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2� 1 ��5792 <br /> �E�� �� T���� <br /> ���n �Ila: �7���1��� ���I�t[Ci��d} Pa�� � <br /> ���u��nt� #a Tr��t�� �r L�n��r a r �� vxrl��cf� �ith�r �� t�em m a� b� �th�rv�rise enti�tled� r�t�y �� ��c�r�i���i f <br /> �a n�urr�ntly ar ir��l���r�d�ntl�r f��m ti�� �� tirn� �n� �� �ft�r� �s m��E�� �I��m��l ��cp�d i�r����r Trr����� �r L�n��r� <br /> �rr� �itl��r �f th�m may pu��u� ir���r�sist�r�t r�rrti��i��. N��hir�g in thi� ���d af Tru�� s�t�[] I�� ��r���ru�� �s <br /> �r�hik�itin� L�r��i�s'ft'�m ���kir�� a de�ici�nGy ju�l�m�r�t��air�st tl��T��st�r t�th,� ���nt�u�f� acti�n ss�ermittec� t�y <br /> �� ' <br /> �I��ti�r� �f F��r�����s. Al[ �� I��r��i�r`s righ��s and r�rr��di�� will �� ��mu[�tiv� �n�f ��y 1�� e�c�r�ised �[o€�e �r <br /> t����h�r. [� ��nd�� d��id�� t� �p�r�d r�an�y ar �� ��r��rm �n�r o��ru�to�'s ��li��ti�r�� �r�d�r thi� ���d ��T��st, <br /> ��Ft�r Tru�tar'� f�il�r�t� �� ��, ��at d��i�i�n �y L�r-��er v�ril� r�at aff�ct ��n�i�r's ri�h��� �e�l�r� Yru��ar in ��f�u3t <br /> a nd t����rc i�� L�r���r's r�rr7�di�s� <br /> ��qu�s#��r'N��'r��. Tr�s�a r� �n �eh�lf��T�u���r�r�d L�n��rr h����y r��u���s��a�a �a py❑��r�� N ati�� a�����U It <br /> and � ���y�#�t�y N�ti���f���� �r��t�r this D��c� ��Yru�t 1�� r�rY�i I�d ta���rr� �t th� ��+�r�s��s���f�rth in th�fi r�� <br /> p�r��r�ph�f thi� ���d afr Tru�t. <br /> Attorn�y�' ��e�� F���rts�s. E� L�n��r ir�stit�t�s �ny ��i� �r a���on to��r��or�e any �f th� ��rrr�� �f tl��s ���r� �f <br /> Tr��t� L�r�d�r�h�l l b� �n�i�l�� to recav�r s u�t� ��rr� ��t�� ��urt m ay adj u��� r�as�n�b I� �� att�rn��r�' f��� ���ri�� <br /> a�nd upon �ny �����[. Vl�h�t�ief �r r��� �.ny �v�rk ���i�� is invaCv�d, �n� t� �th� ��ct�r�t n�t �r�1�il�it��i 1�y ��v�r, �ll <br /> r����r���E� ��€p�n�e� �en�ler in�urs f��t iri L��d�r'� ��ir�i�n a�� ��c���ary at �ny tim� f�r th� �r�te�ts�� �� it� <br /> i�t�r�st�r th� �n��r��m�nt��i�s ri�ht�shal] �e��m� a �a r���th� �r��f�i�t�d�r��ss ��y��l� �r���m�r,d �r�€� s h,�l I ��a� <br /> in��rest at th� [�ot� rat��r�rn t�������f tl����p�n�itur� un�il ����i�. �����n��s ����r��i f�y�his para�rap� in�[�d�f <br /> v�ith�ut ]i mit�ti�n� �i�uu�v�r�ut�j�c�ta any li m i�ts un��r ����i�a t�l� 1 av�, L�r�d�r.'s �tt�rr����' f��� �r�d L�r�d�r's I���[ <br /> e�pen���r �r��tt��r �� ��t tl��r� i� � [��suitr =r��I�din� �tt�rn�y�' f��s �n�i ��p�ns�� f�r ��n�rup��y �raceedi��� <br /> {ir��l��lir�� �ff�rts�� m�r�ify�r vaca���ny a�tom�t�c st�y or in�un�ti�r�}r �����Isr ��� �r���r��i�ip�t�€� ���t-jud�m��� <br /> ��ll���i�r� �erv���s, tf�� �����f s��r�hti r�� r��o r��, �k���i r�ir�� titl� r���rt� �in����i i�� f�r���[�sure r�ports�r s ur�r��rar�` <br /> r�p�rt�f �n�i �p�raE�al f��s r titl� i nsur�n��, �nd ���s f�r �h� Tr�st��� t� �[�� ��t�rit ��rrr�itt�� f�y ���li ca k�l� 1 av�. <br /> Trust�r�1�� vtiri I� ��y�r,�r c�urt�a�t�r i r�a�idi�i�n�� �[1 �th�r��m��r��i d�� by I�vtir. � <br /> F�i�ht���F�rus���, Tr��t�����1[ h�v��If�#�I��ri�ht� a nd d�ti���f L�r��l�r�s���f��i� i r�tf�i� s�c�ki�r�. <br /> P��ER� l�N a �B�j�ATI��� ��YFiLI�T�E. T[�e fal l�wir�� �rav�s i�r,s r�l�tir�� t� th����nr er� �r,� �b I����i�r�� �f Tr��t�� <br /> �r� ��rt��this D���[�f Tr��t: <br /> P�w�rs �f�r�st��_ In �dditian t� �I[ pow�rs �f�ru�t�� �ris�r�� �s � rr��tt�r af[�wr �r�st��sh�l� ���r�th� �a��r�� <br /> ta����e f�f��win� ��ti�n� v►fith r�s���t t�th� Pr�}��r��p�n th�wr��k�n r��u����f L�nd�r an�l Tr��t�r: �$� j�in in <br /> pre�aring �n� �i[ing a mag �r p��t �f th� Ft��! �r����ty, ir��l�dirt� th� d��i��tian �f str��t� �r �tt��r ri�ht� t� t�� <br /> ��al�[i�r {k�� j�in in �r�ntin� �ny ��s�m��t �r �r����ng �ny r�s�ric�ian a� �i�� ���I Praperty� and �c} jair� an any <br /> s�b�rdir��tE�r� �r�tl��r��r��m�r���ff��tir��t�ris D����f�i r��t ar�F�� in��rest�f L�n�er�nti�r tk�is ����i��T�-�st. <br /> Tru�t��. Tr�st�� �h��� ���t �I[ ���li�ri��t���� r���ir�r� fQr Tru���� un��r ��pli���l� l�w. [n ���iti�n �� �he ri�h�� <br /> ��t� r����i�s ��t f�rtl� ���v�r with r�����t�a �Il �r �r,� p�rt af �h� �r�p�rtjr, t�� T�u���� s��l� hav� th� �i�ht t� <br /> f�r��[�s� ]�y r���ic� �r�d sal�� �rr� L�n��r �rv i�l I�a�v� ��� right t� ��r�cl��� �y;��i�i�I f�r��la�ure f ir� �i�#��r c as� ir� <br /> a���rdan���ith���t�th��ull��c�t�nt pr�vi���i by�p�f3�ab�� I�v�r. <br /> �ucc��s�r Tru�te�. L���erf �t L���i�r's ��ti�r�� rr��y fr�rrti �irri��t�tim� ����ir�t� �u������r Tru�t��t� ar�y Trust�� <br /> ����int��i un��r tf��� ��e� �f Tr��t �� a n i r�str�rn�nt ��c���at�� �n� a�kn�v�rl ed��� by L�nd er anai r���r��d in th� <br /> �ffi�e �f t�� r����r��r �f �IALL ���r�t�r� �tat� �f N��r�sk�. T�t� i r�strum�r,� s I��11 ��n��i r�, i r� �d�iti�ri #� �I� �tl��� <br /> m a�ers r�qu�r�d f��r sta�� [aw f ��� r�am�s �� ��r� �ri�in�� Len�i err �'ru�t�e, �r�d Tr��t�r� �i�� ���l� �nr� p��� {�r <br /> ��m�ut�r �y�t�m ����r�n��� ����� thi� ���d a� Tr�st i� r���r���, �n� �he �a m� and ��d r�s� �� th� su���s��r <br /> trust��r �r,�tl��ir,�trurr��r�t��t�C1 C������ut�� �r�� ��k���rvf�d��� �� �I[�tl�� �����i���ri�s un��r tl�s� ������Tr����r <br /> �h�i r ������s�rs in ir���r�st. �h� su���s��r tr�ast��r �r itF���t c�nv��r�n�� �f th� �r�p�rt�r, �h�l� s u����� t� �[� th� <br /> tr�f�, paw�r� �s�� d�ti�� c�nf�rr�d u���the Trust�� ir�tt�is ���� ��Tr�tst�r��i ����Opl���k�C� ���v. Tl�i���r���dur�f�r <br /> substi��ti�n�f Trus���sh��l ��v�rn#�#h����Eu�i�n�f�11 �th�r p r�vi�i�n�f�r sul�stit�ti�n. <br /> IV��I�E�. A�� r��t��� req�ir�d �p �� �iv�n �n��r tl�is ���� a�Tr��t, in�l�r�in� v�rith��t limi�a���n �ny n����� �� d�f��s[t <br /> an� ��y n�t��� �-f�ai� s h�l I b� �iv�r, in v,rriti r��, �r�d ���I f �� �ff�cti�� v�r�r�r� ��tua Il� �e[i��r�d� v�l��r� �ctu�Ily r���iv�� <br /> �y t�3�f���i�il� ��nl�Ss ��f��rv�i$� �-���i r�� b����rv�, wl��n ����s if�� �nrith a r�a���nal Iy r����n���� �v�rni�h�t���sri�rr �rI i� <br /> ma�I�d r v�ri��r� d���s it�� in tF�e U n�ted �tat�s ma�I, a� fi rst�[ass, ��rtifi�d �r r��i st�r�� rr��il ���ta�� �r���i�[, �i r����� t� <br /> tl�� �ddr����� �h��rr� n��r�he b��ins�i�� v�#h�s I���� �f`fr���. All ���i�� �# n��i��� �f f�r�cl��ur� �r�m -th� h�l��r �� <br /> any I i�n w hi ch h��s p ri�rity a�r�r this ���d ��Tru�� �[��l l �� s�r�t t� L��r��r's �d�r�s�� �� �t���r� rr��r th�� ���i nnin� �f <br /> tl�i� D��d �f�i ru��. Ar�y ��rs�n m��{ ���n�� his �r h�r a�����s f�r n�ti�e� ���i�r this ���� �f Tru�� �y �ivi�� f�rm al <br /> writk�r� n��i�� t� th� �th,�r �ers�n af p�r��r�s, s���if�arin� ���t #h� ��rp��� �f th� r��ti�� i� t� �Y�a�g� t�� ��rs�n'� <br /> �d�r�s�. ��r��ti�� pu�-}��s��F Tru��or a�r��s�� k��� L�n�l�r inf�rm�r� �t�[�tim�s ��Tru�st�r'� �urr�nt�ddr�ss. �lnl��s <br /> �therwi�� pr�vic��� �r r���ssr�� b�r I a w, 1�tl3�f� CS rrti�r� th�n �r��Tru�t��r{ �r�y �r�ti ce �i�r�r, �r� L�r���r t�..��y 3'rust�r �s <br /> ���rr��c��� l�e n�ti���iv�r�t� �I[Trust�rs. [t u�ri IC k��Trusto�'s respa r�s iE�ility t���I I��h�o���rs�f th� n�ti��fr�� Ler���r. <br /> IIF[I��ELLA�13���IS �F��Vi�I�N�. T�r�f�l[�v�rin� mi����l�r����s����ri�i�r���r� � ��rt�f�Y�is ���d a�Trust: <br /> A�rtendme��. 1�1lh��t i� wri�t�n i n thi� ���� ���r��t anci i n th� R�1 at�� a��um�nt� i� Tr�sst�r's �r��i r� ��r��rr��rrt <br /> �vith L�r�der ��r��ern�n� th� €��tters �a�r�r�d �y th�� ���d ��T��st. T� �e �ff���ti��� �r�� cl��r�g� ���rr��r��rn�r���� <br /> �I�is ����1 �f Tr��t m��� l�� in �rritin� an� m�s� b� si�n�r� by vtirh��v�r v�ril[ b� ���n� �r ��IE����d �y th� �h�r��� �r <br /> �m�r��€m�nt. <br /> �a�t��r� F����i���. ����i�r� i����i r��� 1 C] t}`iE$ ���� �� Tr��t �re ��r �onv�r�E�n�e ��ar��s�s �n[y �r�d ar� r��t t� h� <br /> u���l�� i�t�r�r�t�r�]��in�th� �r�v3si�r�s��thi� ���d�f Tru�t. <br /> Il�l�rger. Yh�r� �h�l[ E�� r�� �n�r��r�f�h� int�r����r���a�e �r�at��f 1�y thi� ���d �f Trust v�i�� an�ath�r ir�t�r�st�r <br /> ��t�t� in th� �r�p��t� �t�rry tirrt� h�ld Y�y ar f�r��� ��r��fit�f L�rt��r in �r�y���a��i�r� v�itl�out tl�� v�rritt�r� c��s�nt <br /> ��L�r�d�r� <br /> ��v�rfli�r� Lav�r. Thi� ���d �� Ti ru�t v�ri�l �� gav�rn��l I�y f��l�r�� [�w ����i��l�l� t� L�r�d�r �c�t�� t� the e�#ent n�# <br /> �r�empted �y f��eraC law�th� law���r th��t�#e��11��t�r�s��with��a�r�����1��i�� ��r�fli�#s ��law�r�visi�n�. Thzs <br /> ���d�f Tru��I��� ���rr�����t�d by��nder ir�th������€�f l��l����k�. <br /> ��Qi�� �f�f�ne��.� If th�r� is � faw�r�itf Tr�sst�r ��r��s up�n L�nd�r's r��u���t� ���mit �� th� ��€ri�di�ti�� �f the <br /> ���rts ��r M al l ��urrty f St�t��f�[��r��l��. <br /> .��int an�l ��v�ral Lia�i[it�,�. �►I[ abl���tians �f Tru�tar ur�d�r this a��� �f Tru�t sl��ll �� j�ir�t �r�� s�v�r�l, �r�� �I[ <br /> r�f�r�r�c�� t� Tr�st�r sY��[] m��r� ���k� �r�d ���ry Trust�r. Thi� m��n� th�t �a�h �'r�ast�r s i�ni n� ��l�w �� <br /> r����nsi�����r al!�b�i��ti�n� in t[�i� a����f Tr�a�-t. <br /> N� �Jl��iv�r !�y L�n��r�. Tr��t��-un��r�tan�� L�n��r v�ri�l n���i�r� �� ar�y�f L�r�d�r's ri�h�� und�r fi�i� ���� af�rUst <br /> un[��s L�r���r da�s s� in �nrritin�. T�r� �a ct tl��t ��n�i�r ��I a�s �r �r�it� �� ��er�is� �r�y �i�h� �ri I� nv� m��r� th�t <br /> ��n��r h�� �iv�r� �p tha� ri�h�. If L�n��r �i��s ��r�e in �nrriti�� t� �i�� u� �n� �f L����rr� ri�ht�, that d��s ��t <br /> rrti�a r� Tru�t�� �ill n�t ha�r� t� ��rr�p I� �ith t1�� �th�r �r��ris i�r�s ��'��is ���� �f �ru�t. Tr��t�r �[s� �n��rstan�� <br /> th�t Rf L�n��r ���s ��n��nt �� a r�����t� t�at d��� n�t m��n th�t �ru�t�r v�ril� r��� h�v� �ta g�� ��n�er's �ons�r�t <br /> ���1C1 if�I��S��U��F��'l�1���7��� ���'l�l. Tr�tst�r f�rth�r�r�d�r���r�ds�1��t j ust������� L����r��ns�nts t� �n��r mvr� <br /> �f 3ru�t�rt� r����st�, th�t ���� r��t m��n L�n��r v�ril� �� r��uir�� t� ��n��nt t� �ny �f Tr�st�r's fut�r� r��u���s� <br /> � Tr�st�r v�raiv�s pr��en�tment, �f�rn�nd far p��m�ntr ���t�st, �nd r��ti�� ��dishar��r. <br />