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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> Z, Applicationaf Payments vr Proceeds,Except as otherw�se described in this Secti�n Z, all payments <br /> accepted�nd appli�d by Lender sh��l be appli�d in th�following order of priority; [a)interest due under the <br /> Note;�b�principal due under the Note;(c}amounts due under Sect�on�. Such paymeats shal�be applied to <br /> ea�h Perio�lic Payment in the arder in vvhich it became due.Any rema�ning amounts sha�l be applied first ta <br /> late charges, secand ta any other amounts due under this Security Instrument,and then to r�duce the <br /> princ�pal balan�e of the Note. <br /> If L�nder receives a payment from Borrower far a delinquent Periodic Payment tivhich includes a suf#"icient <br /> arr�ount to pay any late charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the late <br /> charge,If more than an�Per�o�iic Payrn�nt is outsta.ading,Lender may app�y any payment receiv�d�rom <br /> Barro�ver to the repayment of the Peri�dic Paymen�s if,and to the ext�nt that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu11. Ta the extent that any excess exists a�er the payment is applied ta the fu11 payment of on�or more <br /> Periodic Paymen�s, such excess may b�applied to any�a�e charges due.Voluntar�pr�pa�rments shall be <br /> applied fust to any prepayment charges and th�n as descr�bed in the N�te. <br /> Any apglic�t�on of payments, ins�.uance praceeds,vr Miscellaneous Proc�eds ta pr�acipal du�under the Note <br /> shall not ex�end or postpone the due date,or change the amount,nf the Peria�ic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Esc�ow It�ms.B�nower shal�pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are�iue under the <br /> l�ote,untxl the Nate is paid in fu1t,a sum��he"Funds"}to pro�ide for payment of amoun�s d�e for: (a}taxes <br /> and ass�ssments an�1 other items which can attain prior�ty o�er this Security Instrument as a lien or <br /> encumbrance on�he Property;�b)leasehold paymen.ts or ground rents on the Pr�p�rty, if any; (c�gr�miums <br /> for any aad a��insurance required by Lender under�ection 5;and(d}Mvrtgage Instuance premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payabl�by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment�f Mortgage Insu.ran.ce premiums in <br /> aceordance v�r�th the provisions of S�ct€on 1�. These items are call�d"Escrow Items."At origination ar at <br /> any time during the term of the Loan,Lender may require that Commun�t�Association Dues,Fees,and <br /> Assessments, if any,be escr�wed by Bonower, and such dues, fees and ass�ssmeats sha�1 be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borrower sha11 promptly furnish to Lender a11 notices of amounts to be paid under this Sectifln. <br /> F3orrawer sha11 pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items un�ess Lender�vaxves I3orrower's obligati�n to pay <br /> the Fund�for any ar a�i Escrow Iterns. Lender rnay wa�ve Borrower's obligat�on to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or a1�Escrow Items at any time.Any such waiver may on�y be in�riting, in the event of�uch tivaiver, <br /> Borrow�r sha1�pay duectly,when and�here payab�e,the amou�ts due for any Escrow Iterns for which <br /> payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender r�quires,shali�xish ta Lender receipts <br /> evidencing su�h�ayment within such time per�od as Lender may require. Borrower's ab��gation�o make <br /> such payrnents and to prflvide receipts shall for a11 purpos�s be d�emed to be a covenant and agreement <br /> cantained in this Security Ins�rument,as the phr�se "ca�enant and agreement"is used in Sectian 9,If <br /> Barrower is ob�igated to pay Escrow I�ems directty,pursuant to a waiver,and Borrower fai�s to pay the <br /> amount due for an Escrow Item,Lender rnay exercise its rights under Sectian 9 and pay such amaunt and <br /> Borrower sha11 then be obligated under�ection 9 to repay t�Lender any such amount.Lender rnay revol�e <br /> the�aiver as ta any or a�l EsGrow Items at any time by a notice gi�en in accordance with Section.l5 and, <br /> upan such revoca�ion,Borr��ver shall pay to Lender alI F�ndsg and in such amounts,�hat are then r� <br /> under this Sect�on 3. <br /> L�nder may,at any time,collect and hvld Funds in an amount(a}sufficient to permit Lend�r to apply the <br /> Funds at the time specified under RESPA,and(b}nat to exceed th�maximum amount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall es��mat�the amount af Funds due on th��basis of current data an�l reasonable <br /> estima�es of expend�tures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac�NIF�RM iNSTRLIMEMT WITH MERS Form 34281/41 <br /> VMP� VMP�A�NE}(134�].0� <br /> Wolters 1{fuvirer Fina�cial Services Rage 5 of 17 <br /> qo3�sa8�osi� 0�3� ��� a�i� <br />