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2� 1 ��579� <br /> Upon re�eipt of p�yment of the price bid,Trustee s�all deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> canveying the Property.The re�itals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie e�iden��of the truth <br /> . vf the statements m��de therein.Trustee shall�pp�y the prviceeds of the sale in the following order: <br /> �a)to aii costs and expenses of exercising th�power of sale,and the sale,including the payment of <br /> the Truste�'s fees actua�l�in.curred and reasanable attorne��'fees as permi�ted by Applicable Law; <br /> �b}t�all sums secured by th�s SeCurity Instrument;and�c�any excess to tbe persan or persans <br /> legall�entitled ta�t. <br /> �3. Reconveyanee.Upon paymen�of a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shal�re�uest <br /> Trustee to recon�rey the Proper�r and sha11 surrender this Security Ins�rum�nt and atl nc�tes evidenc�ng <br /> debt secured by�his Se�urxty Instrument ta�rustee, Trustee sha�l reconv��the Proper�y wzthaut�r�.rranty <br /> to the person�r persons 1ega11y entitl�d to it. Such person or persons�ha11 pay any recordation costs. <br /> Lender may char�e su�h person or persans a fee for reconveying the Property,but only if the fee is paid <br /> to a�hird party(such as the Trustee)f�r ser�ices render�d and the chargin��f the fee i�permitted under <br /> Appt�cable Law. <br /> 24. SubstituteTrustee.Lender, at its op�ion, may from time to time remove Trus�ee and appoint a <br /> successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrurnent rec�rded in the caun�y in which <br /> this Secur�ty Instrument is re�orded. With�ut conveyance of the Property,the successor�rustee sha11 <br /> succe�d to all�he titleA p�w�r and duties conferred upon Trustee here�n and by Apptica�le Law, <br /> 2�. Requestfvr Nflti�es.Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and saie be sent to <br /> Borrower's address which is the Property Address. <br /> ��. ►Illlai�ers.Borrower wai�es all right to h�mestead e�emption in the Property. <br /> 27. Attorneys` Fees.As used�n.this Security Instrumen�and the Not�, att�rneys' fe�s sha11 includ�those <br /> awarded by an appellate court and any attorneys'fees inGurred in.a bankrup�cy proceeding, <br /> FHA[3eed of Trust W�th MERS-NE 9134J2ti14 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N(NE}(15DB}.40 <br /> Wolters 1{iuwer F�nar�cial Sen►ices Page 15 af 17 <br /> q43359816158 Oz33 354 1517 <br />