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2� 1 ��5774 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 7�7�979�9 �C�ntlnu�d} Page 'I� <br /> concentrativn or physical, chemicaE vr infectious characteristics, may cause �r pose a present vr patential hazard <br /> to human hea[th or the en�irvnmen#when improper[y used, treated, s#ored, disposed of, gene�-ated, manufactur�d, <br /> transpvrted or otherwise handled. Th� wards "Hazardous Substances" are used in their �ery broades# sense and <br /> inciude without [imitativn any and all hazardaus ❑r t�xic substances, mafierials �r waste as defined by ❑r listed <br /> under the En�ironmenta� Laws. The t�rm "Hazardous Substan�es" also includes, without limitatian, petraleum and <br /> petroleum by-prvducts ❑r any fraction�hereof and asbest�s. <br /> Impro�ements. The ward "lmpro�emenfs" means ail existing and futur� impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mobile homes af�ix�d on the Reai Property, fiaci[ities, addi#ions, repla�ements and other construc�ivn ❑n the Reai <br /> Properfiy. <br /> Indeb�edness. The ward "lndebtedness" means ail p�incipal, in�erest, and other amounfis, �osts and expenses <br /> payahle under the Nate ❑r Related Docum�nts, �og�ther wEth a�l renewals ❑f, extensions o�, modifica�ions ❑f, <br /> consolidations of and substitutions �o�the Note or Refated Documents and any amaunts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender �o dis�harge Trustor's obiigatians vr exp�nses incurred by Trustee v� Lender to enfarce Trus�or's <br /> obligativns under this Deed ❑f Trust, tag�ther with interest an such amounts as pra�ided in �his D�ed of Trust. <br /> Specifica[ly, withaut limitati�n, [ndebtedness includes the tuture ad�ances set forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pra�isian��this Deed af Trust,together with a�i interest�hereon. <br /> Lender. The word "Lende�-" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Note. The word "No�e" means the promissory note dated September �, 2���, tt7 thE original principal <br /> amount af $5�,7 35.��fr�m Trustor t� Lende�, t�gether wi#h a�E renewals ❑f, extensivns❑f, modi#ications nt, <br /> refinancings o�F, consvfidafiions o�, and subs#itutions for�he promissory nate❑r agreemen�. <br /> PersonaI Property. The w�rds "Persona� Property" mean all equipmen�, fixtures, and vther articles of persona[ <br /> property now or hereaf#er own�d by Trustvr, and now ar hereaft�r attached or affixed to the Rea� Prope�ty; <br /> tvgether with a[E accessians, parts, and additions to, a�� repla�ements of, and all substitutions for, any of such <br /> property; and together wi�h a[[ proceeds �inciuding without limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds ❑t <br /> premiums} �r�m any sale or❑ther dispasition of the Property. <br /> Property. The word "Property" means callecti�ely the Real Property and the Personal Praperty. <br /> Real Property, The words "Real Property" mean the real prop�rty, interes�s and rights, as fur#her described in�his <br /> D��d vf Trust. <br /> Rela#ed Documents. The wards "Related Documents" mean all prvmissary notes, credit agreements, lflan <br /> agreements, en�ironmenta� agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of �rust, secur�ty <br /> deeds, collaterai mortgages, and ai! ❑ther ins�ruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter <br /> existing, executed in connectivn with the lndebtedness. <br /> Ren#s. The word "Renfis" means all present and future rents, re�enu�s, incame, issues, royalties, profi�s, and <br /> other benefits deri�ed frvm the Prvperty. <br /> Trus#ee. The word "Trustee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whvse addr�ss is P.� gox �5�7, Grand ls[and, NE <br /> 688�2-�5�7 and any substi�ute vr successor trust�es. <br /> Trus�or. The w�rd "Trustor" means ANASTACI� R�MERD and REYNA G R�MER�. <br /> EACH TRUST�R ACKN�WLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PRDViS1nNS �F TH1S DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH <br /> TRUST�R AGREES TQ �TS TERMS, <br /> TRUST�R: <br /> X , . <br /> . .. . . . . <br /> ASTAC��R�MER� <br /> x:: <br /> :�: ��:.�=� : . : . <br /> :�.�:: <br /> :�:.:���. <br /> R ERo <br />