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2� 1 ��579� <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Laan S��icer;Natice af Grievance.Th�l�ate or a part�al interest in the <br /> Nnte(tagether with this Security Instrument)c�n be so�d vne or more times without prior notice to <br /> Barrower.A saie might resutt in a change in th�entit�r�kr�o�n as the "Laan Servicer")that collects <br /> Periodic Payments due under�he Nate and this Security�nstrument and perfarms other mortgag�loan <br /> ser��ciag obligations under�he Note,thi�Secur�.ty Instrument,and Applicable Law. There a�so rnight b� <br /> one or more changes of�h�Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Not�. If there is a chaage of the Loan <br /> 5er�icer,$arrower will�e give�written nat�ce of the change which wi11 state the name and at�dress�f <br /> the new Lt�an Servicer,the address to which pa�ments should be made and any ather infarmation RESPA <br /> requues in con.nection with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the N�t�is sold and thereafter the I,�an�s <br /> ser�ic�d by a Loan Ser�icer ather than the purchaser of the Note,the mor�gage loan ser�icing obligat��ns <br /> to Borrower�vi�l remai��vith the Loan.Serv'icer or be transferred to�suc�essor Loan Ser�iGer and are <br /> nat assumed by�he Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Nate purchas�r. <br /> Nexther B�rro�ver nor Lender ma}�commence,jo�n,or be joined to any judicial action(as e�th�r an <br /> indi�ridual litigant or the member of a G1ass�that arise�fr�m the other par�ty's act��ns pursuant to this <br /> Security Ins�rument or that alleges that the o�her party has breached any pr�v�sion of,or any duty ow�d <br /> by reason of,this Security Instrument,until s�ch Barrawer or Lender has no�if�ed the o�h�r par�y��v�th <br /> such n�tice given in compliance with the requiremen�s of Section 14)of such a�leged�r�ach and afforded <br /> the other part�r hereto a reasonable per�od after the giving of such not�ce to take corrective action. If <br /> Applicab�e La�v�rovides a time period which must elapse before certa�n acti�n can be ta.ken,that time <br /> period w��l be deemed to be r�a�onable for purposes of this Section. The notice of acceleratian and <br /> o�portunity to cure given ta Borrower pursuan�to 5ection�2 and the notice of acceleration given to <br /> Bvrrawer pursuan�to�ection 17 sha11 be deemed tv satisfy the notice and opportunity to��corrective <br /> action pr��isions of this Section 19. <br /> �U. Bo�row�r Nat Third-PartyBenef�ciaryto �ontract of Insurance.Mortgag�Insurance reimburses <br /> Lender(or any entity that purchases the Note�for certain losses it ma�incur if Borrovwer does not repay <br /> the Loan as agreed. B�rro�ver acknotivledges and agrees that the Borro�er is not a third party beneficiary <br /> to the�ontract of insurance be�ween the Secretary and Lender,nor is�onawer entitled ta enfvrce any <br /> agreement betweer�Lender and the Secretary,un��ss exp�icitly authori2ed to do so by Applicable Law. <br /> 2'I. HazardousSubstances.As used in this Sect�on�1: �a) "Hazardous Substances"are those substances <br /> defined as to�ic or hazardous substances,po�lutants,or wast�s by Environm�ntal Law and the fo��owing <br /> substances: gasaline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum produc�s,toxic pesticides and <br /> herbic�des,vo�atile solvents, ma�erial�containing asbestos or forma�dehyd�,and radioactive materials; <br /> �b} "Envuonmen�a�Law"means federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> that r�late t�heal�h,safety ar en�ironmental protection;�c} "Envi�onmental Cleanup" includes any <br /> respvnse action,remedial action,or remo�al ac�ion,as defined in Enviranm�ntal Lativ;and�d�an <br /> "Environmental Cond�tion"means a condition that can cause,c�ntribute to,or otherwise trigger an <br /> Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower shal�aQt cause�r permit the presence,use,d�spvsal,storag�,or release af any Hazardous <br /> Subs�an�es,or threaten to release any Hazardous Substane�s,oa or in the Propert�. Borrower sha11 no� <br /> do,nor al�otiv anyone else to do,anything affecting the Property�a)that is in v�o�ation af any <br /> Environmental Law,��}�hich creates an Environmental Condi#ian,or(G}�uhich,du�to the presence, <br /> use,�x release af a Ha�ardous Substance,creates a conditian that adversety affects the valu�of the <br /> Property.The preceding two sentences shall n�t apply�o th�presence,use,or on the Proper�of <br /> F HA�7eed of Trust W ith M E RS-IV E 913(?12fl 14 <br /> Bar��Cers SystemsT� V�U1P� VMP4N(NE}(154B}A4 <br /> VIIolEers Klwv�r Financia�5�rvic�s Rage 13 of 17 <br /> qU3359$1515$ �233 354 131? <br />