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2� 1 ���� 1 � <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ���nt�nued} Pag� 8 <br /> 5e�erability, I�a cour� finds that any p�o�ision �f this Deed of Trust is no��a�id ar sh�uld not be enforced, that <br /> fact by ifsef�will not mean that the rest of this D�ed of Trust wil� not be�afid or enforc�d. Th�refo�e, a court will <br /> enfarce�he rest of the p�a�isions of�hi� Deed a�Trust even if a prv�ision ot this ❑eed o�Trust may be found to be <br /> in�alid ar unen�orceabl�. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. Subject to any �imi�a�tions stated in �his De�d nf Trust on transfer of Trus�or's �nteres�, <br /> this Deed of Trus� shall be binding upon and inure fo the benefi� of the parties, their successors and assigns. �� <br /> ovunership af the Proper�y becomes �ested in a person ather�han Trustor, Lender, wi�hvut notice tv Trustor, may <br /> dea�wifh Trustor's successors with reference�a this Deed of Trust and the Indebt�dness by way v��orbearance or <br /> extension wi�hout releasing Trustor from the obligations of this Deed of Trus�ar liability under the �ndeb�edness. <br /> Time is af the Essence. Tim� is of�he essence in the performance af this Deed of Trust. <br /> 1�Vairrer of Homest�ad Exemption. Trus�or hereby releases and vuai�es a!1 rights and bene�its �f the homestead <br /> exemp�ian laws of the State vf Nebraska as to a!I Indebtedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> aEFIN[T�ONS. The fa[fow���words shall have the fallowing meanings when used �n this aeed of Trust: <br /> Benefieiary. The word"Beneficiary"means BANK�F THE tilVEST, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means C�DNALD J �1NGSLEY and incfudes al[ ca�signers and co-makers signing <br /> the Credit Agre�men#and afl their success�rs and assigns. <br /> Cr�di� Agreemenfi. The w��ds "Cr�dit Agreement" mean the cr�di� agreement dated 5eptember �, 2�'��, W�th <br /> cr�di� l�mit �f$62,���.�D�rom Trustor t� Lender,together wi�h all renewals af, ex�ensions of, madifca�ions <br /> o�, re�inancings of, canso�ida#ions of, and subsfi�utions�ar�he promissory note or agreement. The maturi�y date of <br /> �his ❑eed af Trust is September 8, 2�46. N�TlCE Tt3 TRUST�R: THE CREDIT A�REEMENT GDNTAINS A <br /> VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed of Trus�. The words "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trus�or, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> incfudes without limi#a�ion a!I ass�gnment and secur�ty in�erest provisions relating to the Personal Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> En�ironmenta! Laws. The words "En�ironmenta� Laws" mean any and a�l stat�, f�dera� and lacal statutes, <br /> regulations and ordinanc�s relating tv the protection of human heal�h or the en�ironment, including without <br /> limi#ation �h� �omprehensive En�iranmental Response, �ompensation, and Liab�li�y Act of 'f 98�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ection 95�'�, e� seq. �"CER�LA"}, the SuperFund Amendments and Reauth�r�za�ion Acf of '�986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-�499�"SARA"}, �he Hazardous Materials Transportation Acf, 49 U.S.C. Section 'I 8�1, et seq., #he Resource <br /> Canservatian and Reco�ery Act, �2 IJ.S.C. Section �9�'�, et seq., or o�her applicable state or federai laws, rules, <br /> ar r�gulations adopted pursuant�hereto. <br /> E�en�of De�ault, The words"Event o�❑efault" mean any af the e�en�s��defaul�set�orth in this Deed of T�-us#in <br /> the e�ents of de�ault section ��this Deed of Trust. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" m�an mater�als that, because �� their quantity, <br /> concent�-ation or physica�, chemical or infectious characteris�ics, may cause or pase a present or potential hazard <br /> to human heafth or the en�ironment when improper�y used, �reated, sto�ed, d�sposed of, generated, manufac�ured, <br /> transported a�oth�n�vise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their very broadest sense and <br /> include wi�hout lim�tation any and a1f hazard�us or toxic substances, mate�ia[s o� vuaste as def�ned by or listed <br /> und�r�he Environmenta� Laws. The term "Hazard�us 5ubstances" afso includes,withou# lim�tatian, petroleum and <br /> petra[eum by-products ar any frac�ian thereaf and asbes�os. <br /> Imprvvements. The word "�mpro�ements" means a11 �xisting and future �mpro�ements, build�ngs, struc�ures, <br /> mobile homes a�fixed �n the Real Pr�ope�ty, fa�ili�ies, additions, replacemen�s and other cons�ru�tion on the Rea! <br /> Proper�y. <br /> lndeb�edness. The vuord "indebtedness" means a�l principal, interest, and other amoun�s, costs and expenses <br /> payabEe unde� the Credi� Agreement ar Rela�ed Documents, togethe� with alf renewals of, ex�ensions of, <br /> modifications of, consolida#ions of and subsfitutions �or the �redit Agreement or Related Documents and any <br /> am�unts expended a� ad�anced by Lender�o discharge Trustor's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee or <br /> Lender to enforce Trus�or's obliga�ions unde� this Deed of Trust, together wit� �nterest on such amoun�s as <br /> p�o�ided in this Deed vf Trust. <br /> L�nder. The word "L�nder" means BANK DF THE 1NE5T, its suc��ssors and assigns. The w�rds "suceessors or <br /> assigns"mean any person o�company that acquires any interes�in the Credit Agreement. <br /> Personai Property. The words "Personal Praperty" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other artic�es ��' personal <br /> p�aperty now or hereafter own�d by Trustor, and now ar� hereafter attached o� affixed to the Real Prope�ty; <br /> to�ether with al� accessians, parts, and additions to, al1 repla��ments of, and a!I substitutions �or, any o�' such <br /> proper�y; and togeth�r with alf proceeds �incfuding without l�mitation afl insurance praceeds and r��unds af <br /> premiums}from any sale or othe�dispositian of the Property. <br /> Property. The word"Praperty" means ca�lecti�ely the Real P�ope�ty and#he Persona!Proper�y. <br /> Rea1 Prvperty. The words "Real Proper�y" mean the real property, i�terests and righ�s, as fur�her described in this <br />