2� 1 ��� 111
<br /> DE�❑ �F �'"RU�T
<br /> Loan N�: �D7���'I 6� t�antinued� Page �
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDR(IIiAN��. Except as oth�rwis� praWided in �his �eed o� Tru�t, �'rustor shall pay tv L�nd�r a�i
<br /> amauntS secured by this ❑eed o� Trus� as th�y became due, �nd shall s�rictly and in a timely manner per�orm all a�
<br /> Trustvr's❑bligations under the Nate, this deed v�Trust, and�he Re[ated Do�umen�s.
<br /> P�55E�S�flN AND MAINTENANGE QF THE PR�PERTY. Trust�r agrees that Trustar's paSsessian and use a� the
<br /> Property shall be go�erned by th��vllowing prv�isions:
<br /> Poss�ssion and Use. Un�il the ❑ccurrence o� an EWent vf CJefauit, Trus�or may {1 y remain in poss�ssion and
<br /> contral❑#the Pro�erty; {2f use, aperate vr manage the Property; and �3} collect the Rents�ram�he Pro�erty.
<br /> L�u#y to Maintain. Trustor sha�l maintain the Pr��e��y in gvad conditivn and p�omp�ly per�orm all repairs,
<br /> r�piacements, and maintenance necessary�❑ preserWe its�alue.
<br /> Compliance V�i�h En�iranmental Laws. Trus�or r�presents �nd warrant� to L�nder �ha�: ��} During the period o�
<br /> Trustar's ownership of the Praper�y, �here has �een no use, generation, manutac�ure, starage, treatmen�, disposal,
<br /> r�lease ar threatened release vf any Hazardous Sulas�ance by any persvn on, unde�, abvu� ar �rom the Property;
<br /> �Z} Trus�or has no knowledge of, or reason �o believe�F�at there has l�een, eaccept as pr��ic�usfy disGlo�ed to and
<br /> aGknowiedged hy Lender in wri�ing, ��� any breach or �ialation of any En�irvnmental Laws, {by any us�,
<br /> gen�ration, manu�ac�ure, s�orage, tre��ment, dispvsal, relea�e or�hrea��ned relea�e o� any Ha�ardous �ubstan��
<br /> an, under, about or from �he P�oper�y b�r any prior owners or occupan�s v� the Prop�rty, or �c} any actuai vr
<br /> threa�ened �itigatian or ciaims �� any kind by any persvn rela�ing tv such mat�ers; and �3y Except as pre�ivusly
<br /> disclased to and a�knvwledged by Lender in wrtting, {a} nes�her Trus�ar nar any tenant, contrac�or, agent or oth�r
<br /> authvrized user a�F th� Prvperty shall us�, generate, manufa�tur�, sto�e, treat, dispose of or�ele�se any Ha��rdou�
<br /> 5ubs��n�e on, under, alaou�or from�h� Property; �nd �b} any such ac�iWity shal[ b� condu�ted in �ompii�nce with
<br /> all applicable �federal, state, and lvcal iaw�, regula�ions and ordinances, inGluding without iimitat�on all
<br /> En�ironmen�aE Laws. Trus�or au�hQ�izes Lender an�i its agents to enter upon the Proper�y tn make suGh
<br /> inspectians and te�fis, at Trustor's e�cpense, as L�nd�r may deem appropriafe �a de�ermine camp�iance of th�
<br /> Pr�per�y with this s��tion ot �he Deed ta�F Trust. Any inspec�ivns �r tes�s made by Lend�r shall be for Lender's
<br /> purpvses anly and shall nvt be �onstrued t❑ Grea�� any responsibility ar liability on�he part❑�F L�nder�v Trustor ar
<br /> to any �ther ��rson. The represent��ians and warranties cantain�d herein a�e b�sed ❑n Trus�kor's due diligence in
<br /> in�estigating the PrQpefty �a� Hazardous Subs�an�es. Trustor hereby ��y releases and rrvai�es any �uture claims
<br /> a�ainst Lender tvr indemnity vr �vntribu�ian in the eW�n� Trustar becames iiable far e�eanup ❑r �ther �osts und�r
<br /> any such laws; and �2� a�rees t❑ indemni�y, defend, and hald harmless Lender agains�any and �I! c�aims, lasses,
<br /> liabili�ies, damag�s, penalties, and exp�nses whiGh L�nder m�y dire�tly ar indire�tly�us�ain or Suffer resul�ing tram
<br /> a breach of this section Q�th� Deed ❑f Trust or as a cc�nsequen�e o� �ny use, �ene�a�ion, manu�ac�ur�, st��age,
<br /> diSp�vsal, release❑r-�hreatened release occurring prior fio Trusror's awnership or inter�s�in the Property, whe�her or
<br /> no�t the same was ❑r shou[d ha�e been knorrvn �o Tru�tar. The pro�isians o-��his sectian ❑f the D�ed of Trust,
<br /> includin�th�❑b�igafiion to indemni�y and defend, shall sur�i�e the paymen�of the Indeb�edness and the sa�isfactian
<br /> and recan�eyan�e o��he lien o��this Qeed of Trus� �nd shall nat be a��e��ed by Lender's acquisi�ion of any interes�
<br /> in the Pra�erty, whe�her hy for�cl�sure vr o�herwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste, Trustar shai! nv� �ause, canduct ar permit any nuisance nr�r cvmmit, permit, ar suffer any
<br /> stripping of or waste vn ❑r tv the Property c�r any portion of the Property. Wi�hou� limi�ting �he generality af the
<br /> �oregoing, Trustor trvil[ nvt remoWe, ar grant�o any v�her par�� �he right�v rema�e, �ny�imber, minerals �including
<br /> oiE �nd gas}. co�l, �lay, scaria, soir, gra�el ar rvck pr�ducts wi�hout Lender`s priar wri�kt�n cvnsent.
<br /> Remo►►al of Impro�ements. Trustor sha[f not derriolish or remo�e any�r�npro�emen�Cs�rom the ReaE Proper�y withou�
<br /> Lender's priar written consen�. As a condi�ivn�o the remv�ai of any �mpro�ements, Lender may require Trustor t❑
<br /> make arrangemen�s sa�is#ac�ory to Lender �a rep�ace such impro�ements rEvith ImprvWements af a� l�as� equal
<br /> �afue.
<br /> Lender's R�ght to Enter. �.ender and Lender's a�en�s and re�resen�a�i�es may e��er upan '�he Real Praperty at af I
<br /> reasonable times �❑ at�end ta Lend�r's �n�erests and t� inspe�t the Rea� Property #or purpvses af Trustar's
<br /> cvrnp�iance wi�h the terms and condi�ions❑f this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> �ampliancs wi�h Governm�ntal R�quirements, Trustor sha�! prvmptly cQmpiy wi�h al! la�rs, ardinanc�s, and
<br /> regulations, nvw vr herea�er in effec�, o� a�l gvWernmen��l �u�hvri�i�s applicab[� �o the us� ar ❑ccupancy o� the
<br /> Prvperty, Trus�or may�anfsst in gavd faith any�uch �aw, vrdinance, vr regulation and wi#hhold campli�nce during
<br /> any praceeding, including approp�iate appeals, so long as Trustor has no�ified Lender in writing prior ta daing so
<br /> and so lon� as, in Lender's sale apinion, Lender's interes�s in the Praperty are nvt�eopardize�. Lend�r may require
<br /> Trustor to pvst ad�qua#e security or a�ur�ty bon�, reasonably satis�aGtory tv Lender, ta prvteGt Lend�r'�in�erest.
<br /> Du�y �o Pra�ec�. Trustor �grees nei�h�r to abandon ❑r ie�We unatfiend�d th� Prt�perty. Tru��or shall do all o�her
<br /> acts, in add�tion ta those acts set fnrth aba�e in�his sec�ion, which�ram the char��ter and use of the Property are
<br /> reasanab[y necessary�a prote��and preser�e the Property.
<br /> aUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's opti�n, declare immediateiy due and payabl� a!� sums
<br /> �ecured by�his ❑eed ❑f Trust upar��he sale or trans#er, withvut L�nd�r's privr written cons�n�, ❑'��II ❑r any par�❑f the
<br />