, , � ,
<br /> 2� 1 ��59�8
<br /> the real proper�y described is located in HALL C�UNT�Y,NEBR.ASKA and being set forth as fallvws:
<br /> In c�ns�d�ration Qf the mu�ual prarnises and agreernent� exchanged, the pa�ties h�retQ agree as fnilaws
<br /> �notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Nate or Security Instrument):
<br /> 1. As of, aC�'��ER 1, 2016 t�ae amount payabie und�r the �Tote and �ne Seeur��y Inst�urnent (the "Unpa�d
<br /> Principal Balance"} is Z,J.S. �51,935.97, consisting af the amvunt�s} loaned to Barrow�r by �,ender, plus
<br /> �apitalized interest in the amount of U.S. $574.U8 and vther amounts capitalized, which is limited ta
<br /> �scrows and any legal fees and related f�reclosure costs that may have be�n accrued f�r w�rk campie�ed.
<br /> �. B�rrovv�r prom�ses to pa� the Unpa�d Principa� Balance,p�u5 interes�, to the order af Lender.Interest will
<br /> be charged on the LTnpaid Principal Balance at the y�a�rly rat�of�.875U°/o, from�CTQBER 1,ZU16.T'he
<br /> Borrower promises to make manthly payments of principa� and interest of U.S. �2�4.Z3, plus property
<br /> �axes,hazard insurance,and any other permissib�e es�r�w items of U.S$243,1�,beg�nn�ng�n the 1�T day
<br /> of N�VEMBER, Z015, and continuing �hereafter on the sam� day af �ach succeeding month until
<br /> principal and interest are paid in fu�l. If on C]�TUBER 1,2446 ��he "Maturity Date"), the B�rr��ver�ti 11
<br /> awes amounts under the Note and the 5ecurity Instrument, as amended by this Agreemen�, Borrovver wi��
<br /> pay thes�amounts in full on the Maturity I3at�,
<br /> 3. If a�I or any part of th�Property or any interest in ix is sold or transferr�d�or if a beneficial interest in the
<br /> Borrower is�old or transferred and the Borrower is not a natural pers�n}withaut th�Lender's prior written �
<br /> c�nsen�,the Lender may�equire irnmediate paym�nt�n fu1��f a��sums secured b�th�s Securit��n�trument.
<br /> If the Lender exercises this optifln, the Lender shall gi�e the B�rrower n�t�ce of accelerat�on. Th� natice
<br /> shall provide a periad of not less than 3D day5 from the date the notiice is deli�ered or mailed wxthin which
<br /> the Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.If the Borrower fails to pay these sums
<br /> priar t� the expiratian of this period? the ��nder may in�oke any remedies permitted by this S�curity
<br /> Instrument withou�further noti ce or demand an the B orrower,
<br /> 4. The Borrvw�r alsfl wi11 cam.ply with a�2 ��her eov�nants, �.gre�rr�ents, and requir�ments of th� Security
<br /> Instrument, including withaut limitatiqn,the Barrower's covenants and agreements t�make all payments of
<br /> taxes, insuran�e premiums,asses�ments,escrow items,impounds,and all�th�r payrnents th�t the B�rr4wer
<br /> is oh�igated to make under the 5ecurity Instrument;howe�er,the f�Iiowing terms and pravisxans are f�r�ver
<br /> cancelled,null and void,as of the date specified in Paragraph Na. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a� all terrns and provisions of the Note and Security Instrument�if any}pra�iding for, implernenting,or
<br /> relating t�,any change or adjustment in the rate of interes��ayable under the l�ote;and
<br /> �b} a.11 terms and pro�isi�ns af an� adjustabl� rate rider,or other instrument or d�cum�nt that is affixed
<br /> t�, whfl��y or partia��y �ncorgorated 2nto, or is part of, the ]�Iot� �r Securit� Instrument and that
<br /> �antains any such terms and pra�isions as th�se referred to in�a)abo�e.
<br /> 5. If the Borr�wer has,sinee incep�ion of Ehis Ioan but prior tu this Agreem�nt,rec�ived a discharge in a
<br /> Chapter 7 hankruptcy, and there ha�ing been no valid reaffirmatiox� af the underiy�ng debt, by
<br /> entering into this Agreement,th� Lender is not atternpting to re-e�ta�lish any personal liability far
<br /> the underlying debt.
<br /> H�]D Modification Ageement Q5U92�16 45 40U41�219�
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