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201606060 <br />. A sampling manhole must be installed on the Owner's sanitary sewer service line. <br />This allows the City to collect accurate discharge samples. <br />2. It is understood, that prior to connection, Diamond Truck Wash must be in compliance with City of <br />Grand Island Chapter 30 for Sewers and Sewage Disposal, and all other pretreatment requirements as <br />prescribed by the City of Grand Island Wastewater Regulatory Compliance Manager. The <br />satisfactory performance within the pre- treatment program is a prerequisite to connect to sanitary <br />sewer. The Wastewater Regulatory Compliance Manager will perform a series of inspections to <br />ensure compliance with pretreatment requirements prior to connection. <br />3. An estimate of the connection fee between $18,800 and $23,000 was provided to Diamond Truck <br />Wash on November 23, 2015. It is understood by the Owner that the connection fee is $20,887.75, <br />payable to the City Of Grand Island prior to connection. The City Of Grand Island hereby <br />acknowledges payment of said connection fee. It is further understood by the Owner that all <br />plumber's fees and sewer tap fees are at the Owner's own expense. Sanitary Sewer Connection <br />permit will be issued to a licensed plumber per City of Grand Island Chapter 30 -26. <br />4. The private extension to the existing sanitary sewer main service line shall be constructed and <br />maintained by the Owner and shall remain the property of the Owner, until the property is sold and in <br />no event shall the City be required to maintain the line. Often the private sanitary sewer line extends <br />outside of the property line. <br />5. If the construction or maintenance of the Owner's private sanitary sewer service line connecting to <br />the City's 12 -inch main line requires the excavation of dirt, removal of hard surfacing, grass, <br />vegetation, landscaping, or any other disruption of the surface of the public right -of -way or any other <br />property, the Owner shall restore the surface of the area to the same condition as it existed <br />immediately prior to the Owner's work in the area. The Owner shall obtain all necessary permits and <br />comply with the State's requirements for excavations and surfacing when doing any such work in the <br />public right -of -way. <br />6. It is understood by and between the parties that the connection fee stated in Paragraph 3 is not an <br />assessment or a tap fee but will be credited to the future tap fee that is to be established by the City <br />Board of Equalization in the near future. <br />7. It is understood and agreed that the Owner can construct, maintain, and connect their private sanitary <br />sewer service line to the City's sanitary sewer main at their risk. The Owner hereby waives any <br />claim for damages against the City, its officers, agents, employee, and independent contractors for <br />any damage or injury that may result to said private line being connected to the City's sewer main in <br />the public right -of -way. <br />8. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all loss and <br />damage, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, and payments in contract or tort resulting from or as a <br />result of the Owner's use of the sewer main in the public right -of -way for the connection of a private <br />sewer. <br />-2- <br />