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2� 1 ����37 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 1�'I 2985�8 {Cantinued} Page 6 <br /> the Related Documents, and �2} the lie��s and sec�rifiy interes�s created by this Deed o�Trust as first and privr <br /> liens ❑n the Proper�y, whether na►rv owned ❑r hereaf-�er acquir�d by Trusfior. Un[ess prohEbEted by law vr Lender <br /> agrees tv the contrary in writing, Trustar shall r�imburse Lender�or al[ costs and expenses incurred in connection <br /> with the matters referred fio in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney�in�Fac�. l�Trustor faEis t� d❑ an�,� o�fihe thEngs referred ta in the preceding pa�agraph, Lender may d❑ so <br /> fvr and in the name of Trustor and at Trus�ar's expense. For such purpvses, Trustor hereby irre�aca�ly appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in-�act fvr the purpase of making, executing, de[i�ering, filing, recording, and doing all <br /> ather thEngs as may be necessary ❑r desirab�e, in Lender's sole opinivn, to accomplish the ma��ers referred to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. lf Borrower and Trus�ar pay a[� th� lndebtedness, including withvut l�mitafiivn a�l future <br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trusto�❑th�rwise performs a[[th� obligatians Emposed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust, <br /> Lend�r shall execut� and deli�er to Trustee a request far full recan�eyance and shall exe�ute and de[i�er tv Trustor <br /> suifiabie statements of term�nation v� any financing staternen� on #ile e�idencing Lender's security int�rest in the Rents <br /> and the Persvna[ Prvperty. Any re�onveyance fee required by [aw shal� be paid by Trusta�, if permitted by applica�je <br /> [aw. <br /> EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each ofi fihe following, at Lender's option, shall constitute an E�ent of De�ault und�r this Deed <br /> ��Trust: <br /> Payment DefauEt. Borrower fails�o make�ny payment when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> Qther D�faults. B�rrower or Trustar #ails ta comp[y with ar ta per€orm any other term, obligation, ca�enant or <br /> candition contained in this Deed of Trust ar in any v�the Relafied ❑ocuments ❑r fio �vmp[y with ❑r to perform any <br /> term, obligation, cv�enant or conditian cortitained in any❑ther agreem�nt between Lender and 6orrower❑r Trustor. <br /> Cvmpfiance Defauit. Failure ta comply v+ri�h any �ther term, ❑bligat�fln, �o�enant or conditian cantained in this <br /> Deed of Trust�the Nate or in any�f the Related ❑�cum�nts. <br /> ❑efau�t on Dther Payments. Fa��ure�f Trustor within �h�t�me required by this Deed of Trust�o make any paymenfi <br /> far taxes or Ensurance, or any ather payment necessary tn pre�en�filing of ar ta etfect discharg� of any lien. <br /> False 5#afements. Any warranty, representatian ❑r s�a��men�made or turnished to Lender by Borrower or Trustvr <br /> or ❑n Borrower's ar Trustor's �eha[f und�r �his Deed o�Trust ❑r the Related Documents is false v�- misleading in <br /> any material r�speGt, �ifiher now or at the time made �r �u�nished or becomes fa[se or misleading at any time <br /> thereafter. <br /> ❑efecfiive Cvllateraliza�ion. This Deed of Trust or any ot the Related Documents ceas�s to he in #ull f�rc� and <br /> effe�t {including failure of any colfateral do�ument to �reate a �alid and p�rfected securi�y in�eres� or lien} at any <br /> time and-For any reasvn. <br /> Dea#h vr�nsoIvency. The death of Barrov�rer or Trustor, the insol�ency of Borr�w�r or Trustor, the appoin�ment o� <br /> a recei�er�or any parfi o�Borrower's ❑r Trustor's prvperty, any assignment for the b�ne�it of cr�ditors, any type ❑f <br /> credifior w�rkout, or the commencement af any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insol�ency laws by or against <br /> 6orrawer❑r Trustar. <br /> Gr�di�ar or Forfeiture Pro�eedings. Comrnencemen� of farec�osure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judiciai <br /> proceeding, self-help, repossession or ar�y ofihe� method, by any creditor of Borrvwer ❑r Trustor or by any <br /> governmental ag�ncy against any praper�ty securing the Indebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� of any o# <br /> Borrower's or Trustor's acc�unts, �ncluding deposi# accounts, with Lender. Howe�er, �his E�enfi of Defaul� sha�i <br /> not apply i�there is a g�od �aifih dispute I�y Borrower or Trustor as to the �a[idity �r reasvnab[eness ❑f the claim <br /> which �s the basis o�the credifivr❑r fvrfeiture pro�eeding and if Bvrrawer or Trustor gi�es Lender written nvtice af <br /> the creditor or farfeitur� prviceeding and depasits with Lender mvnies vr a surety bond for the �reditor or forfeiture <br /> pr�ceeding, in an amaunt determined by L�nder, in its svle discretion, as being an adequate res�r�e ❑r bond#or th� <br /> dispufie. <br /> greach o��ther Agreemen#. Any br�ach l�y Borrower❑r Trustor und�r the terms of any❑ther agreement hetween <br /> 6orrower vr Trusta�- and Lender that is n�]fi remedi�d wi�hin any grace periad pro�ided therein, including withou� <br /> iimita�ion any agreement concerning any► indebtedness ❑r vther ❑bligation ❑f Bv�-�-ower ❑r Trus�or �❑ Lender, <br /> whe�her existing naw or[ater. <br /> Events AfFecting Guarantor. Any of�he �areceding events ac�urs wsth respe�t�o any guarantor, endorser, surety, <br /> �r accammada�ian par�y ❑f any ot the lndebfiedness or any guarantor, endors�r, surety, or accommadativn party <br /> dies or becomes incompsten�t, or re�ok�s or disputes the �alidity ot, vr liabi[ity under, any Guaranty of the <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Ad►►erse Change. A material ad�e�se cr�an�e accurs in Borrower's ar Trustvr's tinancial conditivn, or Lender <br /> be��eves�he prospecfi of paymen�❑r perfQrmance of�he lndebt�dness �s impaired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lend�r in go�d�aith beli�ves itself insecure. <br /> Exis#ing indebtedness. The payment of ariy installment❑f principa! or any in�eres�on the Existing Indehtedness is <br /> nat made wi�hin the fime required by the ��romissory nvte e�Edencing such indehfiedness, ar a defaul�vccurs under <br /> the instrumenfi securing such indebt�dnes� and �s not cured during any applicab[e grace periad in such instrument, <br />