rat�ve ru�es and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he effec�of 1av�}as�vell as a11 app�icable final,non--appea�able�ud�c�al opinions.
<br /> Charges, Lie�.s. Borr�v�rer sha1l pay a1I t��es, assessments, charges, fi�les and irnpasit�ans attrib�tab�e to th�
<br /> Pro�erty vvhxch may atta�n pri�rity over�his Secur��y�ns�rumen�, and leas�hold paymentis or graund rents, if any.
<br /> A�the request af Lender,B�rrovver shall pramptly furnxsh�o Lender rec�zpts e��den�xng the pa��m.ents.
<br /> Barrn�ver shall pr�mptly d�scharge any�z�n vvhich has priarity over this Se�u.ri�y Instrument unless Borrfl�trer: �a}
<br /> agrees in �vr-iting to the paymen� of�he obliga�ion secured by �h� �i�n :�n a manner acceptGble �o Lender; �b}
<br /> con�ests in good fa��h the �ien by, Qr defends agains� enforc�ment of�ie Iien in, legal proce��.�ngs wh�ch in the
<br /> �ender's opin�on opera�e �o prevent �he enforc�ment af�he ��en; or �c� secu.res fram �he ho�der nf�.e Iien an
<br /> agreemen�satisfacttiry�a Lender subordinat�ng�he �ien to this Secu.rity�n��rumen�. �f Lend�r de�ern�.znes tha� any
<br /> par� of the Praperty is subj ect�o a lien vvhich may a�ain privrity over �hi,� 5ecur��r Instrument, Lender ma�r giue
<br /> I3orrower a no�ice identiifying th.e �ien. Borra�ver sha11 satisfy�i� Ii�n�r t�ke one or m�re of the ac��ans se�for�h
<br /> ab ove�vi�h�n �O days of the giving af notice.
<br /> Ha�ard or Prvperty Ia�su�-ance. Borrower shali keep the improver�en�s naw exzst�ng�r hereaf�er ere�tec��n the
<br /> Proper�y insured agains���ss by fire,hazards�ncluded�vvi�hin��he�erm"ext�ended coverage" and any other Y�azards,
<br /> �ncluding f�oads or flooding, for v�rhich Lender requires 1I1SLI.r�.riG�. Thi� insurance sha�l be main�ained xn the
<br /> amaun��and for�he periods that Lender require�. The insurance carrier pr�viding�he insurance shall b�chasen by
<br /> Barrovver subj ec� tQ Lender`s appr��a� which s�iall not be u�reaso�.ably ,iu�.�hheld. �f Barrower fails �a main�ain
<br /> coverage described above, Lend�r may, at L,ender's �p�ion., �b�ai.n cav�rage to pra�ect Lender's ri�ht� �n the
<br /> Prflper�y�n accordance,wi�h sec��on�i�Ied Prote�t�on af Lender's l�ghts in the Proper�y.
<br /> AIl insuran�e policies and renewals sha�1 be ac�ep�able �o L�nder and �h��I include a s�andax� m�r�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the r�gh��a ho�d the palicies and renev�ra�s. Zf Ler�der re�uires,Borrovver�ha11 prompt�y gzve�o
<br /> Lender a�l re�eipts of paid prerruums and reneWa�n���ces. In�he e�en�of l�ss, Borrower shall give prampt notice
<br /> �o the�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may mak�proof of loss if nat made promptly by Bo�rower.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borravver ��herwise agree in writ�ng, insuranc� praeeeds shall b� applied �o restoratzon or
<br /> repair flf the Proper� damaged, if, in Lender's sole discre�ion, �he res�orat�an or repa�r is e�anomi�ally feasible
<br /> and �ender's security is not lessened. �f, �n L�nder's so�e discre�i�n, the r�storati�n ar repa�r�� no� ec�nom�ca��y
<br /> feasible or Lender's security would be Iessened,�he insurance�ro�eeds sha�I be appl�ed ta the sums secuxed by�his
<br /> S ecurity Ins�rument, vvhe�h�r or not then due, with any excess p aid to B orrower. �f B orr�vver abandons �he
<br /> Proper�y, ar do�s no�answer wi�h�n the number of days presc��ibed by�App]�icable LaW as set for��.in a r�atice from
<br /> Lender to Borrower�ha�the�nsurance carrier has offered�o �ettle a c�a�m, then Lender may collect�he znsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repair or r�store �he Property or�� pay sums secured b�this Se�urity
<br /> �nst�ument,vvh�th.er or n��then due.The period+af time for Borrower�a an�wer as set f�r�h in�he not��e vvi�I beg�n
<br /> tivhen the no��ce is given.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borrotiver o�herwise agree zn wri�ing, any�.pplic�.���n of proceeds to princ��al sha�l no�extend
<br /> or pastpane the due date of the payments �u�under�he C�nt�ac��r change the amoun�of�he paym�n�s. If under
<br /> the sec�ion tit�ed Acce�eration; Rernedies, the Pr�per�y is ac�u�red by Lender, Borro�rver's r�ght to any insurance
<br /> poli��es and proceeds resul��ng frflm damage �o #.�ie Property prior to the ac�u�s�tion shall pass to Lender to �he
<br /> extent flf the sums secured by�his Secur�ty Instrument immed�a�ely pri�r to�he acquisitian.
<br /> Pre�ervation, Ma�.ntenar�ce and Protec�ion �f the Property; ��r�-ov�ver's Loan App�xcati�on; Leas�hal.ds.
<br /> B�rrou�er shal�n�t destroy, darnage or�mpair the Prap�rty, a�laur the Property�o de�errora�e, ar comm�t�aste on
<br /> �he Properry. Borro�ver shall be rn default if any forfe�ture ac�ion or pr��eec�ing,�rhe�her civil or Griminal,�s begun
<br /> that in Lender's good fa�th judgm�n� cou�d resu�� �n farfeiture Qf the Property ar other�tr�se ma�erially impair �he
<br /> �ien created by �hts Se�urity Instrumen� �r L,ender's securi� inte�-es�. Borr�v�rer may cure su�h a default and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pro�ided in sect�on���Ied Borrower's Rf ght to �eins�at�, by causzng�he action cr proCeeding t� be
<br /> d�sm�ssed��h a rul�ta.g that,in Lender's gaa��a��h determination,pr�c�ude��forfe�ture af�he Barrower's in��rest in
<br /> the Proper�y or other ma�er�al impairmen� of the �ien crea��d by �h�s Se�ur��y Ins�rument or Lender's se�uri�r
<br /> interest.Borrovver shall also�e in defau�t if Barrav►�er,during�he�oan applicatzon process,gave materially false or
<br /> inac�urate informa��fln or sta.�ements t� Lender �or fai�ed to provide Ler�der vvi�h any material infor�na��on} in
<br /> connec�ion with the �oan evidenced}�y �he Contrac�. �f th�s Se�urity�ns�rument is on a�easeh�l�, B�rrovver sha�I
<br /> camp�y w��h alI the provisians of�he lease. �f B�rrower acquzres fee�it1e tg th�Property,�he Ieasehold�nd the f�e
<br /> �i�le sha�I no�merge unless Lender agrees�o�h�rmerger�n writing.
<br /> Prate��xon of Lender�s Rights xrn th� Property. �f�orrov�er fa��s �o p�erform the covenant� and agre�ments
<br /> contained�n this Security�ns�rum.en�, or there is a lega�pr�ce�ding that m��y sign��can��y affec�Lender's rtghts �.n.
<br /> �he Property (such as a proceedxng in ban.krup�cy, pr�ba�e, far cond�mnat�on or forfei�ure or �fl enfor�e ��.tivs �r
<br /> regulat�ons}, then Lender may d� and pa�r for Wha�ever is ne�essary �o protec� �he va�ue o�`the Proper�ty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Property. Lender's actz�ns may�nc�ude paying any sur�ns secured by a��en�vh�ch has priority
<br /> over this 5ecurity rnstrument, appearing in court,paying reasonab��at-��rneys'fees and�n�er�ng on th�Praperty�o
<br /> mak�repairs.Although Lender may take ac�ion under�hrs sec��on,Lender d.oes no�have�v do so.
<br /> Any am�un�s d�sbursed by Lender under th�s secti�n shall become additi�na� deb� of Borrow�r secured �y �his
<br /> 5ect�rz�y �nstrument. Un�ess Borrower and L��der agree �o o�her �erms of payment, these amaunts sha�� bear
<br /> in�eres� f�Qm the date of d�sbursemen� at �he same ra�e assessed a�n advances under �he Car��ract and shal� be
<br /> payable,vsri�h znterest,upon no�ice fram Lend�r�o B�rrov�rer reques�ing pay�nen�.
<br /> C�20Q4-2Q15 Camplian�e Systems,In�.�BE$-E275-2�i S.I Z.2.1112
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.com
<br />