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2� 1 ����58 <br /> Transfer�f the Prvper�y or���enef��iaX Int�rest xn$orrvwero I�al� ar an�par��f�he Proper�y or,�.ny interest <br /> in it �s so�d or transferred �or if a beneficial interes� zn Bo�-rower is sol�. or �ransferred and Borrov��er is na� a <br /> natura� pers�n} �v�ri�hou� Lende�r's pr�or wrztten consent, Lend�r may, at its optzon, require�e :payment xn <br /> ful� af aIl sur�s secured by th.�s Securzty �n��trumen�. �owe�,rer, this opt��n sha�� n�� be exercised b�,� Lender if <br /> exerc�se�s pr�h�l�ited by federal�av�r as of the date Qf�his Sec��rity�ns�rument. <br /> If Lender exerc�se� this op�xo:n, Lender sha�� g��re B orrowe�� n�tice of acce�erat�on. The no�ice shall.L provide a <br /> perzo�. of n�� �ess than th.e m�.z�.i.mum num�er of days established by App�icable La�v from�h� date ��ie n�tice is <br /> de�ivered or mai�ed vvx�h�n which Borrou�er must pay aIl su�ns by this Securxty Ins�rUmen�. �f B�rrovver <br /> fai�s ta pay�hese sums prior �o the expira��on af��his per�od, Lend�r rnay invoke any remedies permi�t�ed by �his <br /> 5ecurity Instrumen�withou�fu.�.-ther no��ce�r demand an Bor���wer. <br /> Bvrrovver's �ight t� Reins�ateo �f Borrour�r rrieets cer�air: conditinns, Borrower sha�� hav� the right �o have <br /> enforc�men� of�h�s Security ���s�rumen� discon�inued a�any i.ime p�ior �o the ear�zer of: �a} 5 da�rs �ar such o�her <br /> per�od as Appl�cable La�w may spec�fy for rei�statemen�}befc�re sal�of�he PrQper�y pursuant��any po�wer af sale <br /> con�ai�ed in this Securrty �n,trumen�; �r �b� ent�y �f a ���dgme�.� enfarcing this 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. Thase <br /> conditions are tha�B�rravver: (a� pays Lender �.Il sums which the�vvauld be due und�r�his �ecurity �nst�c-umen� <br /> and th���ntract as if na acce��rat�on had occurr�d; �b) cures��.ny default�f any other cove�.ants ar agr�emen�s; �c} <br /> pays aI�expenses incurred in e�lf�rcing��a�s Secur��y�nstrume:n�, including,but n�t��mxt�d ta,reasonab��e at�orneys' <br /> fees �� the �xten�pernait�ed by�aw; and �d� �akes such actian a�Lender ma�reasonabl�re�uire ta ass�ure �hat the <br /> lzen of�his 5e�urity Instrumen�,Lender's��gh�s �n the Prflpert�and B�rrovver's ab�iga�xon�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his 5ecurity Ins�rumen� sha�� con�inue un�hanged. Upfln rei.n�t�temen� by Borrower, this Security Instrument <br /> and �he ob�igatians s�Gured hereby sha�� r�ma�n fu��y �ffecti��e as �f no acceleration h�.d accurred. Hawever, this <br /> right��reit�st�te shal�no�appi�in�he case of accelera�i�n un�er�h�s�Ct�on t��Xed Tra�sfer of the Pro�perty or a <br /> Benef�ciai In�er�st��Borrower. <br /> Ha�ardaus Subs�an�es.Borravver shal��ot cause or p�rm�t the presence,use, dzsposal, s�ara�e, or re��ase of any <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ances on ar i.n the Praper�y.Borrower shall n��t do,nor a��ow anyane e�se t�do,any�hix�g affecting <br /> �he Property�ha� zs in violation of any Environmen�a� Lava. The preced�ng t�a sentences shai� not a;pp��r to �he <br /> presence,use,or storag�on th�Property of smal�quant��xes o�"Hazardous 5ubs�a.nces that are g�nera.�ly recognized <br /> t�b�appropri��e to normal res�dent�al uses and�o mair��enance of th.e Property. <br /> B�nrativer shall pramptiy g�ve Len�er wri�ten n�tice�f any in��estiga�ian,c�aim, demand,Iativ�uit or o�he:r ac�on�y <br /> any governmenta� ar regula��r-y agency ar priva�e party �nv�lving the Pr�perty a.nd any I-3azard�us �ubs�ance or <br /> Environmenta.� La�v of which Borrower has actual know:�edge. xf Borrawer learns, or �s n�tifr+�d by any <br /> g�v�rnmen�al Qr regula�ary au�hori�y,that any removal�r�th4;r rernedia�i�n�f any Hazardous �ubs�an�e affecting <br /> the Praperty is necessary, Borrotiver shall promptly take ��11 necessary remed�a� ac�i�ns i� accorc�ance vvith <br /> Environmen�al Lavv. <br /> As used in�hzs paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hose substances def ne� as�oxic ar hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Env�ranrnenta� Lavv and �he fol�avv�ng 5ub5tanCes: gaso�ine, k�raser�e, other flarr�mab�e or �oxzc petroleum <br /> �l�'Q{��.1G�5, t�xic p�stzczdes and herbic�des, v�Ia��Ie 54�.V�iltS, :�Tl�.��r1�.15 G��1�a1.I7.�.�7..� aS�J�St�S Dr f4ri11a�,(�e�I.yC�.e, an� <br /> radzoact�ve materia�s. As used:�n this paragraph, "Env�ronmer�.�al La�w" means federa��aws an��avvs of�the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate to hea�th,�afety or en�vironmen�al pratec��_on. <br /> Ac�eleratifln; Remedies. Lender shal� give nvtxce tv Borr�flw�r �riar �o a�celera��on foll�wing E�orro�ver's <br /> bre�ch of any co�enant�r agreement�n thi5�e�urity Inst��unl�nt�r t�e Contrac�under whxch a�:ce�eration <br /> is perm����d �bu� not pr���t� a�ce�erat�vn �n�ler the se�ti��n t��led Transfer Qf the Prope�-ty ar a Benefc�al <br /> In�erest in BorroVver, unless A�plieab�e Layv provides o�h�ervvis�). The na��ce shall spe��fy: �a} t��e defaul�; <br /> (b� th� a�t��n requ�red to �ure the defaulty �c� a datE:, ��t �ess than the m�im�mum number of days <br /> estab�shed b�Applicabl.e La,w from the date thQ notx�e is giv�n ta Borrower,by wh�ch the defauXt mus�be <br /> cured; and �d) that failure tn cure the default �n or bef��re �h� date speci�ed �n �he notice rnay r�suit �n <br /> a��e�erat�on of the surns secured by this �ecuri�y Instr�me�t and sale of the Prvper�y. T� �the extent <br /> �er�ni��ed �y�aw, th� nvti�e shal�further znf�rm�orrowR�r �f the r�ght�o reins�ate afte� ac���erat��n a�nd <br /> the right ta brxng a cvurt ac��on�o asser�the monwexistenc��of a d�fau��nr any o�her d�fer�se of�,3nrrower tfl <br /> acceieration an�l sale. If�he default is �ot cured on or be#or� ��� da�e 5p�c�f��d�.n the noticQ,Le�r�der a��ts <br /> op�ion may requzre xmr�edia�e payment �� fui� vf al.� su�:ns s�cured by this Sec�r�ty In��rument �ithvut <br /> fur�her demand and may inv�ok� the power af sale and aazy o�h�r rer.�a.edies permi.tted b�r Ap��icab�� Law. <br /> To the ex�en� permitted by lavv, Lend��- shall be ent�tled t� c����c� a�l �xpenses incurre� xn �u�rsuing the <br /> remed�es pro��.ded in this 5ec�ion, �n��udfng,�u� not limut+�d��, r�asonab�e attorneys' fQe� and �ost�of�it�e <br /> ev�d�nce. <br /> If the�ower of saie is inv��ed, Trust�e �hall.record a not�ce o�defau�t�n each �oun�y in whzch an.y part vf <br /> �he Pr�perty�s loca�ed and sha�l mail �ap�es af such not�c��in the manner prescribed by Appi�ca�le I�aw�o <br /> Borr�vver and t� the other persons pres�rxbed l�y App��c��bie Law. After the ��me requxred by �pp��cabie <br /> Lav�, Trustee sha�X gi��e pub��c not�ce af sale tv the persans �n� in th� manner prescrf�ed by ��pp�i�a��e <br /> L�w.''I�`rustee,v�ithnu� demar�d vn Borr�wer, shal�se�l the P�op�rty at publi� au�t�Qn t� t�e hxgh�est bidder <br /> at�he t�me and pla�e and un�er the�erm5 designated in th�nvti��of sa�e in one or more par�e�s a�nd�n any <br /> �rder Trustee det�r�run�s. Tru�tee may� p�s�pane sa�e a�f al� ar an� parcel �f the Property by pub��� <br /> ann�un��ement at the t�nr�e an�p�ace vf any prev�ou5�y schs�duled sa�e.Lender or�ts des�gnee may purcha�� <br /> th e Prflper�y at any s a�e. <br /> Upon rece�p� of paymen� of the pr�ce b�d, Tr�s�ee shal� d+��.i��r �� the pur�haser Trus�ee's deed +canveying <br /> the Property. The recita��xn �h�Trus�e�'s �eet� shall be p�-�ma f���e eviden�� of the truth of the s�tatemen�s <br /> fl Z���-20�5 Campliance Sy�tems,Inc.CBE8-5 SC8-� <br /> Cansumer Real Estats-Security Instrument DL2�3G Pa�e 4 af 5 <br />