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2� 1 ��� 12� <br /> SDRR�WER CUVENANTS tha�Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby canveyed and has the rzght ta <br /> grant and�on�ey the Praper�y and tha�the Property is unenGumber�d, excep� f�r encumbran�es of record. <br /> Barrower warrants and w��� d�fend generally the�itle to the Proper�y against all c�aims and demands, sub��C��a <br /> any�ncumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SE�C�RITY INSTRUMENT ca�mb�nes un�form covenant� far nationa� u��and non-uniform co�enants �r�th <br /> lirnited�ariatians by jurisd�ction ta can�ti�u�e a uniform secur�ty �nstrument cnv�r�ng real praperty. <br /> Un�fvrm CoWenants. Barrower and Lender covenant and agr�e as fo�lows: <br /> '1. Payment of Principa�, lnterest. Escrflw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Char�es. Borrower <br /> shall pay when�u�the pr�nc�pa� of, an.d interes�nn, the debt evidenCed by th� Note and any prepayment <br /> �harges and Iate�harg�s due und�r th�N��e. Borro�er sha�� a�so pay funds for Escraw I�ems pursuant ta <br /> Sectzon 3, Payments�ue under the Not�and th�s Security �nstrum.en�sha�� be made�n U.S. currency. <br /> HoweW�r, if any ch��k or other�nstrum�nt received by L�nder as paym�nt under the Nate or�his Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�is re�urned t� L�nder unpa�d, L�nder may r�qu�re tha�any or all sub�equent paym�n�s due under <br /> the Nate and this Se�urity In�trument be mad��n gne�r m�r��f the fo��n��ng f�rms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; ��} money order; �c} cert���d check, bank check, treasur�r's�heck�r Gash�er's�h�ck, pr��i�ied any <br /> such chec� �s drawn upon an institution whose deposi�s are insured by a federal ageney, �nstrumentalk�y, or <br /> �nt�ty; or�d} E�e�tron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deem�d re�eiv�d by Lender when rec�ived at�he�oca��on d�s�gnated in�he No�e or at such <br /> oth�r l�catian as may be designated by L�nder in accardanc�with the no�ice pro��si�ns in��ction �5. <br /> Lender may return any paymen�flr par�ial pa�ment if the paymen�or partial pa�ments are�nsuff�cient to <br /> br�n�the Loan curren�. Lender may a�cept any payment or partial payment insuff��ient�o br�ng th� Loan <br /> curren�, without�va�v�r af any r�gh�s hereunder�r prejudi�e to its rights to refus� such paym�n�or partiai <br /> payments in the �uture, but L�nder �s n�t obl��ated to app�� such payments at the time such payments ar� <br /> a�:cepted. �f each Periodic Payment �s app�i�d as of its s�hedu�ed due da�e, then L�nder need nat pay interest <br /> on unapp��ed funds. Lender may hoid such unapp�ie� funds un�i� Borr�wer n�ak�s payments tfl brin�the <br /> Loan current. �f Bflrr��ver c�oes no�da so within a reasflnabie period of�ime, Lender sha�� eith�r app�y such <br /> funds or return �hem to Borr�tiver. �f na� appl�ed eariier, su�:h funds�viii be appl�ed to the outs�and�n� <br /> principal balanc�under�he Note�mmed�a�e�y pr��r to forec�osure. N�o�fs�t�r claim which Barro�ver migh� <br /> have now or in the future a�ains� Lender shal� re��eve Bflrrower frorn�mak�ng payments du�un�er the l�a�e <br /> and this Security Instrument�r perForming the co�enants and agreements secured b�th�� S�cur��y <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> �. Applicati�n �f Payments vr �'rflc�eds. �xcep� as��her�vzse descri�ed in this Sectian 2, a�i payments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shali be app�ied�n the fo��awing order�f przority: �a} �n�er�s�du�und�r the <br /> Note; �b� principa� due under th� No�e; �c} amounts due under Sectian 3. Such paym�nts sha�� be app�i�d to <br /> ea�h P�r�adic Fayment �n the arder in u�hich i�became due. Any remaining am�unts shal�be applied #�rst t� <br /> tate charges, s�cand ta any o�her amounts due under this Security In�trument, and then�o reduce the <br /> prineipal ba�ance af th� Nate. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a payment fram B�rroti�er for a delinquen� Peri�dic Pa��m.ent wh�ch �ne�ude� a suff�cient <br /> amount��pay any �a�e charge due, the paymen�may be appiied to the de�inquent payment and�he late <br /> charge. If mor�than one Per�od�c Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment rece�ved from <br /> Barrow�r to the r�payment of the Periodic Paymen�s �f, and to the ex�en�tha�, ea�h payment can be paid in <br /> fu��, T��he�xt�nt tha� any��cess exists after th�payment is app�ied to th�fu��pa�ment of one or more <br /> Peri�dic Pay�ments, su�h exGess may be applie��o any �ate�harg�s due. Voiun�ary prepa�ments sha�I be <br /> appiied f�rst to any prepa�ment charges and�her�a�des�ribed�n�h�Nate. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe Family-Fannie MaelFrec�ciie Mac UNIFORM INSTRllMENT Farm 3aZ8 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEf�13�2) <br /> Walters Kiuwer�inancia!Services Page 4 of 17 <br />