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<br /> 90�=r-�00265
<br /> r �
<br /> THI$DEED OF TRUST is mads thls 9th day of January
<br /> 1g y� ,art�on�the Truator. ^ia2ian v �a.�Ia:� �a3 rai� M. x�rz►, hugban3 �n� wj fp
<br /> (he�ein"6orrcwer"�,Firslie►Ba�k,Naition�l Associstion,
<br /> Omah4��.(��e�n"Trustee"),and 8eneficlary,Firsller Ba�k�iVational Associatian.Oma1+a,Nabr�ska.a
<br /> corporatian or�a�ized end exiatin� undsr the lawa of The U�ited Stata�of America, whoae addra�is 1700
<br /> Famam Street Om�hs,Nebra�ka,881Q2•2189(herein"lende�").
<br /> 80RROWER� in conside�a�on of the indebtedness herein �ecited and ths hust he�ein creatsd,i�revocably
<br /> gra�is and conve�rast�Trustee.in trust�with power ot�le,the following described p�operiy Ixated in the County
<br /> of — ,StaM of Nebraaka: .
<br /> Lo� Three (3) M & S Subdivision to the City of Grand Islar.3, Hall �ount}•, nlebraska.
<br /> �_
<br /> • �
<br /> �
<br /> : `�
<br /> ,
<br /> .�.
<br /> _ �:
<br /> . . j�—
<br /> . —
<br /> whiCh haS the addtsas Of 2105 Lamaz Grand IsZand
<br /> �..o tc+M
<br /> Nebraska 68803 (h9reiet"Propeity Address");
<br /> • �.«wzwcoe.�
<br /> � : TOGETHER with ali the Improvements now or he�eafter etected on the property.and atf eaasments,righis,
<br /> appurtenancss,renta(aubject however to the rights and authorities�1ven herein to Lender to cotlect and apply
<br /> such renb),royaitiea.mineral,oil and gas rights and profits,water,water�igh4s,and water stock,and all fixtures
<br /> now or hereaiter attaChed to the property,all of which.including replacements and additions thereto,shall be
<br /> dssmed to be and�emain a part of the praperty covered by this Deed ot Trua�and all oi the toregoi�g,together
<br /> wlth said properry(or the leasehold eatate if this Deed ot Trust is on a leashold)a�e herein refened to as the
<br /> .,p����,, -. _; _ -
<br /> . ' r
<br /> TgSECURE tA 11E�t�$ER(a)the�epayment of the indebtedness evidenced�Borrower's note da4ed '
<br /> anuary 9, (herein"Note"),in the principal sum of lve thousand and no/100-- I
<br /> -------(S5,000.00)--------- po��ara.with lntereat thereon,p�oviding tor monthly instaliments
<br /> ot pri�cipal and'+nterea�with Hw balance of the indebtednesa.if not sooner paid,due and payable on � �
<br /> - asi:.,a�1 3, 1G35 ;me paymem of ai)amer sums,vuith iniore�t inesreon,nwar�ceci
<br /> L in acCOrdance her�w�th to proteCt the seCUrity ot thia Deed of Trus�and the performance of the covenants and
<br /> . apreements of Borrower herein contained;and all renewals,extensions and moditications thereoi;and(b�the
<br /> : repayment of any tuture advances,with interest in thereon,madeto Borrowrer by Lender¢ursuant to paragraph 21 ^
<br /> = hersof(herein"�utu�e Advances").
<br /> - 80pH�WE�i Covenants that Borrawer is lawfuliy seiz��3 of the ostate hareby Cnnveyetl ar�cl i�as the right to r, ��
<br /> � grent end Convey the Property,that the Property is unencumbered, and that�or.�wer; �11 warc�t and de9end �, �
<br /> _=� generelly the ti11e to the Property against all claims and demends, subject to any deCt�retio�s.easeme�ts or
<br />�; rost►ictbns listed In a schedufe of exceptions to covsrege in any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest
<br />�:; in the f'�operty.
<br /> l�`r �
<br />-� '
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