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2� 1 ����42 <br /> ASS�GNNiENT �F RENTS <br /> Loan Na: 1 Q'1�98376 {�antinued� Page 5 <br /> depasi�ed with a nat�onafly recognized o�ernight courier, ar, ��f mai[es�, when d�posited in the United 5ta#es mail, as <br /> �rirs� ciass, cer�ified or registe�ed mail pos�age prepaid, directed tv the addresses shown n�ar the beginning a��his <br /> Assignment. Any party may change its address for notices under this Assignment by gi�ing farmal written nvtice <br /> tfl �the other pa�rties, specifying tha� the purpose ❑fi the notice i:� tv change the party's address. Far natice <br /> purpases, Grantar agrees ta keep Lender infarmed at a[I times �f Grantor's current address. �n�ess otherwise <br /> pro�ided �r required by [aw, i� there is more than one Granfior, �ny nafiice gi�en by Lender to any Grantor is <br /> deemed to be notice given to all Grantars. <br /> Pvwers of Atturney. The�ar�ous agencies and powers vf attorney con�eyed ❑n Lender under this Assignment are <br /> granted for purposes of security and may no� be re�oked by Grantor un�i� such time as the same are renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Seuerability. lf a cvurt ❑f campetent jurisd�ction finds any pro�is�fln af thEs Assignment tv be illegal, in�a�id, or <br /> unenfvrceab[e as tfl any persan or circumstance,that f�nding shaf� r�ot make�he offend�ng pro�ision il[�gal� in�a[id. <br /> �r unenfarceable as �o any ofiher persvn ar circumstance. [� feasible, the ❑ftending pro�ision shall be consider�d <br /> modified so that it becames [egal, �alid and enfvrceab�e. lf the vffending provision �annot be so madified, it sha[E <br /> be cansidered dele�ed from this Assignment. Unless otherwise required by Eaw, the illegaiityf in�alidity� or <br /> unenfvr�eahility vf any pro�ision ❑f �his Assignmen� shall not affe��t the legality, �aiidity ❑r en#arceabil�ty of any <br /> ❑ther prv�ision of th�s Assignment. <br /> Su��essvrs and Assigns. Sub�ect�o any limitations stated in this Aasignment❑n transfer❑�r Grant�r's interest,this <br /> Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of th� parties, their su�cessors and assigns. [f <br /> ownership of the Proper#y be�vmes �ested in a persvn oth�r than Ciran�vr� Lender, without nvfii�e to Grantar, may <br /> deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Assignment G�nd the [ndehfiedness by way of fvrbearance or <br /> extensivn without rel�asing Grantar from the obligatians of this Assignment or[iability under the fndebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of#he essence in the performance nf this Assignment. <br /> Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantar hereby releases and waives a[E rights and benefi�s of the homestead <br /> exemp�k�on laws a�the State ❑f Nebraska as t� a!f [ndebtedness sec��red by this Assignment. <br /> Vllaiver of Right of Redemption. N�TW�THSTANDING ANY DF THE PROViS10NS TO THE �4NTRARY <br /> CDNTAENED lN TH1S ASSIGNMENT, GRANT�R HEREgY WAIVES �NY AND ALL RIGHTS DF REDEMPTi�N FR�M <br /> SALE UNDER ANY �RDER QR JUaGMENT QF FDRECLOSIJRE �N GRANTDR'S BEHALF AND aN BEHALF DF <br /> EA�H AND EVERY PERS�N, EXCEPT JUDGMENT CRED1T4R5 �F GRANT�R, A�QU1RfNG ANY INTEREST �N �R <br /> T�TLE Ta THE PRDPERTY SUBSEQUENT TD THE DATE DF TH{S A�S[GNMENT. <br /> DEFiNITI0N5. The fv�lowing capi�alized words and #erms shall hav� the fallawing meanings when used in this <br /> Assignment. Unless spe�ifiically stated to the contra�-y, al! refer�nces t� dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful <br /> money of the United Sta�es ❑� Am�rEca. Words and terms used in the singuEar shaEE inc�ude the plural, and the p�ural <br /> shall include�he singu[ar, as the cantext may requir�. Words and #erms not otherwise defined in this Assignment shalE <br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed ta such terms in the Un�form Commercial C.ode: <br /> Assignment. The ward "Ass�gnment" means this ASSiGNMENT�F RENTS, as this A5SIGNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> he amended vr modi�ied firvm t�me to time, together with all exhibits and s�hedules attached tv this ASSIGNMENT <br /> �F RENTS from time to time. <br /> Borrower. The v►rord "Borrower" means FRANCD ENTERTA[NMENT, LLC.; MAR1A GARC[A; and JUAN F GARC�A. <br /> De�rault. The word "Default" means the ❑e�ault set farth in this Ass�ignment in the section tit�ed "fle�ault". <br /> E�ent of De#au[t. The words "E�ent a� Defauit" mean any ❑f the even�s o�de#ault set far�h in #his Assignment in <br /> the defauEt sectian of this Ass�gnment. <br /> Grantor. The word "Grantor" means FRANC� ENTERTA�NMENT, LLC.; MARIA GARCfA; and JUAN F GARC[A. <br /> Guaran#y. The word "C uaranty" means#he guaran�y�r�m guarantnr, endorser, surety, ❑r accommvda�ian party t❑ <br /> Lender, including wi�hvut fimi�ation a guaranty of all or part of th� Note. <br /> Endebt�dness. The ward "Indebtedness" means a[� principal, infi�rest, and ather amounts, casts and expenses <br /> pa�able under fihe No#e �r Related Documen�s, tvgether virith a[[ renewals af, ex�ensions of, modifEca�ians of, <br /> consolidations a�and substitut�vns for the Note or Relafied ❑vcum�nts and any amaunts expended o� ad�anced E�y <br /> Lender to discharge Grantor's obligat�ans ❑r expenses incurred by Lender fi� enfvrce Grantor's vbliga#ions under <br /> this Ass�gnment, together with interest on such amoun�s as pro�ided in this Assignment. Spec�fically, without <br /> limitation, lndeb��dness includes the fufiure advances set fortl7 in the Future Ad�ances pra�isian ❑f this <br /> Assignmen�,together with all interes�therean. <br /> Lender. The wflrd "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, its successvrs and assigns. <br /> Note. The ward "N�te" means �he pramissary note dated Sepl:ember 9� ���6. Ir1 the origina! principai <br /> amount of $45.�83.���rom Grantvr fi❑ Lender, together wi�h a�i �-enewals of, extensions af, moditicativns o�, <br /> refinancings af, �vnsolidatians af, and substitutions for the promissury nate or agreement. <br /> Prvper#y. The ward "Praperty" means a[I of Grantar's right, ti�tl� and �n�erest in and to a[� the Prvperty as <br /> descr�bed in the "Assignment" section af this Assignment. <br />