2� 1 ���� 11
<br /> Pa��nent of Princxpal and In�er�st; ��her Ch�.rges.Borrovver s�a11 promptly pay Wh�n due the pr��c�pal of and
<br /> in�eres�ori the debt owed�und�r the�on�ract a�.d la�e charges c3r any o�her fee�and charges due under the C�ntract.
<br /> .A.ppli�abl.e �.,�aw. As used in �h�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�, the term '°Applicable Lativ" shall mean al� contr�lling
<br /> appl�cable federal, s�a�e and �flcal statutes, regulations, ordin4�nces and admxnzs�ra�xve rules and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he�ffect of�a�v) as vvell a�a�l applicable f nal,r�an-appealab�e judic�a�apinzans.
<br /> Charges; L�te�s. Borra�ver shall pay al� �axes, assessmer��s, ch�.rges, f nes and �mpositions attributa.b�e to the
<br /> Proper�r�uh�ch may attain priority flver�his Secur�ty Yns�rument, and leas�hold payments or g-oun.d re�.ts, if any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,�orrower sha�l prorr�p�ly furnish��I,ender rece�pts eviden�zng�he pa��m�nts.
<br /> B�rrovver shal�promp�ly dis�harge ari� l�en which has pri�rity o�er this S�ecur�ty Ins�rurnen�unless Barr��wer: �a}
<br /> agre�s �n wri�ing �� the payment �f the abligatz�n secured by th� lien �n a manner acce�tab�e �o Ilender; �b}
<br /> c�n�ests in good fai�h �he �zen by, or defends agains� �nforc�.ment of�he �ie�a in, �ega� pracee��.ings �rh�ch in the
<br /> Lend�r's opinion opera�e �a pre�ent the enfarc�ment af�he l�en; or (c} aecures �`rom �he holder of 1:he Ixen an
<br /> agreement sat�sfactory to Lender subord�nating�he �ien ta th��� Secur��y Ins�rurnen�. If Lender de�erm�nes tha� any
<br /> par� of the Property is subj ec�t� a lien vsrhi��may a�tain priori�r o�ver thi� S�cur��y�nstrumen�, L�nder may g�ve
<br /> Borro�ver a n�tice �den�ifying the �ien. Borro�uer shal� sa��sfy�he �x�n or�ake one or m�re nf�e act�ons s��for�h
<br /> ab�ve�vi�hin ��da�s af the giving of notrc�.
<br /> Ha�ard ar Property I�suran�e. Borrovver shal�keep the improvements no�v e�isting �r hereafter e�erted an the
<br /> Property�nsured aga�ns�loss by fir�,hazards included�vithin��he ter�m"ex��nded coverage" and any��her ha�ards,
<br /> includ�ng fl�ods �r fl�od�ng, for �vhich Lender requ�res inauranc�. Thi� insurance shall be main�ained in �he
<br /> amounts and far�he peri�ds that Lender requ�re�. Th��.n.suran;ce carr�er pr�v�dxng th��nsurance sha�X be chosen by
<br /> Borr�vver subj ect to Lender's approval which shall no� be u��reasonably �avithheld. �f Borrower fai�s to main�ain
<br /> coverage descr�bed abave, Lend�r may, at �ender's apti�n�, flbta� cav�rage to pr�tect Lender's ri�h�s in the
<br /> Froperfiy in accordanc��ur�th section t�t�ed�ro�ect�on of Lend�r°�Righ�s in�he Proper�y.
<br /> AI� insurance po��c�es and �enewals shal� be ac��p�a�l� �o L��nder and shal� �nclude a standar�mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha��have the righ�to ha�d the palicies and renewals. If Len.der rec�uires, Borra�ver sha1l pramp�ly give to
<br /> Lender al�receip�s af paid premiums and renev�r��no�ices. �n the ev�nt af�oss, Borrav�er sha�i g�ve pr�►mp�notice
<br /> to�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may n�aake praof of�oss�f riot made promp��y by Borrower.
<br /> IJnl�ss Lender and Borr�v�rer �therw�se agree in writing, in�uranc� proc�eds sha�� b� app��ed to res��aration or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scre�ion, �he restflration or r�pa�r �s economica�ly feasib�e
<br /> and Lender'� security �s no� lessened. If, in L�nder's sa�e disc,retion, �he r�s�ara�ifln or repatr is nat ecr�nomxca�ly
<br /> feas�ble or Lender's security�vou�d be�essened,the insurance�proceeds sha��be app��ed ta�he sums se�U.red b��his
<br /> Security Instrumen�, urhether �r not �hen due, u��th any �xcess paid �o Borrovver. If B�rraWer aband�ns the
<br /> Proper�, ar does no�ansvcrer with�n the number af days prescr�ibed by App�icable�aw as set�'4z��.��.a no��ce fr�m
<br /> Lender to Barrov�er that�he in�urance carr�er h�s affered to s�e���e a C�a�m., then Lender may c�Ilect�h�, insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may us� �he proceeds t� repai� or res�ore t��e Property or to pay sums sect�ed by this Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�-ument,tivhether ar not�hen d�e. The peri�d�f time f�r Bc}rrotiver to anavver as se�forth in�he notice���1 begin
<br /> �hen�he notice zs gzven.
<br /> Un��ss Lender and Borrovver otherwise agree i.�a.wr�ti.ng, any;�.pplica�i�n flf proceeds�o principal shall not ex�end
<br /> �r postpone th� due da�e of the paymen�s due under the Con��ac�ar change the am�unt af the payments. �f under
<br /> the sectzan titled Ae�elerat�on; Remed�es, th��rflperty �s ac�quired by Le�.der, Borrovver's right to any insurance
<br /> pa�i�ies and p�oceeds r�sulting from damage to �.ie PropeY-fiy pr��r �� �he ac�uisition shall pass to Le��der �o the
<br /> exten�of�he sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrum.ent immediE��e�y pr�flr�o�he acquisitian.
<br /> Preservativn, Ma�n�enance and Protec�ior� �f the Propertyy �Qrr4v�er's Laan Appl�ca�ion; Lea��hoxds.
<br /> Bor�ovver shall nat destroy, damage or impair�he Property, a11ow the Proper�y to deteriarate, or cvmm;it Was�e on
<br /> �he Proper�. Borrower sha�I be in d�fau��if any f�rfei�.ure action or proceeding,�hether civi�or�rimin�.�,is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good fa�th�udgment cou�d resu�� in forfeitur�, of�he Proper�r or ath��-�wise materially impair the
<br /> �ien created by �his Secu.rity Ins�rument or Le�der's secu.rity in�erest. BorrQwer may cure �uch a default and
<br /> reins�ate, as prav�ded �n sec��on�i��ed�or�o�er's Righ� �o�eins�a�e,by causing�he action c�r proceeding�ti be
<br /> d�sm�ssed with a ruXing tha�,in Lender's gaod;faxth de�ermina�i.on,preclude�forfeiture o�the Borrower's in��rest in
<br /> the Prop�rty or o�her material ixnpairmen� a�'tX�� lien �reate:d by �his S�curi�y �ns�ru�nen� or Lender's security
<br /> interes�.Borro�ver sha��a�so be in default if Borr�vver,�uring��he�oam appl�cat�on process,gave mater�al�y false or
<br /> xnac�urate infarmati�n or s�a�ements to L�nder ��r fa��ed to pr�vi�de Lender �rith any material infor:mation� �n
<br /> connec��on urith the Ioam evidenc�d by the Con�ract. If this 5��curity Ins�rumen�is on a�easeh��d, Barravirer shal�
<br /> c�mp�y vvith aI�th�provisions of�he�ease. If��rrower acquires fee�i�1e�o the Property,�h��e�seho�d Gind the fee
<br /> �i�le sha��na�merge unless Lend�r agrees�a�he merger in�riting,
<br /> Pro�ectian af Le�.der�s �tights in the Pr�per�y. �f Borro�rer fa��s to perfarm the covenan�s and agre�ments
<br /> contained zn�his Security�ns�rumen�, or th�re zs a l�ga1 proce+�ding�:hat may significant�y affec�Lender's r�gh�s in
<br /> the �'r�perty (such as a pra�eeding �n bankrupt��, proba�e, ft�r condemn�tian ar forfei�ure �r to enftir�e �aWs or
<br /> regu�ations}, �hen Lender �nay do and pay for �whatever is r�ecessary �o pro�ect the value flf�h.e Praper�.y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Praper�y. Lender's ac�i�r�s may�nclude payzng any su�ns secured b�a I�en�vhich has pr�ori�y
<br /> over�his 5ecurity�ns�rument, appearing in couxt,paying reasonabl� at��rneys'fees and en�ering an�he Property�v
<br /> make repairs.A��hough Lender may�ake action under�his sec�:ion,L�nder does no�hav��o do s�.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this sect�on shal� b��can�e add�t�onai debt �f B�rrovcFer secured by this
<br /> 5ecur��y Ins�rum.en�. Unless Barr�Uver and L�n�ier agree to a�her terms af payment, �hese amflunts shall bear
<br /> �20D4-2415 Campliance Systems,Inc.CBE&-B83C-2a15,I2,2.1 i 12
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