2� 1 �����3
<br /> Transfer�f the Property vr a]�ene�ciaX I�a.ter�st x�. Bvrrv�er.�f aI1��any par�o:f the Proper�y�r any�n.�erest
<br /> in i� �s so�d ar �ransferred �or �f a �benefcia:� i��teres� in Borrower �s sold �r �ransf�;rred and Borr��rer is no� a
<br /> nat�ra� pers�n} �u�thou� Lender's pr�or�urit��.n Gonsen�, Lend�r ma�, at �ts aptz�n, rec�uire irnmediate pa�rm�nt in
<br /> fu1l �f aIl sums secured b� this Securi�y �nstrument. Ho�veuer, �his ap��on shall na� be exercised b� Lend.er �f
<br /> exercise�s prflhib��ed by federal�av�r as of the date�f�h�s �ecur��y Instrum�n�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this op�ion, Lender �ha:�� give B orrower not�ce of acceleration. The notice shall pravide a
<br /> perzod af no� �ess �han �� ma.nimu�m nur��.ber of days es�ablz�hed �y Applicab�e La�� from the date �he nfl��c� is
<br /> delivered or mailed w�thin whi�h Borrow�r must pa�r alI surms secured by �hzs 5ecurity �ns�rumen�. If Barrower
<br /> fax�s �o pay�hese suxns pr�or �� �he expira�ian of thxs per��d, �,end�r may invoke amy remedies p�rmi�ted b�thzs
<br /> Sec�.r��y Instru.ment vvithaut fur�her no�ice�r demand on Bnn o�ver.
<br /> Borrower's Right to l��instate. �f Borr�u�er m�ets ce�a�n �ondit�or�s, B�rroWer �shall have �he r�g�.� ta ha�re
<br /> enforC�ment tif�his Secur�ty �ns�rument disc�ontinued at any�ime prior to �he earlier�f: (a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> periad as App���able Lavv may specify for re:�nstatement}�efore sal�of�he Property��ursuan��� any pavver af sa�e
<br /> can�ai�led xn th�s 5ecurity �n�trumen�; or �b} �ntry of a j�dgme�.� enforc�ng �hzs �ecur�ty �nstrument. r�hose
<br /> conditzans are that Borrovver: �a� pays Lender a�� surns ti�Yhich �h�r��vvould be due ur�d�r�his Se�uri�y Ins�rument
<br /> and th�Con�ract as�f no acceleratxon had oct�urred;�b}cures any defaul�of any other covenants ar agreemen�s; �c�
<br /> pays a��expenses incurred in enfarcirig�h�s Security Instru_men�, inc�uding,bu�n��lim.i�ed ta,reas�nab��a�tarneys'
<br /> fees to the exten�permi.�ted by�aw; and (d} f:ak�s such act�on as Lender may reasonably requzre�o ass�r�tha��the
<br /> Ii�n of�his 5ecur�ty Inst�umen�, Lender's rig��ts in�he Properfiy and Borrov�rer's abligat�an�o pa��he sums secured
<br /> by thx� Security Ins�rument sha11 cont�nue ur�ch�nged. Upon�eir�st�temen� by Borra��er, �h�s Securi�y�ns�n�men�
<br /> and the ob�igatxans secured hereby sha�l rerr.�ain fu�ly �ffec�iv� as if no acc�lerat�an :had occurred. Haw��er, th�s
<br /> right to reinsCa�e shall no�app�y�n th�case o f a.cc���rat�an und�r the sect�an ti��ed Tr,�nsfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benef��ial Interest in B�rro�ver.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�e�a Borrawer shall not cause or permxt the presence,use, dispasal, starage, ar relea�e of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances om or in the Property.:B�rrawer shal�no�do,nor allovv anyone else�o dfl,a�ything�.ff�c�ing
<br /> �he Property �ha� is in violation �f any Envirox�mental L�vv. �'he preceding two senf:�nces sha�� r�ot appX� ta the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�arage fln�he�raper�y af s�-na�I�uan��tie�of Haza�d�us 5ub�tances��hat are generally recognized
<br /> to be appropriate ta nor�al residen�za�uses a�zd�o maintenanc�of t�e Prvp�rty.
<br /> Borr�wer shall promptly g�ve Le�der wr�tten no�ice af anv invest�ga�ian,c�a�m, demar�d, lawsui�or other acti�n by
<br /> any g�vernmental ar regu�a�ory agency ar p:riva�e paz-�y �nvolving �.he Prope�-ty and ��xzy Hazardous Sub��a.r�ce ar
<br /> Env�ronmenta� Law �f which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrov�er �ea.rns, or is no�ified b� any
<br /> gfl�ernmental or regulatory auth�ri�y,�ha�an.y removal �r��h�r remedia�ion of any H��2ardous Subs�anc�aff�cting
<br /> the Pr�perty is necessary, Borrov�er sh�ll promp�Iy �al�e �l� neGessary remed�al actions in accordance w�th
<br /> Environmenta,I I�aw.
<br /> As used�n th�s paragraph, "]Hazardaus 5ubs�an�es" a�-e �hose subst�nces �ef ned as to�ic or haza�dous subs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nmental Law and the foliovving substiances: gaso�ine, keras�ne, a�her f�a.mmable or �oxic p�troleum
<br /> pr�ducts, taxic pes�icides and herbicide�, vc�la�ile sfl�ven�s, �nateri.a�s eozataining as�ae��os �r farmald�h�d�, and
<br /> radi�act�ve ma��rials. As used�n this paragraph, "Envirflnmental Law" means federal lav�rs and�aws af�h�sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that relate t�hea�th,safety or env�rc�x�nental pro�ec�ion.
<br /> Ac����rat�.on; l�emedie�. Lender 5ha�1 g�.v�� nv���e ta Borrovver pr��r �o accel�r�i�ion fol��w�n� �orro,wer's
<br /> breach of any co�en��t�r agreen�ent in thi�Secur�ty Instrumer�t�r the��ntrac��under vvb�ch acce�eration
<br /> �s permitted �but not pr�or�o acce�erat�on ur�der the secti�n ��tled Tr�nsfer of t���Praperty or a Benefieial
<br /> In�ere�t�n Bflrro,w�r, un�ess Appli��bl�L;avv provides o�h�rwise}. The nflt��e sha�� specify: ta} the de�aul�;
<br /> �b} th� ac�xon �r�quir�d tv cure the def��u�t; �c} a �ate, no� �e55 �han �he n��n�mum nurnber �f days
<br /> est�blished by Appli�able Law fr�m th�d��te�he notice�s given to B�rrawer,by�vh�ch the defau�t�mus��e
<br /> �ured; and �d} that fa�Iure t� �ure the def�u�t on or b�f�re th� date 5pecified �� the not�c� may result in
<br /> a��ele�-a�ion of �he surr�s secured by �hzs ���urity Instrumen� and sa�e of �h�� Propert�. To �h� ex�ent
<br /> perrrut�ed by Iaw, th� no�i�ce shall fur�her inform�3orrow�r af the right�� reins����e after a��eierat��rn and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a court action t�asserf tlh�non-ex�st�nc�flf a�lefault vr any o�Iher d�fer�se of Bvrroyver�fl
<br /> accele�at�on and saie.If the defaul.t�� no� cu�ed o� or b�fare t�� date spec�f�ed ;in the no�c�,Lender.at xts
<br /> opt�on may requ�re irrirmedxate payment �n full af a�l sums se�ured by this Se�cur�ty Instrument w��h�ut
<br /> further demand and r�ay xnvvke th� paw�;r of sal� and any at�er remedies per�r��tfed by.A.pplicable Law.
<br /> Ta th� extent permitt�d by law, I.,end�r �ha�l be �nt�tled to c�llect �1�. expenseF� i.m�urred in pu�sui.n� the
<br /> rer�edies provided�n �his Se��ion,inc�ud�n.g,but n�t��mi��d t�,reasor�a�le attor:neys' fees and�osts of ti��e
<br /> evid�n�e.
<br /> If��e�power of sale�.s ir�vo�ed, Trust�e sh��ll�ecord a nfltic� of default in �ach ctaunty�n which any p�rt of
<br /> the Pr�perty is lo���ed and sha1X r�ail c�pi�es of such noti�e in �he manner prescr:�be�b�A,ppli�ab�e I.1a�w ta
<br /> B�rro�ver and to th� ��her persons prescr�ibed by App��xc�hle I�aw. After the ti.r.ne required by Appli�ab�e
<br /> La�v, '�rustee sha�l g�.v� publ�� n�tice �f s.ale �o the p�rsons and in t�ie manner �res�ri.bed by �ppZ��able
<br /> Lavv.Trusteey�i�hou� demand. vn Borrower, sha�l seli �he Prop�er�y at publi� au�ct�on �o the high�st b�dder
<br /> a��he��me and plaee and under the terrns�d��i�gnated��th�nfl�i{c�vf sale in ane ca�more parcels and�.rn any
<br /> �rder Trustee de�er�ru�es. Truste� may :p�5tpon� sale of all or any parcei of the Property by p�ublic
<br /> annvum�ement at the�zx�e and piace of an�r p�-eviau5�y�ch�du�ed sale.Lender ar�ts de5igne�may purr�has�
<br /> the Praperty at any sa��.
<br /> I�pvn �e�e�pt of payment of�he pri�� bid, Trustee shall de�iver �o the pur�haser� 'Trus�ee's deed �onveyzng
<br /> �he Property. The rQc�ita�s in �h�Trustee's de�d sh�ll�e prima fa�ie e�zdenc� af t�he fru�h nf�h��tatement5
<br /> 0 ZD�4-2�15 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.CBE8-4D22-20I5.12,Z.111L
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estat�-Security Instnament DL2436 Pa��4�f 5 . www.corr�plianGesystems.com
<br />