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by Marci L. Iseminger, Successor Trustee. <br />t1 ! <br />*, , . * m Comm ion Expires <br />no 09/01(3 l `) <br />By <br />f v z <br />STATE OF IOWA, COUNTY OF WOODBURY :SS <br />Prepared By/Return To: Marci L. Iseminger, Crary Huff Law Firm, 614 Pierce Street, PO Box 27, Sioux City, IA 51102 <br />NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />The undersigned, being the Successor Trustee under a Trust Deed filed for record on <br />January 5, 2011, as Instrument No. 0201100126, of the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, by Bradley J. Tenski and Crystal L. Tenski, husband and wife, as Trustors, in <br />which West Gate Bank, is beneficiary via an Assignment of Deed of Trust filed for record on <br />January 14, 2011, as Instrument Number 0201100308, hereby gives notice that a breach of an <br />obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as security has occurred, the nature of such <br />breach is the Trustors' failure to make debt payments as they became due. You are hereby <br />notified that because of such default the indebtedness secured by said Trust Deed is accelerated <br />and the beneficiary has elected to declare the entire unpaid principal balance, together with <br />interest thereon, at once due and payable, and further notified that because of such default the <br />undersigned has elected to sell or cause to be sold the trust property to satisfy the obligations <br />under the Trust Deed. The trust property affected is as follows: <br />See Exhibit A attached hereto, <br />with a common address of 2211 W Division Street, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Dated this/ day of September, 2016. <br />.1—/./4/ . <br />Marc L. Iseminger, Successor T ee <br />CRARY, HUFF, RINGGENBER~ <br />HARTNETT & STORM, P.C. <br />614 Pierce Street, Box 27 <br />Sioux City, Iowa 51102 <br />(712) 277 - 4561/(712) 277 -4605 Fax <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledge • • efore me this Y day of September, 2016, <br />otary Public — State of Iowa <br />