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2� 1 ����37 <br /> E�HIB IT A <br /> A part of Lat Seven �7� �f N�rw�ad Subdiv�sxor�, bexng a�axt�f the West Half of the Northwest <br /> �uarter �W�I�N�114} of Section Ten�1��, Townsh�p Ele:�en �11}North, Range Ni�e �9} West <br /> �f the ��h P.M., I�a�� ��unty,Nebraska,rnore particularl��escr��ed as f�i�ows: commenc�ng at a <br /> point T�vsr� �-Iundred Th�rty S even �23 7.�� Feet East of an iron pin�a�ated at a poxnt Thirty Three <br /> �33� �eet East of the Sauthwest corner of sa�d Lot 7, on the I�or��i side of P�nce Str�et, wh�ch <br /> Street is on the S�uth side of saxd L�t: thenc� a right ang�e a.n�i rurming Narth parai�e�w�th the <br /> �VU'est�ine of said��t'l, for a d�sta�a.ce of�ne I�undred FYfty �1 S�� Fe�t; thence turn�ng a right <br /> ang�e ar�d r�r�n.�ng East pa�a�lel , the S�uth Ixne of sa�d Lot 7 far a d�stance�f Seventy F�ve <br /> �75� Feet; thenc�turnxng a r�ght angie and�.�ng So�xth�ara��el w�th the�1'est I�ne of sa�d Lat <br /> 7, a d�stance of�ne Hundred�ift� �15�� Fe�t ta the South Ixne af sa�d L�t; thence turning a r�g�it <br /> a.zzg�e and�xng West on the Sauth line af saxd L�t f�r r��stance of Sevent�F�ve �75} Feet ta <br /> the place �f beg�nning. <br />