2� 1 ����58
<br /> Pa�ment�f Pr�nC�pa�and In�rereS�; C�ther Charg�s,Borro��ver sh�.Il pr�rnpt�y pay,wher�due�he pr�ncipal of and
<br /> interest on the deUt ov�ed un�e��he�ontract�nd�ate�harges �r an�ather fees and charges due under the�ontra�t.
<br /> Appli�abie La�v. As used in this Securit�r In��rum�n�, the �erzn �'App��cab�e Law" sha�� mean aIX co�.tro�ling
<br /> applicable federal, s�ate and �o�al s�atutes, regula�ions, ardin�nces and adm�n�strative �u�es ard arder�� ��hat have
<br /> �he effect�f la,w�as�v�ll as all applicable f na1,nan-appea�ab].e judi�ial op�ni�ns.
<br /> �harges; L�en�. �3orrower shaTi pay aIl ta�es, assessmen�s, charges, f��es and imp�si�i�ns at�ributable to the
<br /> Property v�rhich may a�tain priarxty over th�s Security�nstrurr�ent, ar�d Ieaseho�d paymen�s or�round rents, xf an�.
<br /> �4t�he request of Lender,Borrotiver sha��promptly furn�sh�o��end�r rece�pts ev�dencing the pa�ments.
<br /> Borrower shaTl pramptly d�scharge any lien vvhi�h has pri�rity over�hzs Securzty�nstrum.ent un�ess Bc►rrov�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in wr��ing �o �h� payrr�en� af the �b�igation secured by th� ��en �n a manner accep�able to l�en�ier; �b}
<br /> con�ests in good fai�i the ��en by, or defends aga�nst enforc��ment of the �ien in, 1ega� proceed�ngs u�h�ch xn �he
<br /> Lender's flpininn apera�e �o p�event the enfor�emen� of�he �ien; �r ��} secures fr�m �he h��der of th.e X�en an
<br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory�a Len�er subordinating the lien to thi s 5 ecurity Instrument. If Lender�etermir.tes �ha� any
<br /> part o�the Property is subj ect ta a lien tivhich may attain pri��ri�y over �his Securi�y Instrumer�t, Lender may gxve
<br /> Borrovuer a no��ce �dentify�ng��he 1�en. Borrov�r�r sha�1 satisfy the I��n or�ake��.e or m�re of the ac�io:r�s set for�h
<br /> abflve wi�h�n �n day�of�he gztiring of noti�e.
<br /> �iazard or Praper�y Insurance. Borrower sha�l keep the im.pravement�movv exis�ing or here�.fter ere�ted on the
<br /> Proper�y insured agaznst�oss b;y f re,hazards�ncluded w��hzn the t�rm"extended coverage" and any a���er hazards,
<br /> including flo�ds Qr flooding, for vvhich Ler�d�r requires in�urance. Thi.s insurance sha�� be main�a:�x�.ed �n the
<br /> amaurn�s and f�r the per�ods�i�.�Lender requi�es. The insuran�e carrier pr�v�ding the insuranc�shal��F ch�sen by
<br /> Borrower subj ec� to Lender's ,�pproval Which sha�I n�� be u:�reasanab�y v�rithheld. If�arrovver faz�s #:� main�ain
<br /> coverage �.escr�bed aboVe, Lender m.ay, a� Le�der's option, ob�ain cov�rage ta pro�ec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Pr�pert�r in accordance w��h.set�t�on titled Prot�ct�on Qf Lend:er's l�ights�n�he Proper�y.
<br /> A11 insurance policxes and ren�vva�s shal� be ac�eptab�e �o L��nder and shal� �nclude a standard mar�gage clause.
<br /> Lende�shall have�he right to ha�d�he policies and renewals. �f Lender requires, F3orrower sh���promp��y gf�re to
<br /> Lender a�l rece�p�s of paid prem�ums and renewal no�ices. �n the event of�ass, Borrawer shal�give prompt no��ce
<br /> to�he�nsurance carrier a.rid Lender.Lender may make pr�of�f loss if no�r�ade promptly by Barrawer.
<br /> IJnless Lender and B orr�vver vtherw�se agree in �vr���ng, in��urance proceeds shall be applted ta res�aration or
<br /> repa�r of the Proper�y damaged, �f, in Lender's sole d�scretic3n, �he r�s�oration or repair is econamica:lly feasible
<br /> and Lend�r's �ecuri�y is no� �e�sened. �f, �n Lender's s�le disc�retion, the restaration or repa�r is not econ�m�ca�Iy
<br /> feas�b�e ar Lender's security wauld b�lessened,�he insurance proc�eds shal�be app�ied�o the sums secL�red by this
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�, vvheth�r or not then due, w�th an� ex�ess pa�d �o Borrovver. If Borrovver ab�nd�ns �he
<br /> Proper�}r, ar d�es not anstiver�xrith�n�he number of days presc�-ibed by Applicab�e Law as s��forth in a natzce fr�m
<br /> Lender to Borrower tha�the insuranee ca.rrier has offere�i�o =�ettl� a c�aim, �hen Lender may col�ect th�; insurance
<br /> praceeds. I�ender may use �he prflceeds t� re�air �r res�ore t]�e P��perry �r�o pay sums secured by t��is Security
<br /> �nstrument,whether or not t�en due. The per�od�f time for B��rro�er to ansvver as set fax�.in the no��ce Wi�l beg�n
<br /> v�rhen the no��ce is given.
<br /> Unless Lender a.nd Borr�vver o�herwise agree i�wr��ing, az�y applic�tion of proceeds ��princzpal shall not extend
<br /> �r postpone the due date �f th�payments due under the ��nt:-ac�or change the amaun�of the payment:s. If under
<br /> �he sect�on�itle�Accelerat�ons l�emedies, �th� Pr�pert�r is acqu�red by Lender, Borrow�r's r�g��to an��znsuranc�
<br /> palicies and praceeds resultin�; from damage t� �he Prope�-ty pri�r t� �he acquisitian sha�1 pass �o Lender to the
<br /> extent of�he sums secur�d l�y this Security�n��rum�nt immedi;�te�y�ri�r to the acquisit�on.
<br /> Preservation, Mai�,tena�ce �nd Pr�tec��on of the Property; �orr�vver's Loan Appi�.��tion; Leas�ho�ds.
<br /> B�rrower shal�not destroy, damag� or impair�h�Propezfiy, a�low th�Proper�y to de�eriora�e, cr comm:i�waste or�
<br /> �he Property. Borrovver shal�be�n defau��if any forfeiture acti�n a�proce�dzng,tivhether civi�or�rimin�.�,�s begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender's good fai�h judgmen� cou�d result in farfeitur�� af�he Property ar athervvise material�y impair�he
<br /> �ien crea��d by �his 5ecuri�y �:ns�rurnen� or L,er�der's securit;�r �n�erest. Borrower may cure �uch a d.efaul� and
<br /> re�ns�a�e, as prov�ded in section titled Bor�ov�er's Rxght to ��ein�tate, by caus�ng the actian ar proce€,ding to be
<br /> dismissed W��th a ruling that,in Lender's good fa��h deterrninat��n,precludes forfe�ture of the Borrn�ver's in�erest in
<br /> the Proper�y or other materia� impairmen� of the lien creat�°d by �h�s S�curity �ns�ru�nen� �r Lender's secur�ty
<br /> interes�.B�rrawer sha�� also be in defau�t if Borr�vver,during�:he�oan appl�cat�on prnces�,gave mater�a:(Iy false or
<br /> �naccurate informa�ion ar statements �o L�nder �ar failed to pro�xde Lender w�th any ma�er�al �nfor:ma�ion� in
<br /> connec�ian with�he �aan ev�de��ced by �he Can�ra��. If thzs S�;curity Instrument �s �n a l�aseha�d, Borrower sha��
<br /> camply,w'i�h a�I the pr�v�sions�f the lease. If Borrower acquzres fee�ztle ta�he Praperty, the Ieasehald�nd the fee
<br /> �i�le shall n�t m�rge unless Lender agrees�o�he r�erger in wrx�:�ng.
<br /> Protec�ion of Len�er�s Rights in th� ��roperty. �f Borrourer faiis �� perfQrm the covenants and agreements
<br /> con�ained in this Secur��y�ns�men�, or there is �.1ega�prace��d�ng�hat may significant�y affe��Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a proceed�ng in�ankruptcy, probate, fc�r c�ndemna��on ❑r forfeiture or -to enforre �avvs or
<br /> regulati�ns}, tri�n Lender may do and pay f�r vvhatever is ��ec�ssary t� pr�tect the value of�he Property and
<br /> Lender's rfghts in the Praper�y. Le�der's ac�ions may inc�ude p�.�ring ar�y sums secured by a��en whi�h has priority
<br /> over th�s Security�nstxumen�, a�pearing in�o�r�,paying reaso�ab�e�.�torneys'fees and�nter�ng on�he Prvper�y to
<br /> make repairs..Although Lender.may take acti�n u.nder th�s sec�::on,Lender does no�have t�do sa.
<br /> Any amau.n�s di�bursed by Ler�der under �his se���on shall b��come addi�iona� debt of B�rro��r secured by �h�s
<br /> Security Ins�rument. Un�ess Borr�wer and L�nder agree �a othe� �erms of paymen�, these amou.nt� shalX bear
<br /> �2�44-2Q l 5 CampIiance Systems,Tnc.CBEB-5 8C8-2fl 15,12.2.1 i I Z
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 2 af 5 www,�amptiancesystems.cam
<br />