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2016058/ 1 <br /> 6850413320 -NE <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> A tract of ground abutting on Lot Fifteen(15),Block Twenty(20),Scuff's Addition to West Lawn,an <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:Beginning at the <br /> Southwest corner of Lot Fifteen(15),Block Twenty(20),Scuff's Addition to West Lawn,an Addition <br /> to the City of Grand island,Nebraska,thence running East on the South line of said Lot Fifteen(15), <br /> for a distance of One Hundred Seventy Five(175)Feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot Fifteen <br /> (15),thence running South on a prolongation on the East line of said Lot Fifteen(15)for a distance <br /> of Sixty Eight(68)Feet,thence running West parallel to the South line of Said Lot Fifteen(15)for a <br /> distance of One Hundred Seventy Five(175)Feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot Fifteen <br /> (15)if the same were extended to the South,thence North Sixty Eight(68)Feet to the Southwest <br /> corner of said Lot Fifteen(15),such tract being the part of what was West 17th Street in the City of <br /> Grand Island,Nebraska vacated by Ordinance No.3993 of the City of Grand Island,Hall County, <br /> Nebraska <br />