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201605747 <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />principal of the Living Trust to the Grantors as the Grantor that isn't incapacitated may request. <br />During the lifetime of any of the Grantors but while each of the Grantors are incapacitated, then <br />the acting Trustee may withhold or make payments out of the resources of this Living Trust of <br />any amount that the acting Trustee in their sole judgment deem appropriate for the maintenance, <br />comfort and welfare of the Grantors. <br />Distributions Upon Death of the Grantors <br />14. Upon the death of both of the Grantors, and after resolving all applicable legal debts and <br />obligations of the Grantors, the acting Trustee will expeditiously act to distribute the remaining <br />Property as directed in this section. <br />15. After resolving all applicable legal debts and obligations of the Grantors, the acting Trustee will <br />distribute the remaining property in this Living Trust in EQUAL shares (individually the "Share" <br />and collectively the "Shares ") to the following Beneficiaries: <br />a. Pamela Kay Kimminau of Wood River, Nebraska. If Pamela Kay Kimminau does not <br />survive the Grantors and does not leave an heir or issue that survive the Grantors, then <br />this share of the residue of the Living Trust is left to All children of Pamela Kay <br />Kimminau of Wood River, Nebraska. <br />16. Where a Beneficiary is a Minor Beneficiary at the time of the Final Distribution then the acting <br />Trustee may, at their sole discretion: <br />a. Continue to act as trustee(s) by holding the Share of any Minor Beneficiary in a separate <br />trust for that Minor Beneficiary under the same terms and conditions as outlined in this <br />Living Trust, and to keep that Share invested, and pay the income or capital or as much of <br />either or both as the then acting trustee(s) consider advisable for the maintenance, <br />education, advancement or benefit of that Minor Beneficiary until that Minor Beneficiary <br />reaches the age of majority whereupon the then acting trustee(s) will pay or transfer the <br />rest and residue of that Share to that Beneficiary; or <br />
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