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2� 1 ����37 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 'I��298568 tC�nt�tlued} Page 9 <br /> M15GELLANE�US PR�VISI�NS. The foI[owing miscellaneaus pro�isions are a part of this D�ed af Trust: <br /> Amendments. Th�s Deed o�Trus#, together with any Re�ated ❑vcuments, consti�utes the entEre understanding and <br /> agr�ement of th� par�ies as to the matters set forth in this Deed o��Trust. No a�fieration ❑f or amendment to this <br /> Deed vf Trust sha[f be effec�i�e unless gi�en in writ�ng and signed ��y th� party❑r parties sought to be charged vr <br /> bound by the alteration❑r amendment. <br /> Annual Reports. If the Prvperty is used for pu�-poses v�her than Trustor's residencs, Trustor shail furn�sh to <br /> L�nder, upan request, a certi�ied statement ❑f net opera�ing incvme recei�ed fram the Property during Trustar's <br /> pre�ious fiiscaf year in su�h form and detai� as Lender sha�l require. "Net aperating Encvme" shal� mean all cash <br /> receipts�rom the Prvperty�ess ail cash expenditures made in connection with the operation o�f the Property. <br /> Capt�on Headings. Cap�ion headings in this Deed a# Trust are for convenienc� purpvses nnly and are nat tv be <br /> used to interpret ar define the p�-o�isions vf�his Deed ofi Trust. <br /> Me�ger. There shall be no merger of the inter�st or estate �reated by this fleed ❑f Trust with any other Enterest vr <br /> estate En the Property at any time held by nr for the benefit v� Lender in any capaci�y, withaut the writ�en cvnsen� <br /> af Lender. <br /> Governin� Law. This Deed of Trus# wilI be gove�rned hy federa[ Is�w applicable �o Lender and, to �he extent nvt <br /> preempted by�Federal iaw,the laws vf#he 5#ate of Nebras ka wifhv��t regard tv its�vnf�i�ts of law proW�s�ons. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been a�cepted by Lender in the Sta#e vf Nebrask�. <br /> Choice of Venue. If there �s a lawsuit, Trust�r agrees upvn Lend�r's �equesfi t❑ submit to the jurisdict�on of the <br /> cvurts ❑f Ha[E Caunty, State of Nebraska. <br /> Jv�nt and Se�eral L�ability. Afl vbligativns of Borrower and Trustor under th�s Deed o� T�ust shall be jaint and <br /> several, and a[� references t❑Trustvr shall mean ea�h and e�ery Tr�istor, and afl references ta Borrower shaf[ mean <br /> each and e�e�y B�rrower. This means�ha�each Trustor signing befow is responsible for al[ohligativns in this Deed <br /> af Trust. <br /> Nv Wai�er by Lendsr. Lender shal� nat be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under th�s Deed of Trust un[ess such <br /> waiver is given in wr�fiing and signed by Lender. Nv de[ay ar vmissivn vn the part ofi Lender in exercising any rEght <br /> shaf[ ❑perate as a wai�er❑�such right or any vther right. A wai�e�by Lender of a pro�ision vf this D�ed of Trust <br /> sha[[ nat p�ejudice ar cvns#itute a wai�er af Lender's right otherwise ta demand strict cvmp�iance with that <br /> pro�ssion �r any ather pro��sion vf this Deed a� T�ust. No privr wai�er hy Lender, nor any course flf dealing <br /> be�ween Lender and Trustor, sha[f consti�ute a waE�er af any of Lender's rights ❑r of any of Trustar's vbliga�ions <br /> as to any future transactions. Whene�er#he cansen# of Len�er is required under this ❑eed of T�ust, the granting <br /> v� such consent by Lender in any �nstan�e shall not constitufie can��inuing cvnsent t❑ subsequent instances where <br /> such consen�is required and in afi cases such consent may be gran�:ed❑r withheld in the sale discretion af Lender. <br /> Se�rerabilify. lf a cvurt of competent�urisdict�on f�nds any prv�isivn of this L7eed of T�ust to be iiiegal, invalid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any persan ar circumstance, that finding sha[[ r�ot make the ❑ffendEng provision illega[, in�alid, <br /> ar unenforceable as t❑ any o�her person or circumstance. 1� feasit�le� the vffend�ng pro�isian shall be cvnsidered <br /> m�di�ied sa �hat it becvmes legal, �alid and en#orceab[e. �f the o���ending prv�isivn cannot be so madified, it shalf <br /> be considered deleted �rom this Deed o� Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, the illegality. in�alidity� or <br /> unenfvrceabilifiy ❑t any pravision af this Deed ❑f Trust shall not affect�he legality, �afidity or enforceability o� any <br /> ather pro�isifln of this Deed of Trust. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. 5ubjecx t� any limifiativns sta�ed in this Deed o#Trust on transfer af Trusfor's interesfi, <br /> this Deed o� Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit af�he parties, their succ�ssars and assigns. [f <br /> ownership af the Prvperty becomes ves�ed in a persvn other than Trus�or, Lender, without notice tv Trustor, may <br /> dea[ with Trustor`s successors with reference to this ❑eed o�Trust and the lndebtedness f�y way❑f�vrbearance ❑r <br /> extension withvut re[easing Trustar from the obligations of this �eed af Trust or��ability under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is o#the Essence. Time is ofi the essen��in th� perfarmance of this ❑eed❑f Trusfi. <br /> Waiver of Homest�ad Exemption. Trus�or hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of th� homestead <br /> exemption �aws vt the 5tate af Nehraska as tv all �ndebtedness sec�red by this Deed�f Trust. <br /> DEFINITi�NS. The faflvwing capitalized words and terms shaE� ha�e the #ollvwing meanings when used in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Un[ess specifically stated to the contrary, all references to do[!ai• amounfis shail mean amaunts in lawfuf money <br /> ❑� the United States ❑f America. Vllvrds and terms used in the sin�u�ar shal[ inc[ude �he plural, and �he plura! shal! <br /> include th� singular, as the c�ntext may require. VIlords and terms no� atherwise defined in �his ❑eed of Trust shal[ <br /> ha�e the meanings at�ributed�o such�erms �n�he Uniform Cammercia[ Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Ben��iciary" means Fi�e Pvin�s Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> �3orrvwer. Th� word "Borrower" means J�SE ❑ELGAD� and includes afl �o-signers and co-makers signing the <br /> Note and aE��heir successors and assigns. <br /> De�d of Trust. The wards "�eed of Trusfi" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes without fimi�ation all assignment and securi�y interes� pro�isivns relating �o the Personal Prvperty and <br /> Rents. <br />