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<br /> ' TRUST DEED 90� 1 Q 0 2 4 2 � ��j (��'�U
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<br /> I THIS DEED OF TRUST,made end entered into this�.day of �d�� ,19�.�
<br /> by end betwee�n PAI�ELA St� HF.FiRING .'I�usWr,and PAUL J. LAPU27�1 ,°1�vstQe,
<br /> � end , ANRE INC. AN AUTI�JRI2ID SEARS �OM`RAC7'bR SAneficiary�
<br /> wi�osedddreasia 4949 W. ROYAL IAI� IRVING, TX 75063 ,
<br /> W ITIVESSETH:That the 4I ustor dn by these pre�ents grant.bargain and seU.c�vey s.*ui c.onfirm with Power of Sale
<br /> unto the Z�u.9tee the following descr�'bed Rsel Eatate inctudi.ng all buildinga,imgrovementa,and�ture�of every kind now
<br /> or he�fter erected or placed on the real estate.aituated in �L County,in the Stete of Nabraska:
<br /> �y�O��' 1508 NOR'IH BRDADWF3,L C�2A�t� ISL�,1� I� 68803
<br /> Filed for Record 10/12/82 at N.A. .M.
<br /> in Book N.A. of N.A.
<br /> p� N.A.
<br /> and possesaion of said premises now delivered unta said �ustee;
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. with all rights,privileges, and appurtenanoes thereto belonging unto the
<br /> �ustee.hie execuLors,adminiatrators.heirs,and assigns forever.And the 1�vstor hereby expressly waives,releases.and
<br /> relinquisl�unto the 7�uatee all right, title.claim, interest.benefit.and estate whatever,in and to the abovedescribed
<br /> premises and each and evRry part the.reof,which is given by or results from all lawa of the State of Nebraska pertaining to
<br /> the exeraption of homeste,tad.And the�ustor covenants with the'l�ustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title
<br /> to the same againat the lawful claims of all persons whonnsoever. � �
<br /> IN TRUST HOWEVER. for the following described purposes:WHER.EAS, the Z�rustor did on this date execute a , � �
<br /> . home improvement Retail Installment Contract 1"Contract")avidencing a Total of Pa�nents of 3 �3e��,,o�_ . ,
<br /> being payable in monthly inatallments at such place as the Hetteficiary may designate in writing from time to time�. + . `.
<br /> Notwithstanding any praviaion oontained herein or in said Contract to the contra�,if ot sooner paid.all sums due and = .
<br /> owing under the terms of said Coatract shall be paid on or before _ �'I�^��_ ,The Total Sale Prioe
<br /> of said Contract is a � � and is for services and goods described as
<br /> �19�iA��i-6F�'�T.,,�.,..� - t7 :--_a
<br /> ,said work estimated to be completed NOVEMBER kS', 19 8 9 , ;�:G=
<br /> �� =
<br /> It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that until filing of Notice of Default, the Trustor shall: (1)pay all
<br /> present and future taxes and assessments, general and special, ag.a�'nst said property before the same becoxnes
<br /> delinquettt or actionable:(2)keep all improvements erected on the land�nsured as may be required from time to time by
<br /> beneficiery agau�at loss by fire and other hazards,casualties and contingencies.in such amounts�nd for such periods as
<br /> • are reasonable and may be required by beneficiary,and Lo keep all policies of such insurance in fosce or effect upoa the � '
<br /> property herein described constantly assigned and delivered to beneficaary,l3)pay and com�ly with all of the terms and � - .
<br /> ;conditions of any lien.claim or indebtedness that may be senior w or take precedence to tlus Trust Deed a�soon as aay ;�� .
<br /> , such pt�yment on such lien, claim or indebtedness shall become due; and upon failure of Z4�ustor to keep any said !.
<br /> agreements,bene�iciary may pay such tax,pay for such insurance orpay off such liens or claims or indebtedness as the �:� .�
<br /> case may be. and the money so expended tog�ether. thereon as provided by the terms of the aforementioned Contract. ;. �,:,
<br /> shall be secured by this�ust Deed,and the Truator agrees to repay the same upon demand,and upon failure to do so • . .
<br /> the balance of the attached Contract shall become immediately due and payable at the option of the beneficiary; (4)
<br /> specifically cunfer upon the�ustee tite power of sale as provided in Nebraska law;(b)retain possession af the premises
<br /> ' and collect the rents and revenues therefrom.
<br /> Upon paymemt of all the aums secured by this Trust Deed.the Beneficiary shall rec�uest the Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> pmperty and shall surrender tlus Truat Deed and all Contracts evidencing indebtedness secured by this Triist Deed to
<br /> the�u�tor.Trustee shall reconvey the�roperty without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled thereto;but
<br /> if default be made in the payment of said Contract or any part thereof or any of the mtereat thereon when due or in the
<br /> feithfu}performance of any or either of said agreetnenta as aforeasid.tl�en the wliole of said Contract shall become due
<br /> and be paid as hereinafter provided.and thia deed shall remain in farce•the Trustee or hia attorney may proceed to sell
<br /> the property in ita entirety or in parcela at the option of the Trustee hereinbefore described at public auction. Lo the
<br /> highest bidder,for cash.However.the power of sale herein conferred upon the Truatee shall not be exercised until I1)the
<br /> Tivetee shall�rst�le for re�ord.in the office of the reg�ater of deeda of each county wherein the truat property or eome
<br /> part or parcel therein is aituated, s notice of default.identifying the Trustee by stating the names of the Trustor and
<br /> names therein and givin� the book and page where the 9ame is recorded, a description of the trust property. and
<br /> containing a statement that a breach of an obligation for which the truat property was conveyed as security has
<br /> - occurred,end setting forth the nature of such breach and of hia election to sell or cause to be sold such property to satisfy ' - -� - -
<br /> the obligation;and 12)after the lapse of not leas than one month� the Trustee shall give notice of sale as provided by �
<br /> Nebraska law.After notice of default and lapse of not lesa than one month,the T4�ustee shall give written notice of the
<br /> time and place of sale particularly describing the property to be sald by publication of such notiee,at least five times. ,
<br /> once a week for five consecutive weeke.the last publ�cation to be at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to the �
<br /> sele. in some newapa r having a generel cir�ulation in each county in which the property to be`sold. or some pert
<br /> _-----= f►u,►s�nf�:a silsspl�.��poi! °!?�1�owln t{�O�14*M CI�R�I!`�RY`7�1,}O R�)f�fIPI/V0f A�Isp(��f C7IIVe�SI�Ce Of t1LP p!'O�lt� 4t►�(�r.n �
<br /> L the pvrchaser ar purchasers thereof and any statement or recital of fact in auch deed in relation to the exercise of the
<br /> power of sale and sale of the property described therein,including recitals concerning any mailing,personal�elivery and �
<br /> , publication of the notice of default,any mailin�and the publication and posting of notice of sale,and the conduct of sale; '.�
<br /> and such recital shell wnstitute prima faci�ev�dencd of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona c�
<br /> i -� fide purchesera and encumbrancera of value and without notice. The Truatee's deed shall operate to convey to the ��t
<br /> - pvrchaser,without right of redemption, the Trvstee's title and ell right, title, interest and claim of the'I�rustor and his �
<br /> --_ s u c c e s s o r e i n i n t e r e s t a n d o f a l l p e r s o n s c l a i m i n g b y o r t h r�ug h o r u n d e r t h e m, i n a n d t o t h e p r ope r ty so l d,inc lu ding a l l .
<br /> - =�� such right, tiile, intereyt r�nd claim in arYd tu such property ncquir�d by the Trustor c�r h�s yuccessary in interest '
<br /> --�� sub9equent tv thN execution�,t the'I'ru�+l,ee.'('he Ttust,ee shnll apply the procc�ds of the 7'rusteN's wle; firyt, t�r the cust
<br />=-�,ra and expensNS u€ exerciaing t he pc�wer of yt�le, and of the sule, mcludinK t he paymen� c,f the TrustE.�'s fct�s �rtuf�lly
<br />_-���!' mrurrexl noL w exct�d �he umount whirh moy be provided in the 7Yust I)eed, s�sconci, tc� p��yment af th�� nhli�;ati��nv
<br />=;�i�F acrurF�1 hy thr. '(`rust hcx�. Undthe b�elance, it eny, t�, the persan c,r persuns IeKully ��ntitled therE�lo. � rf
<br /> I����,' NnK!9 ?h1�11 �K��v. './k��j J
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