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2� 1 ���� 11 <br /> Tr�nsfer�f the Pr�perty�r a�eneficia�Inte�est�n Borro�ver.�f a��or an�part af�he Pro�ert�r or a.ny in�ere�� <br /> �n �� �s so�d nr �ransferred (or if a benefi�ial interest in Bo��rower is so�d or �ransferred and Borrovtrer �s not a <br /> natu.ral person} �wi�hou� Lender's prxar vtrrit�en �onsen�, Lend�r ma�, a� i�s aption, require immediate ��a�ment in <br /> full af aIl sum��seGured by �his Securi�y Zns�rument. H�vve��er, �h�s ap�i�n sha�l not be exerczsed b�T Lender �f <br /> exercise�s prohibited by feder�.l�aW as of the da�e of this Sect�rity�ns�rumen�. <br /> rf Len�er exerc�ses th�s aptian, Lender shal� give Borrov�e�- no�ice af a�celerat�an. T"he notice �ha�� pr�vide a <br /> periad of not less �han the m►i.nxmum number o�da�s estab��,�hed by App�icable Lavv �r�m �h� date tr�e no�xce �s <br /> del�vered or mailed vv�th�n vahich Borro�xrer mus� pay al� sur�s �ecured by this Securi�r Instr�.ment. �f Barro�ver <br /> fax�s to pay �hese sums prior to the exp�rat�on af th�s periad, Lend�r m.a� inv�ke any remedi�s permil:ted by this <br /> S e curi�y�w�thout further nat�ce or demand an B orrt�v�er. <br /> Borrovt�er's Rx.ght to RefnstateR �f Borrower meets cer�azn. c�nd��ions, Borrower sha�� hav� the rig;h� �a have <br /> enforcemen�of thzs Secur��y �ns�rumen� disc�ntinued at an�r 1:ime pri�r �o the earlie�- of: �a} 5 �ays �or such other <br /> perifld as Applicable Law may specify far reinsta�emen�}befc�re sale of tihe Proper�y pu.rsuant t� any pourer af sale <br /> c�ntained in this Secu.�-ity �n�trurnent; ar (b} entry of a jt�dgrr�e��t enforcing �h�s Security rns�rument. Those <br /> cand�tions are �hat Borr�v�rer: �a} pays Ler�der all sums tivhich #�en�vou�d be due und�r this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt <br /> and�he�an�ra��as�f no accelerat�on had occurred;�b}cures��ny default af any other cavenan�s or agreements; �c} <br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enfarcing this 5ec�rity Instrume�zt, including,bu�no���mzt�d�o,reasonabl�a���rneys' <br /> fees �� the extent permi�ted by lavv; and �d}�a�es such action as Le�.der r.�ay reasonab�y requi�e�o ass�are�ha�the <br /> lien af this Security Ins�rument, Lender`s r�gh�s in�he Proper�y and Borrotiver's obliga�ion�fl pa.y�he sums secured <br /> b� this S ecurity Instrument shall c�ntinue unchanged. Up�n �e i.nst�.tement by B orr�wer, �hi s S ecurity Ins�rument <br /> a.nd the obliga�ions secured hereby shall r�main fu�ly effecti�Te as if n� a�ce�era��on had occurred. However, t.his <br /> right�o reinstate sha�l no�apply xn the cas�of accelera�ion under�h�section tit�ed Trax�Sfer of the Property or a <br /> Benef�c�ai Interest in Borrflyver. <br /> Ha�ardaus Substan�es.Borrovver sha11 not cause or perrni�the presence,use, dispasal, st�rage, or r�l�ase of any <br /> Ha�ardous 5ubstances on or in�he Prop�rty.B�rrower sha��n���d�,n�r a��ovv anyane e�se�o da,anyth�r�g affecting <br /> the Froper� tha� �s in v�ola�ion of any Envzronmen�al Lavv. The preceding twa sen�ences sha�� no� a�ply�� the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n th�Proper�y of sxnalX quant�txes o�'Ha�a�dQus Subs�ances that are g�nera�ly rec�gnized <br /> to be appropri�.�e�o narmal residen�ial uses and to mair�tenar�ce of the Property. <br /> Borra�ver shal�promp�ly gzve L�nder written not�ce of any xn��estxga�i�n,c�a�m, demand,laulsurt or othe�r act�on by <br /> any governmenta� or regulator� agency vr pr�vate party �nvolving �he Praper�y and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Envir�nmen�a� Law of which Borrov�er has actua� kn�vv:ledge. If BorroWer learr�s, or �s n�tifi�d by any <br /> g�vernmen�al ar regula�ory authori�y,that�.ny re�mo�a�tir o�h��r rerriediation of any Ha�ardous �ubstance affec�ing <br /> �he Pr�perty is nec�ssary, Borravver shal� promptly �ake ��11 necessary remedia� ac��ons �� accorc�ance v���h <br /> Envir�nmen�a.��.av�. <br /> As us�d in�his paragraph, '°�3azard�us Substances" are�hose subs�ances def ned as�oxic or hazardaus subs�ances <br /> by Env�ronmenta� Lavv and �he fol��v�ring substances: gasoline, k�rflsene, o�her flaxr�rnab�e or �ox�c pe�roleum <br /> produc�s, t�xi� pest�czdes and herbicic�es, v��at��e sa�vents, :rnat�ri�.ls c�n�air�zng asbestos �r forma�dehyde, and <br /> radiaa�tive ma�er�a�s. As use��n this paragraph, "Environmen:tal La�w" mean�federal laws and la�vs of�the state of <br /> Nebraska that relate�o heal�h,safety or envirorimen�aX protect�:on. <br /> A��e�eration; l�er�edies. Lender shall give n�t�ce �o B�rr°ow�r �rior �o acce�era���n foll�nwing E��rr�wer's <br /> breach of any�ovenant�r agre�ment�n th�s�ecurity Inst�rum�rn.t or the Contract under�vh�ch ac:ce��ra�ion <br /> is permit��d (bu� nat pr�o�-t� acce�erat�vn under th� se�ti�n ti�Ied Transfer of the Pr�pe�ty or a Benefi��ax <br /> In�erest in Bflrr�wer, unless App�i�a��e Lavv�rovides o�r�erwise}. ThQ nv���e sha�� spec�fy: �a} the defau�f; <br /> �b} the ac�i�n required �� �cure the defau��; �c} a dat�;, n�t �es5 �han �he min�mum number of days <br /> est�blish�d by Appixca��e La�v from th�date the notice xs gxv�n �o Borrvtiv�r,by wh��h t�e defau�t must be <br /> cur�d; and �d} that fai�ure t� cure the def�u�t an or befc�re �h� date spec��ed in the na�.ce ma;� r�sult in <br /> acc�Ieratxon �f �he surr�s s�cured by thzs ��curi� Instr�xm�nt and sa�e of the Property, Ta ��he exten� <br /> per�tted by�aw, �he nati�e sha�l furt��r inform Borrow��r �f the r�ght tv re�ns�a�e after accelei�at�on and <br /> the right to bring a court ac�ion ta assert the��n-existenc�y of a+defau��vr any flth�r defex�se�f B�rrower t� <br /> a�c�lerat�on �nd sale. If the defau���s rn�t�ured on or before t�e date specif�ed�n the nat�ice,Le�r�der at�ts <br /> �pt�fln may requ�re �mrnedi�te payment �i� fu�l. of a�l su�ms secured by th�5 Security In�trun�ent v�vithout <br /> further demand and may invoke the power �f sa�e and a�ny ot�er rem.edies perm�t�ed by App�iCab�� Lavv. <br /> To the extent perm�itted by Iaw, Lender sh.a�i be entitled tv co�Iect al� expen5es incurre� �in pu.rsuing the <br /> rerr�edf es provid�d fn thi� Se�ti�n,�.nc�uding,�ut not linut�ed ta, r�asanable attorneys' fees and ��sts�f ti�Ie <br /> evid�nce. <br /> If the pnwer nf sa�e�s�nvoke�, Trus$ee�hall�ecord a n�ti,c� of+defaul��n each coun�y in which any�par�of <br /> �he Prflperty�s l�cafi�d �nd shall maf�.c�pi�s�f such no�ie��in the manner prescr�be�by App��e I�aw�� <br /> Borra�ver and �v the ��her persons pr�scr�bed �y App��c��b�� L�w. After the time requi�-ed by Appl�cable <br /> Lavv, Trus�eQ shal� gi�ve public notice �f sal� to �he pers�ns and in the manner �r�s�ri.�aed by �ppi�.eable <br /> Lav�. TruStee,,without demamd vn Bvrrovver, sha�l sell the Pr�p�rty at pub��c auc�ion to the highest b�dder <br /> at�he t�me and place and under�he ter�ns de��gna�ed�n the no�i�c�of s�l��n one or more parceZ��nd�n any <br /> ord�r Trus�e� d�termz.nes. Trustee may pa�tpone sa�e t�f all �r an� parce� of th� Property by pub��c <br /> anno�ncement at�he and p�ace of�ny p�eviflusl.y�ch�du�ed sale.Lender or its des�.gnee m�y pur�hase <br /> the Prflperty at any�ale. <br /> Up�n receipt of payment of the pri�e b�d, '�'rus�ee sha�l ds�I.�v�r to the purchaser '�'rustee's dee� conveying <br /> �he Property. The reczta�s in the Trus�e�'s de�d shall be p�r�m�.fa�ie���idenc� of�he truth of the 5tat�ments <br /> �2044-2015 Compliance Systems,Inc.CBEB-B83G-2a 15.t 2.2.l 112 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrumer�t DL2�35 Page 4 of 5 www.complianc� <br />