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STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />MECHANIC'S LIEN <br />201605865 <br />BE IT KNOWN, that the undersigned lien claimant, Jeremy Jakubowski located at 3112 Brentwood Circle, <br />in Grand Island located in the County of Hall in the State of Nebraska with the zip code of 68801, hereby <br />files a claim for a Mechanic's Lien against Dolf R And Carol J Ichtertz located at 1803 W. Charles, in <br />Grand Island located in the County of Hall in the State of Nebraska in the zip code 68801, and hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Owner," and any other persons, lenders, creditors or entities that have or may have a <br />claim or interest in the below described real estate, and in support thereof states as follows: <br />BE IT KNOWN, that on 05/23/2016, the aforementioned Owner, did own the following described real <br />estate property located in the County of Hall, in the State of Nebraska to wit: <br />The property being located at 1803 W. Charles, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, and together <br />with any improvements and other buildings, if any, is hereinafter referred to as the "Premises," with said <br />real estate having the permanent index identification number of 400109409 and the legal property <br />description as follows: <br />AtractoflandcomprisingallofLotOne (1 )andPartofLotTwo(2 )B,lockThirtyt -wo <br />32)C,harlesWasmer's AdditiontotheCityofGrandlsland ,Hall County,Nebraska,more <br />particularlydescribedasfollows: BeginningattheSoutheastcornerofsaidLotOne (1 )th;ence <br />runningSouthwesterlyalongtheSoutherlylineofsaidLotsOne (1 )andTwo(2 )a,distanceof <br />Sixty Six and Two Tenths (66.20)feet; thence running Northwesterly parallel with the Easterly <br />lineofsaidLotOne(1 )a,distanceofOneHundredthirtyTwo (132.0 )feet,toapointonthe <br />NortherlylineofsaidLotTwo(2 ) th; encerunningNortheasterlyalongtheNortherlylineofsaid LotsOne(1 <br />)andTwo(2 ) a, distanceofSixtySixandTwoTenths6( 6.20)feet,totheNortheast corner of said Lot One(1 <br />)th;ence running Southeasterly along the Easterly line of said Lot One <br />1 )a,distanceofOneHundredthirtyTwo (132.0 )feet,tothepointofbeginning. <br />I.i- Q:'400tagHo9 <br />Ma <br />On 05/23/2016, the Lien Claimant entered into an oral contract with the aforementioned Owner to various <br />projects involved in a whole home remodel on said Premises for the original total sum of $0.00, which <br />became due and payable upon completion of the build and/or project services. <br />The Lien Claimant satisfactorily completed and fulfilled its obligation to various projects involved in a <br />whole home remodel on the aforementioned Premises on 06/21/2016, and the Owner having inspected and <br />approved of the work completed. To date the Lien Claimant has received a down payment toward the <br />project build in the amount of $0.00, thus leaving a balance due of $40,446.39. <br />Lien Claimant, in good faith, provided the agreed upon labor and materials needed to various projects <br />involved in a whole home remodel at the request of the Owner of the Premises. A final invoice was <br />
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