2� 1 �����3
<br /> Pay�n�nt of Pr�n�ipa�a�d Interest; �ther�wharges4 B�rrov�r�r sha�I promptly pay vv�.en due the principal of and
<br /> �nter�s�an the debt�wed under the Cantrac��Gnd�ate charges or any other fees and cha.rges due under th�Con�ract.
<br /> Applicable Law. As use�. in this Secur�ty In�trumen�, the term �'Applicable Lavv" shall mean al� �on�ralling
<br /> applicab�e federa�, s�a�e and local s�a.tutes, r�:gu�at�ons, ordina�ces and adm�nis�rati��� rules and �rders ��hat have
<br /> �he effect af�avv}as well as a�l app�icable fina.l,non-appea�able�ud�c�al flpin�ons.
<br /> Charg�s; L�ens. Borr��ver sha�I pay alI ta��es� a�sessments, charges, fines and �m.�3osi�ions attribu�bl� to the
<br /> Proper�y�vhich may a��a�n priflrity over this ;5ecurity Ins�rument, an.� �eas�hold payments or grflund re�ts, if an�.
<br /> At the reques�of Lender,Borraw�r sha11 pran�p��y furnxsh�o Lender receipts evidencir�g the payments.
<br /> B�rr�v�er sha��prompt��r discharge any�ier��vhi�h has pri�rit��ver�ais Securi�y Ins�:rument unless Ba�rr�v�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in urriting �o the paymen� of��e obligatiQn sec�.red �b� �he �ien �n a manner accep�ab�e to Le�der; (b}
<br /> ��ntests in gofld fai�h �he Iien by, or defend�� a�ainst enfQr�emen� of�he lien in, �egal proceedings v�rhich in the
<br /> Lender's opinion operate to preven� the �nft�rG�men� af the Iien; or �c} secures fra�:n the �older af the ���n an
<br /> agreerr�ent satisfac�ory to Lender�ub4rdir�a�i��g�he lien�a thzs Secur�t�Zns�rument. �f'�,ender d��ermi.n�s that any
<br /> part of the Property is subject�a a Iien whzcJ-z may a�tain priori�y o�er tihis Secur�ty Znstrument, Lender may�gz�re
<br /> Borra�er a notice iden�ify�ng�h.e �xen. Barro��xre�s�a�� sa�isfy�he Iien ar�ake �ne ar mor� of the ac�iflns set for�h
<br /> above�vxth�n 14 days af�he giving of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Pro�ertg�Insurance. Borrow�r sha�l keep the improvements novv ex�stin€;�r hereafter ere�te�i on th�
<br /> Pr�per�y insured agains�lo�s b�r f re,hazards inc�uded w�th�n the�er�n"extiended co�re�rage" and ar�y oth�r ha�ards,
<br /> inciudirig f�oods or fl�oding, f�r Which Le��der requires insuranc�. This insurance sha�I be main�aine� in rhe
<br /> amoun�s and for�he per��ds tha�Lender r�qu�.res. The in�urance carrier prov�d�ng the i;nsurance sha��be chos�n by
<br /> Borrow�r subjec� �a Lender's appraval urh�cl� sha�� nat be unreasonably �v�thhe�d. ��'Bflrrovsrer fails �a mainta�n
<br /> caverage de�crzbed above, �.end�r may, at Lender's ap�ion, ab�ain cov�rage �o pr�tec� Lender's righ�s �n the
<br /> Praper�.y in accordance vv��h sect�an titled Prc�t���Yon�f�end�r's R�ghts�n�he Pr�p�er�y.
<br /> AlI insurance palicies and renewals sha1� �e acceptable �o L��.der and sha�� znc�ude �a standard rnor�gage claus�.
<br /> Lender shal�have�he r�gh�to hald the po�icif�s �nd rene�vals. ��'Lender requires, Borx�a�rer sha��promp�ly give to
<br /> �ender a�I receipts of paid premiums and renewal not�ces. In the ev�nt of�oss, Borra�Ner shall give prompt notice
<br /> �o�he ix�surance�arrier amd Lender. Lend�r�ay ma�e pr�af of�ass�f not made promp��y by B arrower.
<br /> LTn�ess Lerider and Borrawer otherw�se agr�ie in wr���ng, in�uranc� praceeds shal� ��� app�ied �o res�ora��on or
<br /> repair of the Fr�pert�r damaged, �f, �� Lender's sale discret�an, �he restora��an ar repa�r is econflm.ical�y fe�s�ble
<br /> and Lender's security is not lessened. Zf, in L.ender's sol� discretion, �he restorat�on ar repair is not ecan�m�cal�y
<br /> feas�b��or Lender's securit�r would be�ess�ned,�he insurance proceeds sha�l be applieci to�he sums secured b��his
<br /> Security �ns�rumen�, vvhether or not then d7ae, v�i#h any ex�ess paid to Borrovver. If B�rro�er ab�n.d�ns the
<br /> Proper�y, or d�es not answer v�ithin�he number of days prescribed by Applicable Law as�et forth in a no�ice fr�m
<br /> Lender�a Borro�rer tha$the insurance carr�e��has affered�a s�t�le a cXaim, then Lendf�r may col��ct�h� �nsua�ance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o repair or r�store the Proper�y ar�o pay su.m� sectu-ed by�his Se�urity
<br /> Ins�rument,vvhether ar nat then�ue. The peri4�d�f time f�r Borra�wer�a ans�wer as set:�'�rth in the no�ice vv�Il begzn
<br /> �vhen the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rravver otherwise agree ��wri��ng, any app��ca�i�n�f proceeds �a principal shall not e�tend
<br /> or pos�pone�he due date af�he paymen�ts du�;under the Contract or change the amou:�t of the payments. �f under
<br /> �he sect�an ti�Ied Accei�rativn; l�emedie�, ���e Prope�y is acquired by Lender, B�rrc�wer's right ta any insurance
<br /> policies and pr�ceeds r�sulting from damage �a trie Proper�y priar �� �he ac�uisi�ion �hall pass to Len�er t� t.�ie
<br /> e�tent�f the sums secur�d by�h.�s Security In�;�ru.men�immedia�ely prior�o�he acquisi��on.
<br /> Preservativn, �Vlain�er�am�e and �'r�te�t�an of �he I�rope�-�y; �orrovver's Laan App�i�at��n; L�a�eholds.
<br /> Borro�er sha�l not destr�y, damage or�mpai�-the Property, al�ovv the Property to det�:r�orate, ar comm�t was�e on
<br /> the Property. Borrawer shall be i�default if a;�y farfeitiur�actia�or proceeding,vvhether civi�ar crim�nal,�s begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender's gaod fa��h�udgmen� cou�d r��su�t �n farfei�ur� of the Property or oth��rw�se mater�ally�mpa�r the
<br /> Ii�n cr�ated by �his Security Znstrument or Ler�der's s�curity inte�es�. Borrower m��.y� cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reinstate, as prav�ded in sect�an t�tled Borror�v�r's Righ� ta�eins�a�e, by causx�.g th�� ac�ion�r pr�c��di�g�o b�
<br /> dismis�ed�vith a ruling�hat,in Lender's good fai�h deterrmina�ian,pr�cludes forfe��ure af the Borrovver's inter�st in
<br /> the Proper�y or other mat�rial impairmen� af�e �ien crea�ed by �his Security Inst�-umen� or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Borro�vv�r shall also be in defaul��f Borr�wer,during the�oan app��cat�an proc,�55,ga�e materially false or
<br /> inaccurate �nforma�ion or sta.ternents to Len��.er �or fai�ed �o prflvi�d� Lender vvith ar�y mater�al i�farrna���:�} �n
<br /> connec�ifln vvith�he 1�an evidenced by the Cc�n��-act. If this S�curit��ns�rixment is on a leaseho�d, B�rr�vver shall
<br /> camply With all t�ie provisions of�he�ease. If��rrflw�r acqu�r�s fee t��le t��he Pt aper�y,the Ie�seha�d and the fee
<br /> title shal�na�merge un�ess Lender agrees to��e merger in wri�i�g.
<br /> Prote��i.vn vf Lend�r�� �ights �n th� Pro��erty, �f BarrnW�r fails ta perfarm �he covenants �nd agr�emen�s
<br /> contained in th�s S�curity Instrument, or�her�: is a�egal prace�d�ng�hat may significa�l��y affec�Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Property �such a� a praceeding �n bax�kr��ptcy, pr�b�.�e, f�r conc�emna�ion or forf��ture or t� enfor�e laws or
<br /> regu�at�ans}, �hen Lender may do and pay �or vvha�ever is necessary �� pro�ect the �alue of�he Praper�y and
<br /> Lender�s rights�n t�e Prope�-ty. Lender's ac�io�r�s�.nay incl�de p�y�ng any sums secur�d by a lien which has priority
<br /> Qver�hzs Se�uri�y Instruxnen�, appearing�n cour�,payi�g reaso�.able a�t�orneys'fees anc�enter�ng a��he Prflperty t�
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake ac�ic�n under this sect�an,L�nder does no�hay�e t�dfl so.
<br /> Any amoun�s �iisbursed by Lender under thi�, sec�ion sha�� b�come addi�iQnal debt af Borro�wer secured by thxs
<br /> 5ecurity �nstrument. Unless BarroWer and I.ender agree ta ather �erms of paymen�C, these arnounts sha�l bear
<br /> C�2Q�4-2015 Com�tiance Systems,Ir�c.CBEB-4D22-2�I5.12.2.1112
<br /> Consu�ner ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 2 af 5 www.camp�iancesystems.cQm
<br />