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� _ <br /> � � <br /> 90��02'73�. <br /> !e set�. te�n�fee�� or turtl�ee eecuwbered vltl�out ttN �ap���� or �rltten con�ent o[ Ceo�tlel�r�� <br /> �.*.e�otarr ..y. •t !t� �ol• opeLon. decl�c� all •wa •�euead by tl�t• lr+ed ot lcust to D� lwnrdl�t�lp <br /> du� �e� �r�►l� ew� �roe��d to th• �eawdle� sv�l�ebfa to !t und�� th� d�t�ult pro�l�fon� toet�t�ed <br /> Aertle� <br /> r il. [v�uee ot RaE�ul . MY ol etu tollovin� �reee• �h�Il b• deered �n event of d�t�ult R�rau+d�e� <br /> � (�) Truuor .1��11 I�av tall�d to �ak� pa�et ot .er �ose.t��eee ot ��as��e. <br /> �►lwelpil ar �r/w�lnrl �nJ fnt�r��S n� an� w�A�� �u�� ..�,..'A he��br viwn �E!w;. <br /> (►) iMc� h�s oeeurt�J � 1re�ch ot oe d�t�tilt und�r aey terw. cov�n�nt� <br /> ��ce�ent, ca�itioe, p�ovl�lon, ��pr���etatian er v�e�ant�r eent�in�a fe !h!• D��i <br /> et Tewt. th� not• os �nY otA�e leM la�t�u�e �te�r�� hsr�►r� . <br /> (e) TMr� ha� e�ee • a•e.�ae ►r e�� tcu•eoe !n tM ���ent ot anr p�ioe et <br /> �ur�e�ueet ll�e or e�cuwbr�oc• !e r�i�eet te •11 or �ny past ot th� preP�ttr= <br /> (�) Ts�atoe �h�li fll� � volunt��y ��elttar te ��nk���tcr oe •Iwll D� �aJua!- <br /> C�t�� �MIklYP! O! 111sOIY�11�� or �A�II �k� �e •��ip�nt [er eh� b�n�[!t d a���ltor� <br /> fe r��Met to eh� �rop�ctr� or M �ctloa t� ��t�r�� a�r 1lee �e �eeu�tir�ne� o� ���- <br /> �ent• ���ln�t th� prop��er f• cowiaocad. <br /> 1!. Aee�i��atlon U en De[au1t. Ie th� ��tnt ot �ny ��t�ult. �•�sttc�.�r �..r �ec�.r. �I1 seieltNn��� <br /> ��e���� 1Nn�y eo • �w M� p�y�01�� and tM ��M •IMI1 th�r�u„n ►�eew� du� �n� �y�tii� v1tMa��t �ey <br /> �s����tMwt. ��Nw�� pcat�at o�aotl¢� ot ary kln�. TMr�dt�e. �.�.e��s.�r ••r� <br /> (�) •lth�r tn peraon er ►y a��et� vith ee vlthout �rin�ln{ sny �etion or ��o- <br /> e�Nla�. ee �y r�eoiv�r ���olet�� �r a eo�et ��i v�thwt ��j�r� te th� ����wey �t <br /> �ey ��e��iq. Me�e u}ee �M e�k� �������loe K eh� �ze��ety. �r �nr ���t eh�eNl. <br /> �11 ��� �Y11 11M� �r �11 ��t�D�N Ot ��N TOY����� �1�� N �Ily �0�� vhieh tt ��� s�e���aey <br /> �M ���le�►1� t� �����w� eh� v�l��. w��k�td111tr er r�eeHyller •t !M �rp�rty• �� <br /> �art tlwr�e! �r f�t�r��t tINr�In. lna����� th� f�eew� tlMr�ts�s or prot�et ths,��a�rltr ••• <br /> h���et rnA, vlehouc taklnj po�����lon o[ th� pro�ertr. sw [o� er oth���t�� eell�ct tM <br /> ��t�o I��ue� �nd protlts thareot. lnctudlni lho�e pa�t du� �nd unp�ld. �n0 a��lr th� <br /> a�N. le�• eo�tr �ed �xpeniei ot op���tla� �ed coll�ctloe. fecludln� �ttocnq [���� u� <br /> Mr lnJebteJnt�� �ecured he�eby. �11 !n sueb asdae a• C�n�tlelaer �a� d�t�nln�. !Ar <br /> eet��i�� �qoe �na t�kln� po�����1an ot th• ecwt �st�t�. th� aollactfon es �ueh tent�, <br /> t�sw� �nd protlt• �nd �pplleaclon th�r�ot �� �Ior��al� �hall not eur� or v�fv� an� /�- <br /> t�ult e� notic� ot d�I�ult t��«und�e ar l���lliat� aer �et aM ls ���oon�� to �ueh t�- <br /> tault or �ur�wnt to �uch eotic� of A�[�ult �nd. eetvfth�tMil�s the aontlnu�wc� tn <br /> p�s���loa o! tM property or th� tslfsetlaf, t�e�l�� �nd .��ii�.c�o++ ot ��wt�. f��u�� <br /> er �eetlt�� lr��te� os �.o•ttet.ey .ur �. �ntltlN to ���ref�� �wtr ef�At �r��i�� t�r � . <br /> lw �y �t eM leM le�cruKnt• or �r lav � xeurs�ae� o[ �ny �v��e et ��t��le. f�- <br /> alu�fn� eM slsht eo �aeccl�� tM pwr �t �alti . <br /> ' (!) eo�pe� an �eelon to toe�ele�� et�l� a•e ot leu�t �• � �orei�l�. �lN�� . <br /> • ====�ye� u�..a�.. ...i��• .� ..: s.�'o - - «c:a'• - <br /> - -• a. =:==-------• .... _..; .. �...�......� .. , . _ <br /> (c) ��liv�r to Tcurte� • vrittee �eal�r�tion of dat�ult anJ de�an� [er �al�. i <br /> aw� a vctttM Retie� ot d�f��lt �� �l�eslew t� ew�� lru�tor'• lntec��t in th� �sN�cRr ' <br /> to M ul�, vbieh noeta� Trwte� �h�ll eaw� to b� auiy Nld toe �eeo�d !n th� ottiei�l <br /> e�aot�� ot th� couuy in vhieh th� Psop��tr !� lOC�tf�. - <br /> 1�. �or�ela�ur� by fover o! Sal�. Shwid 1��ticl�ry �leet to tor�elo�� by �xe�etu ot tM prtf - <br /> et ��1� hte�tw e�wsafoN. ��ndlci��r �iwll aetltr ?cuate� and �h�ll d�po�le vlth ?cwt�� tbl� 0��� d — <br /> ls�u � eM� wot� ae� sreh r�e�lpu �n1 �vlrene� e[ �x,}tn�teurea �d� �n� ��cure� hsr��y as Trwt�� � '— <br /> M� tl�Ylil� �n��ron zeque�t ot th� ��n�flef�cy, th� T�wt�� d�ll Llle �or �eeord. in t1�� R��l�e�e �� <br /> �t O�N� o�[le� In tlie Cou�ty vh�c� th� psoprty 1• loeate�. � ooetc� ol de[�ult. �etefns focth tM� S <br /> a� �t tM�Tru�tos� th• �a.ok �nJ ��p or Ooeu�tnt No. ot thl� D�e� o[ Tru�t a� reeoNed 1n ��1J `- <br /> R��I�t�� •t O�ed� ot[lc�. tlw I�aal de�criptlon ol th� �bov�-f��eri6d ���1 ��at• M! tb�! • ���aaM � <br /> et M erll��tlon� to� �hlel� ��1J re�l e�t�t� v�� conwrti �s �eaucftr� 1��• oteur��1. ami ��ttiei [ostb <br /> eM a�t��� at �ucb tirea�b anJ th� Truate�•• �leetloa te ��11 th� re�l �state to �ati�ty th• ollfptfe�{ t <br /> an1 a[ht eM la��a ot wot le�� th�n on� (1) �oneb. ePN ?�uste� d�all �tv� vrfeten natia� ot th� tlw� � ' <br /> M+i �I�e� o! ��1� M�lei� �r ba b�tveen ls00 �.w. �nd S �.�. �t th� oeewl���. or �t th� Cerrtheu�� fa � y <br /> th� Gwty vMseln �ueh property !a leeated, de�crfble= th� Oropertr to b� telA er It� l�s�l �eaoel�� � <br /> tfen. �al� aotle� ee b� publl�heJ !n � nsvap�p�r ot ��n�ral clreul�tfon !n ehe Couaer vh���ie �Yeh ' <br /> ��e��ctr 1• loe�ter� oae� � �eck [or ltve (S) eonseautiv� v��ks. th� l��t publlcaclow to se �t l���t ;.�• � <br /> ts� (10) I�r�. but not won tl��n thi�tr (�0) dar�. Ottos ts tM� ��I�= �nd tb� Tru�t�� �hall tMn pll : ,� <br /> ..0 �:.�.�cr �t �I1� !1N MJ �I�t� ���l�n�t�� !e eh� noefc�. !n th� �nn�e provlAN �r lw !� �t[eet <br /> • �t tM� dr ot Elllns �ai� notle�. �t publie a�tlow to tM bljhe�t Li�d�r tor e��b�na N��11 ��lit�s <br /> t� ��h �ureh���� � ���d to tla oroo�cer �old. eon�lst�nt vith tU� l�v !e �lleet �t th� e:r��. ' . <br /> ' 11� eee�l�t ol eh� �olo� bld. Tswte� �hall ��11v�r ee th� p�set�a�e. T�nset�'• �es� eeew�lns th� <br /> �r�str �sl�. Mele�l� !n th� tru�u�'� de�/ �1►�U b• orl� (ael� �vlJ�nc� o! tl�� tr�tb ot th� �t�t�- <br /> �t� �/� th�r�ls. lru�te� �1��11 �pylr th� p�oc��d� o[ t6� �al• In t6� tollovin= esd�et (�) t� �11. <br /> � re��aa�l� e��t• rn� �aoen��• ot th� sal�. Ineludies but not Ild t�d to, Tru�tee'� tee• ot not �sr� <br /> � tMn 2 t ot the =ro�� ��le pdee, re�:oeeabla atto�sy l�es :eu! eoses ot tltt• wtd�nt�i (b) io all <br /> �w� ��err�� ►r ehl• Dee� of Trwt; �nd (c) th• ��eta�. ft �nr. to tA� Mr�on or O�r�ont le��ilf �- <br /> tlt1N th�stt�. Mr /�t�on. lneluJln� ��e�llel�tr. w�y ousel�s� .at� rro�a�er �t �ai� sa1�. <br /> T6� ��r�sw o�nJwetl� tiw •al� war, ter any e�u�� 1�� ac •!w I�+w� ��p�JDent. ��st}ee� th� •�1� fro� <br /> efw t• tIN w�ell !t �h�Il b� co�pl�t�d �nA� 1e �wsr sueh e���. notle� o[ Po�toon�w�nt �A�il �� Q11rM <br /> �r l�ti��a ��e��e�tlon th���ot Ly �ueh pe��on �t th� tfM �nd �1�c� l��t �ppotnted fos th� �aloi p�s- <br /> vtN1. !f tin r�l� l� �o.e�o�+.� ror lonn�r tlien on� (f) �or �•raul cl,. d•c. de�l�n�t�d tn tl� Rotle� ot <br /> �al�. w�t1e� tb�r�st �hall b� �lvaa !n th� �aN wen�r a� th� otl�ln�l eotle� ol �al�. • <br /> l�. RtwN1�� Not Lxclu�lve. Trust�� �nd �en�tlefarf. �nd ��eh ot tlrcw. ehsll b� tntlel�d to�n- <br /> t�te� psp�eet �n� p��[orune� ot �ny lndtbt�dnts� or oblls�tlen seeu:ed h�reby �nd ts �:�rel�• �11 rl�hta _______-,_ <br /> MI �ov�r� wder tbf• tfetd o[ Tru�t oc undes �ny lo�n ln�t�went or ott�e� �iree�eat or �nr lav� nov oc � <br /> h��ea[��r �nt�rea�, setvlth�t�ndlns �os� or �11 ot eh� lndebt�On��� �nd oblf�atton� s�cur�d h�rebr <br /> �bleh war nov o� li�eea(ter 4e etl�ervli� �eeuce+l, whetl�er br wort�n�e. JaeJ of t�u�t. �led��, lt�r. ���!=n� <br /> �e�t er �thawl��. M�/th�r tiw �ceeptanee ot thl• Detd e[ Tru�t nor !t� �nforeewent� vlathte �r eoure <br /> ' �t�i011 wf �Y��Y�tl� to tM oover ot a�le or oth�t paver• h�reln eont�leed. il�eli preJudlc• or le �ny , <br /> YMlft /I�tCt TCWtl��� OT 1leneflefuy•� �lallt !O [Nll!! t1p01! Ol lQrOTlE Atfy Ot11ai �tCY=Ltr twv ar �It[fr <br /> dt�r h�l� �r Tru�te� oe teee(fel�rr, 1t belea a=�e�d ehu Trustee �nd seneffel�ry. �nd t�eh of thew� <br /> � �A�It M �ntltlsd to enforec tt�t• �ced ut T�uat �nA aer oti�er �ecurltr now or heres[ta� he10 br th� /tn�- � <br /> [tct�rr or Trwc�� !n �uci� o�Jer �nd Ranne• �• ther. or •lti�e� of tiKw. �or 1� th�1r �b�olut� dl�ec�tlon � <br /> leter�lee. Mo reredn c�reln con[erred upon or raserv�d to T�u�tee or deneflel�rr 1• lnt�nded to b� �s- <br /> GIY�IYE O� �ny other re�cdy I�ereln or by lav ptovlded or peraltted. but esct� etull b� euwulative �rtd `i <br /> �h�ll Se ln �ddltion to evec� othcr �eweAy alven I�ereunder or rtov or I�ereafter e�fetl�s at l�+e or !n ��� <br /> qulty or br �r�tute. Lverr pover ot rewedy alren br �ny of tl�e loen I�atn�n�ent� to Tru�te� or len�- <br /> tlel�cr o� to it�lel� eltl�er ot tt�c� a��y !,e otliervl�e entltled ��y be e�arel�eA, eoneurccntly or Indepen- . <br /> ��ntlr. Iro� tl�a to tl�e and •s otte� •s w,r e� deewed e�peAlent br T�u�tee or Oene(lelery. nnd eJthe� �, _ <br /> o[ tht• ��r Pus�u� lnton�t�tent re�edte�. Nothln1 btceln d��ll be con�trued e• p�ol�fbltlns �ene[let�zr <br /> lrar •��kln� • da(teleney Judai.ent �d�t�ot Tru�toc to th� �at�nt �uel� �etlon 1• p�nitted by lav. <br /> . •_� <br /> � <br />