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2� 1 ��� 12� <br />� <br /> �C� "Lender" is Hame Federal SaWi ngs and Loan Assn �f �ra�d Is�and <br /> Lender is a Sa��pgs and Loan <br /> organized and exist�ng under�he la�s nf The State of �Iebraska . <br /> Lender's address �s ��1 South Lo�ust St �rand Is1 and NE �88Q1 <br />� Lender�s the��n�f�ciary under this Se�uri�y Instrumen�. <br /> �D} "Trustee" is Ar�nd R Baack, Attorr��y <br /> ��� rr N ote" means the promissory n�te signed by Borrower and dated Se pt embe r 15, �Q�.6 . The Note <br /> sta�es that Borrawer owes Lender F I FTY� E I�HT TH�I�SAN D T1�J� H UN DRE❑ F I FTY F I V E <br /> AND D�/l�fl <br /> Dailars �LT,S. $58,25�.4fl }p�us �n�eres�. Borrnwer has prom�s�d�a pay this debt in r�gular <br /> Perio�i�G Payments and to pay th�debt�n fu�� nat�ater�han ��tober l, zfl46 . <br /> �F� "Prope�ty" means �he propert� �hat �s d�scribed beiow under�he heading "Transf�r af Rights in the <br /> Froperty." <br /> �G� "L�a n" means the debt evidenced by th�Not�, plus interest, any prepaymen�charges and la�e charbes due <br /> � under the Note, and a�� sums due under�h�s 5ecur�ty �nstrument, p�us �n��res�. <br />. �H� "Riders" means a�I Rid�rs �a �hi� Se�urity Instrument that are e�ecuted by B�rr�wer, The foll�w�nb R�ders <br /> ar�ta be ex�cu�ed by Borrou�er �check box as applicab�e�: <br /> 0 Adjustable Rat�R�d�r � C�ndomin�um Ri�er ��econd Home Rider <br /> 0 Ballaan R�der � P�ann�d Un�t Dewe�oprn�nt R�d�r 0 �W4 Fam�ly Rider <br /> [� VA R�der 0 Bi�veek�y Payment R�der �flther�s} [spec�fy� <br /> ��� "�4pp�icable Law" means al� �ontroll�n� applica��e federa�, stat�and�oca� statut��, regulations, ordinan�:es <br /> and adminis�rat��e rules and orders �that hav� the e�f�c�of�a�v} as�vell as all applicable f�nal, nan�appea�abie <br /> . judi�ia� ap�n�ons. <br /> �J� "Community Associat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all du�s, f�es, assessment� and ath�r <br /> �harge��ha� are�mpased an B�rrawer�r th�Property by a condomin�um assfl��a�i�n, homeo�vn�rs <br /> asso��ation ar simtlar organ�2at�an. <br /> �K� "Electron�c Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a�ransa�:tinn ariginated by check, <br /> draf�, or s�m��ar paper�nstrument, which is initiat�d through an electron�C term�nai, t���phonzc �nstrument, <br /> computer, or magn�tic tape sa as to order, instru�t, nr authorize a financ�a� �nstitution tfl deb��or credit an <br /> account. 5uch�erm includ�s, but �s no��im�ted to, po�n�-af-sal�transfers, autonr�ated�eller machine <br /> transac�inns, transfers �nzt�a��d by te�ephone, �vire transfers, and au�omated clearinghouse transfers, <br /> �L� "Escr�w Iterns" m�ans thos�items that are de�cribed in Se�tion 3. <br /> �IIl�� "Misc�llane�us Proceeds" means any compensation, se���emen�, award�f damages, ar proceeds paid by <br /> an� th�rd party (ather than insurance pro�eeds paid under the c��erag�s descr�bed �n S��t�on S} far: �i} <br /> damag�to, or destruc�ian of, �h�Prnpert�; �z�} candemnat�on or o��aer�ak�ng of a�l or an�par�of the <br /> Pr�per�y; ����}conveyance in�ieu�f cand�mnation; or�iv} misrepresentat�ans of, �r omiss�ons as t�, th� <br /> valu�andlor cond�tian of the Prfl er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFaRM 1NSTRUM�NT Farm 3�Z8 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEf�7 3027 <br /> Wafters Kluwer Fir�ancia!Ser�ices Page�pf i 7 <br />