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2� 1 ��5931 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> 4�ontinued� Page 7 <br /> Choice of Venue. If �here is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon L�nder's reques� to submit to th� jurisdict�on of the <br /> cour�s o�Hall Caunty, 5tate of Nebraska. <br /> Nv Vllairrer by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to ha�e waived any r�ghts unde��his Deed of Trust un�ess su�h <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay ❑r�mission on the part v�Lender in exercising any �ight <br /> shall ope�ate as a wai�er o#suGh right vr any other righ�. A wai�er by Lender❑f a pro�ision af this Deed of Trust <br /> shall nat pre�udice or constitute a wai�er of Lender`s r�ght o�herwise t❑ demand strict campliance wi�h that <br /> pra�is�on or any other pro�ision of this Deed of Trust. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course of deaf€ng <br /> between Lender and Trustor, sha�l cons�i�ut� a wai�er o� any of Lender's rights or of any af Trusta�'s obligatians <br /> as to any future transactions. Whene�er the cvnsent a� Lender is �equired under this Deed af Trust, the granting <br /> of such consent by Lender in any instance shall no� canstitu�e continuing consent t❑ subsequent instances where <br /> such consen�is requir�d and in a�l cases such �onsent may be granted or withheld in the sale discretian of Lendere <br /> Se��rability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any pro��sivn of th�s ❑eed of Trust �o be illegal, in�a�id, or <br /> unenforceahle as to any circumstan�e, �ha� finding shall not make the offending pro�ision i�legal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceabie as to any other circumstance. �f feasihle, the o��ending pravision sha[� be considered modifi�ed so <br /> that i� hec�mes lega�, �alid and enforceable. lf t�e ofifending pro�ision cannot be so mvd�fi�d, it shall be <br /> cansidered dele��d �rom this Deed �f Trus�. Unless ❑�h�rwis� required by law, the illegal�ty, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceability of any pro�ision of this Deed of Trust shall nat affec�the legali�y, �alidity or en�orceability of any <br /> other pro�ision of th�s Deed o�Trust. <br /> Successors and Assigns. 5uhject to any limita�ions stated in this ❑eed o� Trust on trans#er of Trus�or's interes�, <br /> �his De�d ❑f Trust shall be binding upan and inure to the bene#it af the parties, �heir success�rs and assigns. If <br /> vwnersh�p of the Proper�y b�cames �ested in a persan o�her�han Trustor, Lender, w�thout noti�e ta Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trus�or's su�cessors wi�h re�eren�e ta this Deed��Trus�and the I ndebtedness by way ❑f for�earance or <br /> extens�on wi�hout releasing Trus�or�rom the obligatians�f this Deed of Trust or lia�i��ty under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is af�he Essence. Time is o�the essence in the perfio�man�e�f this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Wairre Jury, Afl parties to#his ❑eed ❑f Trust hereby wai�e the r�ght ta any jury�r�al in any activn, pr�ceeding, ar <br /> �aunterciaim�rought by any party against any vther party. <br /> Vlrai�er o�F Homestead Exemption. Trustor he�eby �eleases and wai�es all rights and bene�its of the hamest�ad <br /> exemption laws of the State of Nebraska as to ail lndebtedness secured �y�his Deed of Trust. <br /> ❑EFINITlQNS. The �ollowing capitalized words and terms shaif ha�e the �ollowing meanings when used in this De�d of <br /> Trust. Unless spe�ifically stated t❑ �he cvntra�y, all references to dv(�ar amounts shall mean amaunts in lawful mvney <br /> of the U nit�d States of America. Words and terms used in �h� s�ngular shal� inGlude the plural, and the plural shall <br /> include the s�ngular, as the Gontext may require. Wards and terms not atherwise def€ned in this Deed of Trus� shal! <br /> ha�e the meanings att�ibu�ed ta su�h terms in�he Un�fiorm Commercial Code: <br /> Bene�iciary. The word "Beneficiary" means Exchange Bank, and its suG�essors and assigns. <br /> Barrower. The word "Bvrrower" means NaRTHWEST CR�SS�NGS LIMITED LIA61LiTY C(�MPANY and includes all <br /> co-signers and co-makers signing the Note and all �heir su�cessors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed af Trust" mean �his ❑�ed �f Trust among Trusta�, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes wi�hout limita�ion all assignment and security interest pra�isions rela�ing �o the Personal Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> De�aulx. The word "Defau�t" means the Default set farth in this Deed of Trust in the section titled "De�ault". <br /> En�irvnmental Laws, The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and a!I state, federal and I�cal statutes, <br /> regulations and ordinances relat�ng to �h� protec�ion of human heal�h or the en�ironment, inciuding without <br /> �imitation �he �omprehensi�e En�ironmenta! Response, Comp�nsation, and Liahii�ty A�t o� 198Q, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.�. 5ectian 9641, et seq. 4"�ERC�A"�, the Super�und Amendmen�s and Reauthorizatian Act af 198C, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"3, the Ha�ardous IVlaterials Transpor�a�ion Ac�, 49 �J.S.C. 5ection 18n1, et seq., the R�sour�e <br /> Conser�atian and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.C. Sectivn �9Q'�, et seq., vr other applicabl� sta�e or federal laws, rul�s, <br /> o� regulations adopted pursuant�her�to. <br /> Even�a�Default. The words "E�ent�� Default" m�an any of the e�ents o�defaul�set�orth in this ❑eed Q�Trus�in <br /> the events af d��ault section of this De�d o�Trust. <br /> ...o...... <br /> Guarantvr. The word "Guarantor" means any guarantor, su�et�;'ar�_�ac,cr��mrnoclaLfio:n Y�.par:t�o�`��any ar all of the <br /> indebtedness. _; , � <br /> ..i' x�'... . ...=t"� ;�,�'r:'•i*r,7::•,;•'�� .:'�„ � <br /> x� ` <br /> �uaran#y. Th� word "Guaran�y" means �he guaran�y from Gu�rar�tor:=�o����:�����;4: including_��withou� l�mitation a <br /> guaranty of all or part of the Note. �.... .. .._ . .,.. -,..... ., .:.. .. . <br /> Hazardvus Subs�an�es. The words "Ha�ardous Substances" mean mat�rials that, because of their quantity, <br /> concen�ratian or physical, ch�m�cal ❑r infectious chara�teristics, may cause o� pase a pr�sent or potential hazard <br /> t❑ human health or the en�iranment vuhen improperly used, �reated, stored, dispos�d af, genera�ed, manufactured, <br /> transpor�ed �r o�herw�se handled. The wards "Hazardous Substances" are used in their �ery broadest sense and <br /> inc#ude withaut limrtat�on any and all hazardous or tox�c substances, materiais or waste as defined �y or listed <br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" alsv �ncludes, wi�hout limita#i�n, petroleum and <br /> pet�oleum by-praducts or any�ractivn�hereo�and asbestas. <br /> Imprv�ements. The word "Imprv�ements" means a!I exis�ing and fu�ure impra�em�nts, �uildings, s�ru�tur�s, <br /> mobile hvmes affixed ❑n �he Real Pr�perty, facilities, addi�ions, replacem�nts and othe� construction vn the Real <br /> P�oper�y. <br /> Indeh�edness. Th� word "Indeb�edness" means a!� principal, interest, and ❑ther amoun�s, costs and �xpenses <br /> payable under the Note or Related Documen�s, tagether with all renewals af, extensians o�, modificat�ans of, <br /> consolidations ❑f and substitutions for the No�e or Re�ated ❑Qcumsn�s and any amounts expend�d or ad�anc�d by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustar's o�ligatians or �xpenses incurr�d by Trustee ❑r L�nd�r to �nforce Trustor's <br /> obliga�i�ns under th�s Deed of Trust, together with interes� on such amQunts as pra�ided in this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> 5p�cifiicaliy, wi�hout limitatian, Indebt�dness in�ludes the future ad�ances se� forth �n �he Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�isian, �vgether wi�h a!� interest thereon and all amaunts that may be indirectly secured by the <br /> Cross-Collateralization pro�ision ❑f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means ExGhange Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Nate. The word "Note" means the pramissary no�e dat�d September 9, 2�16, ICi the vr[gina! principal <br /> amount af $'I 5"1,5a�.�❑ from Trus�or to Lender, together with a�l renewals af, extens�ons ❑f, modifica�ions <br /> of, refinancings of, consolida�ions of, and substitutivns for the promissory note or agreement. <br /> Persanal Prvperty. The wvrds "Pe�sonal Property" mean all equipm�nt, fixtur�s, and othe� articles af pers�na� <br /> property now vr herea�ter owned by Trustar, and now or hereaft�� attach�d o� affixed to the Real Property; <br /> togeth�r with all accessions, parts, and additions �o, all replacements of, and a�� substitutions for, any af such <br /> property; and togeth�� wi�h all proceeds �including without limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds a� <br /> prem�ums� from any sa(e ar other d�sposi�ion o�the Property. <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � <br />